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Using and Caring for Laptops and LCD Projectors

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Presentation on theme: "Using and Caring for Laptops and LCD Projectors"— Presentation transcript:

1 Using and Caring for Laptops and LCD Projectors
A Trouble-Shooting Guide for Teachers Who Borrow Technology Equipment

2 Laptop Equipment

3 The Laptop Case The Laptop Case comes with the following materials that must be returned with the case: The Laptop A Power Cord An Ethernet Cord for Internet Access

4 The Laptop All laptops should be connected to a power source throughout a presentation so as to reduce the chance of losing information and avoiding mid-class battery issues When you log-on to a laptop, follow the directions by: Clicking “Control + Alt + Delete” Log-on using your username and password If you cannot log-on, type in the word “administrator” for the username, and leave the password space blank, then click “OK”

5 Power Cord The Power Cord comes in two pieces
You will need to plug in your laptop throughout your presentation Power Cords should be safely tucked away or taped down to avoid damage to laptops

6 Ethernet Cord Most laptops do not have wireless capability
If you need to access the Internet during your presentation, you will need to plug your computer in to an Ethernet connection in your classroom (each classroom has at least 10 Ethernet connections) Simply plug one end of the cord into the wall, and the other in to the laptop

7 Laptop Care-taking The laptop you are using is one of a limited number that the technology department has to loan out to teachers. In order to ensure that the next time you check out a laptop it is in proper working order, please: Be careful in handling the laptops – one drop can destroy a laptop Keyboards can be sensitive – when keys fall off we have to replace an entire keyboard Power sources and RGB’s should be gently inserted into the proper place – Do Not Force

8 LCD Projector Equipment

9 The LCD Projector To turn on the LCD, press the “Power” button
To turn off the LCD, press the Power button once, and then again once the message to turn it off comes up To focus the projected image, turn the dial located on top of the lens

10 Power Cord Once you plug in your LCD, you MUST keep it plugged in throughout your presentation and SHOULD NOT be unplugged until after the LCD fan has shut off. Just because the LCD is no longer projecting does not mean that you can unplug the projector! Power Cords should be safely tucked away or taped down to avoid damage to projectors

11 RGB Cord The RGB cord connects the laptop to the LCD projector
Find the RGB input on the laptop, and plug it in Then, find the RGB input titled “Computer” and plug it in DO NOT FORCE THE RGB – parts break easily

12 LCD Care-taking The LCD you are using is one of a limited number that the technology department has to loan out to teachers. In order to ensure that the next time you check out an LCD it is in proper working order, please: Be careful in handling the LCD’s – one drop can destroy an LCD Power sources and RGB’s should be gently inserted into the proper place – Do Not Force ALWAYS ALLOW THE LCD FAN TO RUN ITS COURSE – DO NOT UNPLUG BEFORE THE FAN SHUTS OFF (you’ll hear it)

13 Laptop to LCD Compatibility
Certain laptops are compatible with certain LCD’s At BPS Education Technology we use a color-coded system to find which laptops can be used with a certain LCD All laptops have a color bar taped to them. All LCD’s are given a color. Make sure the laptop you have has the color of the LCD on its color bar.

14 Connecting the RGB to the Laptop
Magnified Connect the RGB cable to the laptop in the insert shown above – NOTE – some inserts are on the back of the laptop Make sure the RGB is right-side-up and DO NOT FORCE IT!

15 Connecting the RGB to the LCD
magnified Be sure to connect the RGB to the correct insert (there are more than one). The correct insert is titled “Computer”. Some non-Epson LCD’s only have one insert. The Computer/Component Video Insert DO NOT FORCE THE RGB!

16 Connecting the Laptop to the LCD
When connecting the laptop to the LCD: Connect the RGB to the laptop and the LCD When the computer is turned on, press the “Function Key”, and the “LCD Key” (the LCD key can be anywhere from “F4 to F8” so look for the symbol

17 Further Questions If you’re not sure about connections or handling, or if you’re having trouble, contact Education Technology at: BACK TO Training materials copyright and created by Bernalillo Public Schools Education Technology Department © Permission to reproduce for K-12 teacher training or classroom use if given as long as Authorship credit is retained.

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