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Giving you the tools to succeed

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Presentation on theme: "Giving you the tools to succeed"— Presentation transcript:

1 Giving you the tools to succeed
Advising Advisors Giving you the tools to succeed Amanda Greene Miranda Walters Justin McKinnon Casey LeBron Evan Miles

2 Problem Question??? How can we make the academic advising tools easily available to most of the student body?

3 Evolution of the Problem
What can be improved about advising? How can we keep students on track so that they take the right classes and get their degree in four years? How can we better facilitate our programs to suite both students and advisors?

4 What do the Students have to say?
Students were given a ten question survey where they were asked to rate on a scale of 1 to 5 their familiarity with different aspects of advising Ex. Familiarity with Advising. 1- What’s advising 2- Heard of Advising 3- Familiar with Advising 4- Moderately familiar 5-Very Familiar

5 Facts 129 students were sampled
55.8% were female, 40.3% were male, and 3.9% were unknown Over 40 different majors were surveyed 16.3% Freshman, 16.3% Sophomore, 25.6 Junior, 27.1% Senior, 1.6% Graduate Student

6 Peer Career 1 - 39.5% Never Heard 2 - 23.3% Heard of it
% Familiar % Moderately Familiar Very Familiar

7 Career Development 1 - 27.1% Never heard of It 2 - 45.0% Heard of It
3 – 12.4% Familiar 4 – 9.3% Moderately Familiar 5 – 6.2% Very Familiar

8 Designators 1- 10.1% Never Heard of It 2 – 14.0% Heard of It
3 – 27.9 %Familiar %Moderately Familiar 5-25.6% Very Familiar

9 Facts from Advisors General advising lacks infinite resources
Students are accountable for their academic career Advisors are only there to advise Advising surveys are critical in modifying the current advising system

10 Facts on Advisors - Peer career and career development are independent resources for students - Our surveys and those conducted by the department of advising conflict

11 Solution Create a informative easy to navigate web page
To increase awareness of resources through promotions

12 Practical Promotions - Posters on campus - Ads in The Appalachian
- Advertisement on Appalcart - Magnets - Carabineers

13 Why is our solution better than previous attempts?
Save money $$$ Saves Trees Convenience of Information Easily Updated

14 Implementation We surveyed the student body Talked to advising staff
Compiled our results Found available resources Combined resources with our information in a webpage Designed promotions for the webpage

15 Bibliography Student Body Advising Staff Career Development Center
Peer Career Student Orientation Handbook

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