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Presentation on theme: "GPA FEBRUARY FAMILY INVOLVEMENT"— Presentation transcript:

Jan. 29-Feb. 2, 2018 Important Dates Jan. 30: Dental visit at GPA Feb. 5-9: Parent/teacher conferences Feb. 13: Valentine’s Celebration February Family Involvement. See details below. Feb. 16: Ms. Marla’s Story Time. Courtesy of Mary Wood Weldon Library Feb. 19: President’s Day – No School Mar. 15: Our monthly family involvement will be during the day. Please watch for more details. Homework Help your child complete the Good For My Teeth/Bad For My Teeth activity and alphabet writing assignment and return to school. Thanks! Home/School Connection: Please take the time to create/decorate a Valentine box with your child. It can be made out of a shoe box, cereal box, etc. Be as creative as you like. When completing the valentine cards, please have your child write his/her name in the FROM spot only. They will not need to write who the card is to. Please send the box and Valentine cards in by Feb.12th! Thank you! We will: Trace and cut a large yellow tooth, and paint it white with a toothbrush. Conduct an experiment to discover what happens to eggs soaked in coke and vinegar. We will predict outcomes and discuss ways an eggshell is the same as our teeth and how it is different. Discuss having 20 baby teeth that we lose before adult teeth grow. Then we will roll dice to remove a number of teeth (marshmallows) from a pretend mouth. Write about how we take care of our teeth. Create a collage of healthy and unhealthy foods. Take pictures of student smiles and guess who it belongs to. Read books and view videos about Dental Health. Create a graph that predicts and shows whether or not the groundhog saw his shadow. Play a Guess the Shadow game on the smartboard. GPA FEBRUARY FAMILY INVOLVEMENT Come join us for some Valentine Fun! We will be hosting our family involvement activities in our classroom 12:30 – 1:00 Tuesday, February 13th

2 News from our Family Resource Center
Little Leaders At Glasgow Preschool Academy, we are looking forward to when our littlest Scotties go to Kindergarten. South Green Elementary and Highland Elementary are both Leader in Me schools, so we are beginning to teach our preschoolers about the traits of leadership that they will need in elementary school. In preschool, this week, we are learning to set goals. This means we planning ahead to do the right things in class and accomplish what we want to do. We are learning a little song to help remember how to be begin with the end in mind: Begin with the End in Mind (to the tune of Hi-Ho the Derry-O) Begin with the end in mind, Plan ahead and set some goals, Begin with the end in mind. News from our Family Resource Center February 10: Caregivers Luncheon 11:00 AM at Extension Office


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