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F-15 Chrome Free Coating System 17 Jan 2018

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1 F-15 Chrome Free Coating System 17 Jan 2018
Air Force Life Cycle Management Center F-15 Chrome Free Coating System 17 Jan 2018 Mr. Scott Vandersall AFLCMC/WWQ DSN:

2 Topics Background Depaint Process Current Paint System
F-15 Operating Locations CTIO Ranking/Daytona Beach Testing 2014 F-15 Chrome Free Survey & Results Findings Since Survey Pricing Data Way Ahead CTIO – Coatings Technology Integration Office

3 Background Information
F-15 commenced non-chrome primer field service testing some 20 years ago Two Tyndall a/c had right wings primed in 1997 Two more Tyndall aircraft primed in 2000 During evaluation, some corrosion and poor adhesion noted Adhesion was attributed to poor surface prep Formal lab testing of non-chrome systems completed in 2005 (UDRI ) Multiple surface preps, primers and topcoats evaluated Deft 02-GN-084 showed most promise First two Tyndall aircraft had Dexter Aerospace / Crown Metro Aerospace 10PW22-2/ECW 119 non-chrome primer applied to the right wings. Both had adhesion failures on titanium areas of lower wing and one had failures on aluminum lower outer wing. All areas required re-work. Of the second two aircraft (right side only), one was primed with 10PW22-2/ECW 119 primer and the other had PRC EWAE 118 non-chrome primer applied. Adhesion failures were observed with EWAE 118 primer; possibly due to surface preparation issues.

4 Background Information
Painted first aircraft with full non-chrome system (RECC/02-GN-093) in Aug 2009 1-yr inspection performed at NO ANG Coating outperformed existing system of similar age No typical erosion/removal of paint at intakes and chipping around access panel screw holes 1 Yr The pictures are of the same intake. The top one was during John Stephens’ 1-yr inspection. The one below was taken about 4 years 4 months after it was initially painted. RECC – Rare Earth Conversion Coating 4 Yr, 4 Mo

5 Background Information
The full Non-Chrome system was approved for use on all F-15s in Jan 12 Received reports of chipped paint shortly after approval Process issue not material Process change was made in May 2012 .9 mil primer coat Topcoat applied within 4 hours of primer application Since process revision, no other field issues with the Cr-Free coatings reported

6 Depaint Process F-15 De-paint Process at Robins (B137) Timeline:
Tape/Prep, PMB, and clean-up Days Tank blast and final wash - 1 Day Prime & paint – 1 Day

7 Stack-up of DEFT/PPG RECC/02-GN-093 Non-Cr Coating System
Current Paint System PREFERRED SYSTEM Used on the outer mold line on the USAF F-15C/D/E Fleet Stack-up of DEFT/PPG RECC/02-GN-093 Non-Cr Coating System Deft APC Topcoat 02-GN-093 Non-Cr Epoxy Polyamide Primer Pretreatment: RECC 1015 Deoxidizer / RECC 3021 Non-Cr Conversion Coating Substrate

8 Current Paint System TOUCH UPS (Used on the outer mold line on USAF F-15C/D/E Fleet) Stack-up of DEFT/PPG 02-GN-084 Coating System Deft APC Topcoat 02-GN-084 Non-Cr Epoxy Polyamide Primer Pretreatment: MIL-DTL-5541 (Alodine) Substrate

9 Current Paint System Stencil is incorrect: MIL-P-23377K was used with 02-GN MIL-P-23377N is used with 02-GN-093.

Notes: Total fleet worldwide, to include FMS: 1,069 USAF – 55% of total flee Total USAF Fleet Size: 589 Total Bases: 16 Active: 9 ANG: 7 Total WGs/FWs: 17 Active: 10 Total MAJCOMs: 6 1. ACC (lead command) 2. USAFE 3. PACAF 4. AETC 5. AFMC 6. ANG USAF Mission Design Series F-15A-D: Air-to-Air F-15E: Air-to-Ground Foreign Military Sales – 45% of total fleet (POC: Misty Turner) Total FMS Jets: 482 FMS Customers: 5 1. Saudi Arabia (F-15S): C/D-81; S-70 2. Japan (F-15J): C (J)-157; D (DJ)-45 -- 14 FMS, 199 license-produced in Japan by MHI (One F-15C (J) will be excluded from the fleet for approx.3 years for extensive maintenance) 3. Israel (F-15I): A (20); B (6); C (17); D (11); I (25) 4. Korea (F-15K): 39 (40 delivered; one loss) buying 40 (F-15K) (as of 8 Oct) (First delivery occurred 7 Oct 05) Direct commercial sale-deliveries 5. Singapore: Congressional notification 22 Aug 05 Direct commercial sale Value: $741M Signed by Boeing & Singapore Dec 05 12 aircraft with option for 8 more. Oct 07 option for 8 was exercised and order was placed for 4 additional A/C which brings their total to 24 A/C. Singapore signed the LOA 24 Feb 06 Deliveries began in 2009 Managed by 912 AESG (WPAFB). Sustainment managed by 830 ACSG. 8 aircraft delivered--will reside at 428 FS, Mt. Home AFB for 1 year Chart OPR: Pam Ochoa, 568 ACSS/GFLA, ; Data Source: EMAP USAFE-76 aircraft (17%) 48 FW LAKENHEATH (F-15C-19, F-15D-2, F-15E-55) AFMC-7 aircraft (2%) 96 TW EGLIN (F-15C-2, F-15E-5) ACC-179 aircraft (40%) 366 FW MT HOME (F-15E-47) 4 FW SEYMOUR (F-15E-94) 53 WG EGLIN (F-15C-5,F-15E-1) 53 WG(T) NELLIS (F-15C-5,F-15D-1,F-15E-7) 57 WG NELLIS (F-15C-8,F-15D-2,F-15E-9) ANG-137 aircraft (30%) 104 FW BARNES (F-15C-20,F-15D-1) 125 FW JACKSONVILLE (F-15C-20,F-15D-1) 142 FW PORTLAND (F-15C-20,F-15D-1) 144 FW FRESNO (F-15C-20,F-15D-1) 159 FW NEW ORLEANS (F-15C-20,F-15D-1) 173 FW KINGSLEY FIELD (F-15C-23,F-15D-9) PACAF-54 aircraft (12%) 18 WG KADENA (F-15C-50,F-15D-4) USAF Totals (46%) F-15C = 212 F-15D = 23 F-15E = 218 453 C/D Fleet ANG 58% - AD 42% Total USAF F-15 Fleet: 453 10

