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cinnaminson high school

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1 cinnaminson high school
home & school assoc.

2 2016-17 CHS Home and School Officers
Kim Mauroff – President Jennifer Underwood – Vice President Janet Broadway – Treasurer Mya Takaske-Kay - Recording Secretary Linda Conn - Corresponding Secretary Graduating Parent – Upcoming Vacancy! CONTACT US VIA AT

3 Home & School Monthly Meeting Dates
Meetings are held 4th Monday at 7pm in the CHS Library. All are welcome & encouraged to attend. September 25, 2017 October 23, 2017 November 27, 2017 January 22, 2018 February 26, 2018 March 26, 2018 April 23, 2018 May 21, 2018

4 Current Committees and Chairs
Hospitality – Lynn Wixted Jane Weilenbeck Holiday Project – Kim Mauroff Project Graduation – Michele Peters Scholarship –Michelle Tagliano Super 50/50 – April Thompson Ways and Means – Janet Broadway Volunteer Committee – Kim Mauroff Graduating Parent – Upcoming Vacancy!

5 Why fundraise? All proceeds benefit the students at CHS
through various committees…

6 Scholarship Committee awards over $5000 in scholarships to the graduating class.
Jane Weilenbeck Committee donates over $1000 lending support to our school families in Cinnaminson during the holidays. Teacher Grants supplement materials for the classroom. Pride Day Grants help defray the cost of this annual event. Project Graduation Committee (PG) – a large committee under the umbrella of home and school. We work together in support of focused fundraising events throughout the year which ensure the legacy of last night memories the seniors share on the eve (and well into the morning) of the their high school graduation, doing it safe, together and drug free! Hospitality Committee provides treats that we enjoy on Back to School Nights and other events throughout the year Special Speakers and Programs for school staff, parents and students to benefit. Show Our Appreciation on behalf of all CHS students’ families to our transportation, maintenance and school staff with a thank you note and treat.

7 For more information email
PROJECT GRADUATION IS A 100% FREE EVENT! Home & School has been hosting this event for over 25 yrs!! Focused fundraising events led by the PG committee allows graduating seniors to report back to the High School after graduation to be bussed to & from their senior class celebration. We provide food, entertainment, prizes and gifts, land lots of memories…most importantly we keep the kids off the road & safe on one of the biggest nights of their lives! For more information

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