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Quote The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds for the purpose of satisfying it afterwards. Anatole.

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Presentation on theme: "Quote The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds for the purpose of satisfying it afterwards. Anatole."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quote The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds for the purpose of satisfying it afterwards. Anatole France

2 he Framework for Teaching Year 1
Introduction to Framework for Teaching (FfT) Office of Talent Development September 28, 2012 Preparation for training: LCD Projector/Screen PPT presentation Chart paper/markers [for each table and presenter] Sticky-notes for each table (one tablet minimum) Copies of the FFT text for each participant Handouts: Copy of PPT – copied 3 slides per page Signers of the Declaration Session Evaluation Stickers for “attendance” Time Frame: [3 hrs. total] Slides minutes Slides minutes Slides minutes Slides minutes Slide minutes Slide minutes Slide minutes

3 Workshop Objectives Overview of the FFT
Build an initial familiarity with the FFT Become familiar with the domains, components, and elements Collaborate with Colleagues 5th bullet may not apply since this is a typed session for some of the participants. The Framework for Teaching Charlotte Danielson

4 Agenda PART 1 Ice Breaker Establishing the Norms
Review of the Framework for Teaching Review of the domains, components, and elements Wisdom of Practice Signers of the Declaration of Independence - Domain 3 Artifacts - Domains 1 & 4 PART 2 Debrief Questions and answers Reflection

5 Scale of Familiarity

6 You can Talk a Mile a Minute
The subject is FFT

7 You can Talk a Mile a Minute
Working in pairs, one person will face the screen while the other person has their back to the screen. The person facing the screen will describe the words to their partner. The Framework for Teaching Charlotte Danielson

8 You Talk a Mile a Minute The subject is FFT Self Assessment Research Student Centered Cognitive Constructivist Reflective Domains observation 2 19 20 18 15 21 16 17 23 26 27 25 24 14 22 12 04 05 03 02 00 01 06 07 11 28 10 09 08 13 29 50 51 49 48 46 47 52 53 58 59 57 56 54 55 45 44 35 36 34 33 31 32 37 38 42 43 41 40 39 30

9 You Talk a Mile a Minute The subject is FFT Self Assessment Research Student Centered Cognitive Constructivist Reflective Domains observation 1 19 20 18 15 21 16 17 23 26 27 25 24 14 22 12 04 05 03 02 00 01 06 07 11 28 10 09 08 13 29 50 51 49 48 46 47 52 53 58 59 57 56 54 55 45 44 35 36 34 33 31 32 37 38 42 43 41 40 39 30

10 You Talk a Mile a Minute The subject is FFT Self Assessment Research Student Centered Cognitive Constructivist Reflective Domains observation 19 20 18 16 15 21 17 23 26 27 25 24 14 22 12 04 05 03 02 00 01 06 07 11 28 10 09 08 13 29 49 50 48 47 45 46 51 52 57 58 56 55 53 54 44 43 34 35 33 32 30 31 36 37 41 42 40 39 38 59

11 The Framework for Teaching Charlotte Danielson

12 You Talk a Mile a Minute The subject is FFT Self Assessment Research
Student Centered Cognitive Constructivist Reflective Domains observation The Framework for Teaching Charlotte Danielson

13 Round 2

14 You Talk a Mile a Minute The subject is FFT Culture Question Planning and preparation Rigor Activity Discussion Turn and talk Professional responsibility 2 19 20 18 15 21 16 17 23 26 27 25 24 14 22 12 04 05 03 02 00 01 06 07 11 28 10 09 08 13 29 50 51 49 48 46 47 52 53 58 59 57 56 54 55 45 44 35 36 34 33 31 32 37 38 42 43 41 40 39 30

15 You Talk a Mile a Minute The subject is FFT Culture Question Planning and preparation Rigor Activity Discussion Turn and talk Professional responsibility 1 19 20 18 15 21 16 17 23 26 27 25 24 14 22 12 04 05 03 02 00 01 06 07 11 28 10 09 08 13 29 50 51 49 48 46 47 52 53 58 59 57 56 54 55 45 44 35 36 34 33 31 32 37 38 42 43 41 40 39 30

16 You Talk a Mile a Minute The subject is FFT Culture Question Planning and preparation Rigor Activity Discussion Turn and talk Professional responsibility 19 20 18 16 15 21 17 23 26 27 25 24 14 22 12 04 05 03 02 00 01 06 07 11 28 10 09 08 13 29 49 50 48 47 45 46 51 52 57 58 56 55 53 54 44 43 34 35 33 32 30 31 36 37 41 42 40 39 38 59

17 The Framework for Teaching Charlotte Danielson

18 You Talk a Mile a Minute The subject is FFT Culture Question
Planning and preparation Rigor Activity Discussion Turn and talk Professional responsibility

19 The Order of Operations
P.E.M.D.A.S. The Order of Operations You have two minutes to use the letters from create the norms for today's workshop.

20 Time Left … P.E.M.D.A.S. 1 19 20 18 15 21 16 17 23 26 27 25 24 14 22 12 04 05 03 02 00 01 06 07 11 28 10 09 08 13 29 50 51 49 48 46 47 52 53 58 59 57 56 54 55 45 44 35 36 34 33 31 32 37 38 42 43 41 40 39 30

21 Time Left … P.E.M.D.A.S. 19 18 20 16 15 21 17 23 26 27 25 24 14 22 12 04 05 03 02 00 01 06 07 11 28 10 09 08 13 29 49 50 48 47 45 46 51 52 57 58 56 55 53 54 44 43 34 35 33 32 30 31 36 37 41 42 40 39 38 59


23 P.E.M.D.A.S. Participate fully, (put phones on vibrate) Exchange Ideas
Make an Effort to Listen Dialogue equally, do your best Ask Questions, A+ Attitude Share your insight and support each other, self monitor, self reflect (sidebar conversations!)

