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Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava,

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1 Jakub Šimko 22.9.2010
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies, Institute of Informatics and Software Engineering Human computation Jakub Šimko

2 Human computation Humans can easily solve problems impossible or hard for computers Our interest Resource annotation (images, audio…) Ontology building General purpose Virtually any pozriem, vidím problem 

3 But human cycles are precious…
How much do you evaluate your manhour of tagging images (8 h/day)? At least 10 € netto for me  Dog Food Bench Backyard

4 …really that precious? 9 billion human-hours of Solitaire in 2003
Excluding entertainment, games are complete waste of human cycles

5 Game with a purpose (GWAP)
Gaming combined with problem solving Problem definition mapped to game task Successful game strategies and solutions generated by players are collected as problem solutions

6 ESP Game (Google Image Labeller)
A game of image tagging 2 anonymous players Players need to guess the same word describing the picture Player 1 Player 2 Puppy Cute Dog Dog Food Bench Backyard

7 Verbosity Game of collecting common facts (smelling a ontology here  ) Asymetric game for 2 players Player A is given a word: “milk” Using predefined sentence templates, player A describes the word: “It is a liquid” “It is usually found in the fridge” Player B has to guess the original word

8 Manhattan Story Mashup
Multi-player tagged image creation and story mashup event Online players and urban players distributed in teams Online team members write stories Nouns are extracted and sent to urban players Urban team members take photos that best fit the nouns Accuracy of photos is cross-validated by other players Stories (enriched by photos) compete

9 Interesting sources Ahn, L.v. and Dabbish, L. Designing games with a purpose. Communications of the ACM 51, 8 (2008). Krause, M., Takhtamysheva, A., Wittstock, M., and Malaka, R. Frontiers of a paradigm: exploring human computation with digital games. Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Human Computation, ACM (2010), 22–25. Siorpaes, K. and Hepp, M. Games with a Purpose for the Semantic Web. IEEE Intelligent Systems 23, 3 (2008), Tuulos, V., Scheible, J., and Nyholm, H. Combining web, mobile phones and public displays in large-scale: Manhattan story mashup. Pervasive Computing, (2007).

10 What can we do? Play Games with a Purpose (GWAP) instead of normal games Create a GWAP Create a methodology for creating GWAPs

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