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Year 1 Curriculum Meeting

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1 Year 1 Curriculum Meeting
Tuesday 12th September

2 Year 1 team Mrs Burnett (Thursday/Friday & alternate Wednesdays)
Mrs Beardall (Monday/Tuesdays & alternate Wednesdays) Class 4 Mr Mills Class 3 PPA cover Mrs Hill (Wednesday afternoon) Mrs Tucker (Wednesday afternoon) MrsYassaee ( Class 3 Thursday afternoon) LSA’s - Mrs George, Mrs Stevens, Mrs Tucker, Mrs Redding Year 1 team

3 Morning organisation – Independence is key
Green message books Library books Water bottles Lunch boxes Bags and coats Book bags Please no pencil cases Going home books – please let us know if your child is going home with someone other than yourself in writing even if you had an ongoing arrangement in Reception, please inform us again. Morning organisation – Independence is key

4 Curriculum Children are now following KS1 curriculum.
Currently, the children are transitioning from EYFS to Y1. The curriculum is focussed on achieving set objectives by the end of year across core and foundation subjects. Our curriculum continues to be cross-curricular where possible with active and outdoor learning. The Y1 timetable will become more focussed on working on particular skills at a set time, e.g. a set Literacy or Maths lesson. Phonics continues to be a massive foundation of reading and writing in Y1 and children will take part in daily lessons/activities with both class teachers/LSA’s across the phase with our new scheme of work – Storytime phonics. Curriculum

5 Timetable Guided Reading/Phonics/Handwriting/Literacy/Maths
After lunch – Science or Topic, Computing, Music, PE All groups will work with the class teacher in a focus group once a week in Lit/Maths Italian lessons - fortnightly Timetable

6 - Guided Reading is now delivered as a whole class approach to help children develop their discussion skills and to improve confidence amongst their peers. - Also TAs/Parent Helpers read daily with some groups Story time phonics Reading/phonics

7 PE PE –Tuesday and Thursday = Class 3 Tuesday and Thursday – Class 4
Dark shorts/white t-shirt – indoor Tracksuit/trousers and sweatshirt and plimsolls or trainers - outdoor Change of shoes important All clothes need to be labelled (PE kit, coats, jumpers, etc). Unclaimed items will be placed in the lost property bin outside the KS2 hall /cloakroom shelf PE

8 ‘Golden rules, in class on wall in playground, backs of name badges.
4 R’s Manners – School focus – nominate children every half term to attend the Good Manners Tea Party with SMT Clear boundaries are set in the classroom in terms of behaviour and work expectations. ‘Bee-haviour and attitudes ladder’ in the classroom – children move their names for effort, achieved outcomes, good listening, etc. Also move names down as a reminder to try harder, behave appropriately and join in the learning Expectation

9 House points – collected weekly and totals for whole school revealed in assembly. When house gets to 5 winning weeks, the whole house gets a dress down day. Head teacher’s certificates – Friday assemblies, photo taken and appears in entrance hall. Rewards!

10 Daily reading homework – encourage regular reading and return books on a daily basis. Reading record books – explain how to use (reward system) As of W/C 11th September the Chn will have a list of Tricky words to try and learn on the inside back cover on a weekly basis. There will also be “show me” homeworks where the children will get to show off, via any means, what they know about something we have learnt. Home school communication books (green books) If you would like to discuss anything with the teachers then please write in these books. Homework

11 We appreciate that you are all very busy at home, however if you can work with your children for five minutes every night, in addition to listening to your children read, it would be very beneficial to their progress at school! Counting in 2’s, 5’s, 10’s. Phonic sound spotting in every day life. Letter formation practise Spelling of tricky words (words that can not be decoded with phonics – are, the, they) At home…

12 Helping in with the class – PLEASE
Helping in with the class – PLEASE! Sticking in, laminating, mounting work, hearing readers. PAWS – Parents at Wheatfields School – please volunteer if interested and speak to the Office. HOME AND SCHOOL WORKING PARTNERSHIP – Parents evening. Please speak to us about any concerns as soon as possible. Thank you for coming we look forward to working with you this year! Admin

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