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Today’s Objective: How are permeability and porosity related to infiltration?

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Objective: How are permeability and porosity related to infiltration?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s Objective: How are permeability and porosity related to infiltration?


3 – the amount of open space in a rock
Porosity – the amount of open space in a rock Describe the sediments of each vs. High Porosity Low Porosity

4 Porosity Varies with… Amount of Cement Sorting
The more cement between the particles the less pore space. Well sorted (round) soils have more pore space than unsorted soils. Fracturing Bedrock with more fractures or cracks has more pores than bedrock without many cracks.

5 Porosity IS NOT affected by particle size.
48% Porosity 48% Porosity 48% Porosity Each container has an equal volume of sediment and equal pore space.


7 Permeability – The ability of water to flow through a soil.
Permeability depends on soil composition (size and sorting) ** What would impermeable mean?** Large Particles Small Particles Sorted Particles Unsorted Particles

8 Large Particles Small Particles More permeable Water flows easily from space to space Less permeable It’s hard for water to find a path through the soil Sorted Particles Unsorted Particles More permeable Plenty of open spaces that connect to each other Less permeable Small particles fill up the spaces leaving little room for water to move

9 Amt. of water the comes out
The amount, availability, and movement of groundwater depends largely on porosity and permeability. As water permeates soil, some water molecules get stuck on the sediments and do not flow through. This is known as RETENTION Amt. of water pored in 100 mL Amt. of water the comes out 87 mL Amount Retained 13 mL


11 The ability of water to rise in small openings.
Capillarity – The ability of water to rise in small openings. ex. Water being pulled into a paper towel -wet to this height -water -container

12 Properties of Water

13 Capillary Action in Nature

14 More Surface Area

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