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Busisiwe Ramasodi University of South Africa

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1 Busisiwe Ramasodi University of South Africa
Investigating the current state of published research output by Unisa Library staff Busisiwe Ramasodi University of South Africa

2 Introduction “Research is not a process that is the responsibility of others; it is a way of knowing, a way of making better practical decisions that is the responsibility of each of us.” (Swisher in Finlay et al. 2013) “Librarians, including those in distance education, do not publish at all or publish very little.” (Lorenzen, 2009:24; Wiberly 2006:205 ) “All librarians have something to contribute to the literature of the library field.” (Lorenzen, 2009: 24) “Librarians who write benefit the profession and themselves.” (Lorenzen, 2009: 24) “Librarians who regularly publish articles are more likely to be cited in other articles, invited to speak at conferences and recognized as experts in the profession.” ( Lorenzen, 2009:24) “Being part of the profession means one is qualified to write for it.” (Gordon, 2004: 1) “Practitioners have many reasons to write, including reporting work projects, developing a portfolio or to explore a topic of interest.” (Bradley 2008: 729) “Academic librarians, particularly college librarians may increase their contributions to the professional literature through collaborative authorship.” (Bahr & Zemon, 2008)

3 Methodology The population for this study comprised Unisa Pretoria main campus professional librarians who presented papers at conferences and workshops from 50 % of the eligible librarians were randomly selected for the study. 67% of the participants were female and 33% were male, and the majority were aged between years. A structured questionnaire with both open-ended and close-ended questions was administered in face-to-face interviews. Questions ranged from reasons for not publishing, to support needed by those who are publishing to the role of librarians in research output.

4 Findings

5 Benefits of publishing for librarians

6 Role of the librarian in research output

7 Conclusion The objective of this study was to compare the figures for papers and presentations delivered at conferences and workshops versus articles published between 2010 and Thirteen papers were presented, but only 22% of participants published articles and book chapters. The majority of the participants felt writing and publishing needed time and skills. They also needed support throughout the research journey. The Unisa Library has started a research support group whereby researchers are supported throughout the research process. Staff who attended the first ‘camp’ were impressed, but would like to have more sessions where experts mentor them on writing and publishing. Librarians who were interviewed are willing to write (and therefore contribute to the research output of the institution and of the profession) if they are given time to write.

8 References Bahr, A.H. & Zemon, M Collaborative authorship in the journal literature: Perspectives for academic librarians who wish to publish. College & Research Libraries, 61(50): Bradley, F Writing for the profession: The experience of new professionals. Library Management, 29 (8/9): Finlay, A.C. … et al Publish or practice? An examination of librarians’ contribution to research. Libraries and the Academy, 13(4): Gordon, R.S The librarian’s guide to writing for publication. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press. Lorenzen, M Getting published: An overview for off-campus librarians. Journal of Library Administration, 49: South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training White Paper for Post-School Education and Training: Building an expanded, effective and integrated post-school system, November Wiberly, S.E., Hurd, J.M. & Weller, A.C Publication patterns of US academic librarians from 1998 to College & Research Libraries, 67(3):

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