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The Moon: Eclipses Total Solar Eclipse Total Lunar Eclipse.

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Presentation on theme: "The Moon: Eclipses Total Solar Eclipse Total Lunar Eclipse."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Moon: Eclipses Total Solar Eclipse Total Lunar Eclipse

2 Moon’s Orbit orbit is elliptical, but nearly circular
orbit is tilted (about 5 degrees) with respect to Earth’s orbit because of the tilt, eclipses do not happen very often Earth moon’s orbit


4 Definition solar lunar
An eclipse occurs when one object in space casts a shadow on another object 2 types solar lunar

5 Umbra & Penumbra Umbra Penumbra The darkest part of the shadow
Cone-shaped Covers a small area Penumbra Less dark than umbra Covers a large area

6 Solar Eclipse occurs during a new moon
the moon passes directly between the Earth and sun , the moon’s shadow hits part of the Earth Can only be seen in a small region of the Earth during the daytime Lasts only a few minutes Harmful to unprotected eyes!!!!

7 Total Solar Eclipse Moon’s umbra hits the Earth in only a small part of Earth’s surface Can be seen only where the umbra hits the Earth Sun disappears behind the moon, is covered completely and then reappears Lasts 2 – 3 minutes Not safe to look at !

8 Partial Solar Eclipse Occurs in the area of the Earth where the penumbra hits Part of the sun is visible from Earth, only part of the sun is blocked Not safe to look at!

9 Total Solar Eclipse August 1, 2008
Launch animation visible from northern Canada, Greenland, and China

10 This is the next total eclipse that will be visible from the USA
This is the next total eclipse that will be visible from the USA. The animation shows the shadow of the Moon moving across the Earth during the eclipse. Within the lightly shaded area of the shadow only a partial eclipse would be seen. The fraction of the Sun covered is very small at the edge of the shadow, and increases towards the centre of the shadow area. The area of total eclipse is marked by the tiny dark area at the centre of the shadow.                                                                             . This animation of a solar eclipse was produced by Andrew Sinclair. The respective animation currently appears on the author's website. (Permission to freely reproduce the eclipse animation is gratefully acknowledged). August 21, 2017

11 Solar Eclipse- Photo of the shadow cast on Earth during a Solar Eclipse on August 11, 1999, taken from the Mir Space station. The shadow is about 100 miles across.

12 Solar Eclipse A solar eclipse occurs when the shadow _______ falls on the ______.


14 Lunar Eclipse Only occurs on full moon, therefore only seen at night
The Earth blocks sunlight from reaching the moon The moon is in the Earth’s shadow The moon is still visible during the eclipse, appears reddish Lasts 2 -3 hours

15 Total Lunar Eclipse Occurs when the moon is in the Earth’s umbra
Can be seen anywhere on Earth that the moon is visible

16 Partial Lunar Eclipse Occurs when the Earth, moon, and the sun are not quite in a line Moon passes partly into the Earth’s umbra

17 Lunar Eclipse A lunar eclipse occurs when the _______shadow falls on the ______.



20 Solar & Lunar Eclipses Video Animation Just click More Animations
Video Animation Just click More Animations Just click

21 Quiz Time! A solar eclipse occurs during a _______.
A lunar eclipse occurs during_______. A lunar eclipse is seen at_______. A solar eclipse is seen during the _______. A solar eclipse lasts _______. A lunar eclipse lasts _______. a few minutes new moon day full moon night several hours

22 7. What type of eclipse is shown by this diagram?
8.Letter A identifies the ______________. 9.Letter B identifies the ______________. B A

23 10. Identify A - E C A B D E

24 11. Diagram A represents a ___________eclipse.
12. Diagram B represents a ___________eclipse. A B

25 13. Identify the phase of the moon.
14. Is everyone Earth able to view this type of eclipse?

26 Quiz Time Answers! A solar eclipse occurs during a
A lunar eclipse occurs during A lunar eclipse is seen at A solar eclipse is seen during the A solar eclipse lasts A lunar eclipse lasts (B) new moon a few minutes new moon day full moon night several hours (D) full moon (E) night (C) day (A) a few minutes (F) several hours

27 7. What type of eclipse is shown by this diagram?
8.Letter A identifies the ______________. 9.Letter B identifies the ______________. umbra penumbra B A

28 10. Identify A - E sun Earth moon C A B D E umbra penumbra

29 11. Diagram A represents a ___________eclipse.
12. Diagram B represents a ___________eclipse. solar lunar A B

30 new moon no 13. Identify the phase of the moon.
14. Is everyone Earth able to view this type of eclipse? new moon no

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