11 CTIO’s Ranking of Coating Systems for Corrosion Resistance
1. Alodine 1600/02Y040/99GY001 – Old USAF Control 2. PreKote/ AE2100 (Mg Rich Primer)/DEFT 99GY001 3. PreKote/ AE2100 (Mg Rich Primer)/AE 5000 4. AC131(BoeGel)/ AE2100 (Mg Rich Primer)/AE 5000 5. EAP9 (BoeGel)/PRC CA7236 (MgO Primer)/PRC CA 9311 6. PreKote/02Y040/99GY001 – Current USAF Control 7. Alodine 5200/Hentzen 53055GEP/Hentzen35515 APX 8. AC131(BoeGel)/ AE2111 (MgO Primer)/AE 5000 9. DEFT RECC/DEFT 02GN097/DEFT 99GY001 10. DEFT RECC/DEFT 02GN093/DEFT 99GY001 - F-15 System Best Worst This table was taken directly from an AFRL presentation on Cr-Free Coating Systems Characterization/Qualification and Recommendations dated 14 Jan 14. The presentation compared several non-chrome systems with chrome systems for the purpose of qualifying systems to MIL-PRF At the time of the presentation no system could qualify. F-15 System (RECC/02GN093) performed worst. Chrome Non-Chrome Based on outdoor exposure testing at the Daytona Beach site This table prompted the initiation of the chrome free survey.

12 Chrome Free Survey Survey released in January 2014
Three main questions asked on the survey Do you scuff sand and over coat at mid cycle? Have there been any unusual problems? Has there been any unusual instances of corrosion on the outer mold line? Answers were generally positive

13 Chrome Free Survey Results
Only a couple of ANG bases performed scuff sand & overcoat at mid cycle as Standard Operating Procedure No unusual paint problems Most reported problems were on aircraft painted before the process was fixed All other problems were typical leading edge paint erosion No unusual corrosion was reported on the outer mold line

14 Findings Since Survey Wet spots on paint complaints occurred
2015 survey results proved it to be a non-issue Majority of F-15 corrosion found in fuel tanks Small percentage of engineering requests are for F-15 corrosion-related assistance From January 2011 to April 2017, only 2% of 202’s were corrosion-related, for the same period the only 0.4% of 107’s and ETARs were corrosion-related. There were 34 corrosion-related 107s/ETARs from 2011 to Apr 2017, total number of 107s/ETARs for that period was 7,642. There were 462 corrosion-related 202s from 2011 to Apr 2017, total number of 202s for that period was 23,720.

15 Pricing Data Non-Chrome System - $177.37/gallon
Product Nomenclature Size Cost Comments RECC 1015 Non-Chrome Deoxidizer 1 Gallon $32.37 Current TO requirements 5 Gallons $158.18 50 Gallons $1,262.77 RECC 3021 Conversion Coating $272.46 $2,780.63 02GN093 Non-Chrome Primer $96.50 AMS 1640 Acid Etch Solution 55 Gallons $440.67 Cost of old chrome system MIL-DTL-5541F Alodine 60 LB Bag $ MIL-PRF-23377, TYPE 1, CLASS C2 Chrome Epoxy Primer $47.00 6.3 Lbs powder Alodine makes 100 gallons of solution – ($ ((60/6.3 )*100))= $2.95/gal Acid Etch Solution – $440.67/55 = $8.01/gal Non-Chrome System - $177.37/gallon Chrome System - $57.96/gallon Although Non-Chrome system is more expensive per gallon, one gallon of the non-chrome system will cover a larger area due to thinner primer coats required to prevent peeling

16 Way Ahead Continue 6 year paint cycle
Qualification of other combinations of paint system Welcomed! Likely to require on-aircraft use for complete comprehensive evaluation Based on CTIO results, lab testing alone may not provide clear indication of pass/fail.


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