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Using Resources Natural vs. Energy.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Resources Natural vs. Energy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Resources Natural vs. Energy

2 What is the difference between a natural resource & an energy resource?

3 Resources: Natural resource: Something that comes from nature
Used for survival Ex: water, forests, animals, food, etc. May sell as goods for the economy

4 Resources: Energy Resources:
Something that can produce heat, power life, move objects, or produce electricity.  

5 How does the U.S.’s use of resources differ from other countries?
Read the directions on the sheet titled “A Fair Share of Resources”. Complete the questions using the bar graphs and your own ideas…Think, Think, Think  We will discuss your answers in a few minutes.

6 What do we mean by the word ‘ENERGY’
What do we mean by the word ‘ENERGY’? en·er·gy  noun \ˈe-nər-jē\ : ability to be active : the physical or mental strength that allows you to do things : natural enthusiasm and effort : usable power that comes from heat, electricity, etc.

7 Energy Let’s take a few minutes and look at nonrenewable & renewable energy & how energy is used… Let’s look at energy use & making some decisions…

8 Choosing the best appliance:
When you shop for new appliances, you may see a sticker on the product that tells you about the energy use and cost to use the appliance each year. You need to be able to understand what the label is telling you and make informed decisions. Let’s look at what you can learn from the label…


10 Now, can you determine the best product to buy?
Follow the directions given on the sheet. You may be given a calculator to use because, let’s be real…you’d pull your phone out in the store and figure it out that way, right?  If you finish before time to discuss, I’d like for you & your partner to come up with a list of as many appliances as you can think of that use electricity.

11 How can you use this information
How can you use this information? Could you help your parents make a wise decision? Knowledge is powerful! Knowing how energy is used by your family can be helpful for you to know how to use energy “smarter”.


13 Energy Use in Your Home Part 1: Data Collection
Read through the direction sheet with me. Ask any questions you may have. (Part 2: Graphing & Part 3: Conservation Plan and Reflection will be done in class next week)

14 Gas Bill Sample

15 Electric Bill Sample

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