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Country Profile Database

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1 Country Profile Database
WMO Country Profile Database and Extranet Information and Collaboration Technologies for Members

2 CPDB V 3.0 A new way of seeing and updating your information
Ability to report on your data and compare to regional or global Evolution from CPDB 2.5 Integrating CPDB, Extranet and Public Web Same style CB sessions, ET/WG meetings and training notification, registration and documents Document collaboration and access control Two views Extranet for the public and registered users Dashboard/home page where you can see and update specific information within your country First let’s look at a Member dashboard Access from public web page or directly The country profile database version 3 is a major milestone in providing Members through their PRs and delegated officers ways of seeing and updating their data with the ability to compare their national profile with their region or global analyses. The images provided here are based on CPDB version 2.5 as well as existing tools available to the secretariat, which as a part of the evolution from 2.5, will provide that functionality to our PRs. CPDB V3.0 aim to integrate the CPDB, Extranet and public web, providing a uniform style for constituent body sessions, expert team/working group meetings as well as training activities. These include uniform notification, registration and document interfaces as well as document collaboration and access control. PRs will have two views of their data. One will have similar functionality to the current extranet and CPDB which is publicly accessible, although it will include controlled content visibility depending on the access of the viewer (logged in or anonymous) The second view is the PRs landing portal, also known as their dashboard or home page. This is where the PR can manage what they see on their page themselves, as well as access the CPDB tools, update their data and manage their staff registrations to WMO activities. WMO secretariat staff portal will look a little different to Members as it will allow them to interact with its in-house systems as well as the CPDB. People will be directed to their portal when they log into the system. (Click arrow button)

3 Contacts & Memberships
Monitoring NEWS CPDB DASHBOARD Alerts Favourites Contacts & Memberships TC/RA activity This is a simulated landing page or dashboard that PRs or the delegated staff will access when they log in Further details about each panel can be seen by clicking on the blue arrow in the frame At the top we have the key aspects of the country, much like the current CPDB 2.5, but here I have included a live map of the current weather forecasts and warning status from the NMHS web page. Next we have the ALERTS panel, the edit country profile, the Contacts and Memberships, Monitoring, Reports and a favourites panel In addition we show here how a news tab can be fed live into the dashboard, as well as having a panel linking to the extranet pages or your favourite, most accessed information. Explore the panels as indicated then click on the next button when done. Country Profile Reports Next

4 What will CPDB do Allows PRs or their representatives to change or nominate experts for teams and activities Experts can maintain own contact details PRs can maintain their own national profile PRs can compare profile with regional or global profile Find capacity development opportunities with national or staff needs Track issues such as submitted correspondence Move between WMO applications simply Using the landing portal will allow PRs or their representatives to change or nominate experts for teams and activities Experts can maintain their own contact details through a standard CRM portal PRs and their delegated staff can maintain their own national profile, including details that are not visible to other users except secretariat staff Standard reports will be available so that PRs can compare profile with regional or global profile The news feed and special subscription services, such as those for ETR, will allow PRs to find capacity development opportunities for national or staff needs PRs can track issues such as correspondence submitted to the secretariat, or changes submitted through their portal Once logged in, registered users will be able to move between WMO applications simply Click the next button to move on. Next

5 Support from WMO staff WMO HQ and Regional Offices only a click away
Changes you make can be validated by them Addresses TC and RA activity as well as projects Same look and feel to all events Registration, agendas, documents, event information Subscribe to news and opportunities relevant to you Easy participation in consultation processes eg Fast track change processes for WIS and WIGOS Less need for ad hoc surveys WMO HQ and Regional Office staff are only a click away. They will have access to your information so will be able to work with you when you are working on the CPDB system. You can contact them by either by opening a case or by traditional methods. WMO staff will be notified about any changes you make, including changing of staff details or nominations. All changes made will appear as pending and will be accepted by the system once a WMO staff has changed the status to approved. This system addresses all WMO activity associated with technical commission and regional association as well as projects Users will experience the same look and feel to all events, making it easier to find information and to contribute This includes accessing the registration, agendas, documents and event information PRs will be able to subscribe to news and opportunities relevant to them It will be much easier for PRs and focal points to participate in consultation processes such as the “Fast Track” change processes for WIS and WIGOS By moving to this system, there will be less need for ad hoc surveys, allowing PRs to manage the input to WMOs monitoring processes in a time frame that suits them rather than having to answer a series of complex surveys on the current, often ad hoc basis. Click the next button to move on. Next

6 Schedule CPDB 2.5 released last year
CBDB 3.0 scheduled for operations start of 2019 Minor updates will continue in version 2.5 as new functionality can be adopted from version 3.0 development An early delivery will be the ability to give staff their own login to edit information. Linking between other applications such as Oscar Development divided into work packages Working on contact management now, until April, then Member and partner profiles, followed by surveys, your landing pages, ETR, and so on We released CPDB last year as a step towards using it for gathering information for WMOs biannual assessment of many activities across WMO. This version included some hints to the future CPDB version 3 by the inclusion of previous answers to questionnaires where possible, as well as graphs showing the status of other NMHSs regionally and globally. A new feature was the ability to include the National Hydrological Advisor to provide details on hydrological services We will continue to add new features as they are made available through the development of version 3.0 where possible. This includes the ability for individuals to use their own login rather than the PR having to share his or hers. Version 3 will be released in 2019 and will be a complete package rather than feature changes to version 2.5 The development of 3.0 will be in work packages as shown in the following diagram, starting with contact management, then Member or partner profiles, followed by surveys, your landing pages, ETR, and so on Click the next button to move on Next

7 Work Package Roadmap Next
Here we see the work packages, where the red line shows our current status. The overlay shows the planned implementation of the GIS project Next

8 GIS Plan The GIS project has kicked off too and is running in parallel to the CPDB and Extranet. It is being provided by ESRI and based on their online systems, already used by some secretariat staff We envisage that formal WMO maps will be available by web services so that, in addition to creating uniformity and compliance of secretariat staff in their products, members can also use them in their web pages and reports End

9 Thank you Merci

10 Projects Members, as well as donor partners, can register and find projects. Here is the WWRP Polar Prediction Project Members, as well as donor partners, can register and find projects. Here is the WWRP Polar Prediction Project The key with projects is to make information available so that all can find them, and either as a donor or recipient request to join in. This does not of course, diminish the importance of liaison and footwork in gathering support, but it does provide a single point of truth. Like social networking, its benefits grow with its use Click next to go to WMO Monitoring and Evaluation

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