24 Please Engage in Meaningful Discussion with Active Self-reflection!
P.E.M.D.A.S. Expectation Please Engage in Meaningful Discussion with Active Self-reflection!

25 P.E.M.D.A.S. Professionally Empower and Maximize the Development and
Charge Professionally Empower and Maximize the Development and Achievement of Students!

26 Culture of Learning = Safe Zone
Safe to be right Safe to be wrong Safe to be creative Safe to be heard Safe to learn… Safe to be Andrea Burrell

27 Educational Setting You must be hooked up to the internet for this slide to work.

28 5 Minute Quick Write The Wisdom of Practice
If you were to walk into a classroom, what might you see or hear (from the students as well as the teacher) that would cause you to think that you were in the presence of an expert? What would make you think: “Oh, this is good; if I had a child this age, this is the class I would hope for.” Record at least 5 characteristics. You must be hooked up to the internet for this slide to work.

29 5 Minute Quick Write The Wisdom of Practice
If you were to walk into a classroom, what might you see or hear (from the students as well as the teacher) that would cause you to think that you were in the presence of an expert? What would make you think: “Oh, this is good; if I had a child this age, this is the class I would hope for.” Record at least six characteristics. 4 19 20 18 15 21 16 17 23 26 27 25 24 14 22 12 04 05 03 02 00 01 06 07 11 28 10 09 08 13 29 50 51 49 48 46 47 52 53 58 59 57 56 54 55 45 44 35 36 34 33 31 32 37 38 42 43 41 40 39 30

30 5 Minute Quick Write The Wisdom of Practice
If you were to walk into a classroom, what might you see or hear (from the students as well as the teacher) that would cause you to think that you were in the presence of an expert? What would make you think: “Oh, this is good; if I had a child this age, this is the class I would hope for.” Record at least six characteristics. 3 19 20 18 15 21 16 17 23 26 27 25 24 14 22 12 04 05 03 02 00 01 06 07 11 28 10 09 08 13 29 50 51 49 48 46 47 52 53 58 59 57 56 54 55 45 44 35 36 34 33 31 32 37 38 42 43 41 40 39 30

31 5 Minute Quick Write The Wisdom of Practice
If you were to walk into a classroom, what might you see or hear (from the students as well as the teacher) that would cause you to think that you were in the presence of an expert? What would make you think: “Oh, this is good; if I had a child this age, this is the class I would hope for.” Record at least six characteristics. 2 19 20 18 15 21 16 17 23 26 27 25 24 14 22 12 04 05 03 02 00 01 06 07 11 28 10 09 08 13 29 50 51 49 48 46 47 52 53 58 59 57 56 54 55 45 44 35 36 34 33 31 32 37 38 42 43 41 40 39 30

32 5 Minute Quick Write The Wisdom of Practice
If you were to walk into a classroom, what might you see or hear (from the students as well as the teacher) that would cause you to think that you were in the presence of an expert? What would make you think: “Oh, this is good; if I had a child this age, this is the class I would hope for.” Record at least six characteristics. 1 19 20 18 15 21 16 17 23 26 27 25 24 14 22 12 04 05 03 02 00 01 06 07 11 28 10 09 08 13 29 50 51 49 48 46 47 52 53 58 59 57 56 54 55 45 44 35 36 34 33 31 32 37 38 42 43 41 40 39 30

33 5 Minute Quick Write The Wisdom of Practice
If you were to walk into a classroom, what might you see or hear (from the students as well as the teacher) that would cause you to think that you were in the presence of an expert? What would make you think: “Oh, this is good; if I had a child this age, this is the class I would hope for.” Record at least six characteristics. 19 18 20 16 15 21 17 23 26 27 25 24 14 22 12 04 05 03 02 00 01 06 07 11 28 10 09 08 13 29 49 50 48 47 45 46 51 52 57 58 56 55 53 54 44 43 34 35 33 32 30 31 36 37 41 42 40 39 38 59

34 Turn and Talk Share your characteristics with the group, combine those that are similar. The Framework for Teaching Charlotte Danielson

35 Framework for Teaching Organization
Domains (1, 2, 3, and 4) Components (8 Essentials) Page 3 and 4 in FFT book) Elements (26) See page 3 and 4 35

36 The Domains 1: Planning and Preparation 2: The Classroom Environment 3: Instruction 4: Professional Responsibilities Whole group: Introduce the four domains as Charlotte’s way of organizing teaching Table groups: Have participants divide a sheet of newsprint into four quadrants, labeling each quadrant with one of the domains. Please label domains in a clockwise fashion (domains 1 and 4 on the left of the paper, domains 2 and 3 on the right. After this exercise we want to be able to demonstrate how the domains represent a cycle of Planning, Classroom Environment & Instruction, Reflection about the lesson that leads back to Planning. Place their post-its in the appropriate domain. Tell participants that if they aren’t sure where to place a post-it note they can place it on a line between domains, or in the center and we’ll talk about that later. When everyone is finished placing their post-it notes, ask them what they found [some will say that they didn’t have anything in Domain 4, or in Domain 1, or some traits could go in more than one Domain]. Ask them why they think there were no [or few] traits in Domains 1 and/or 4 [the question asked them to think about what they saw or heard – observable traits] Note that Domains 2 and 3 are the “on-stage” domains – observable; Domains 1 & 4 are “off-stage” – not as observable but very important to teaching practice. The FFT honors what all educators know – that teaching is more complex and involved than what is seen in the classroom; a lot of planning and preparation occurs prior to the lesson, and there are many responsibilities that occur when the students leave the room. As lead in to next slide – Because the Domains are the big ideas of teaching, Charlotte recognized the need to further define each Domain… The Framework for Teaching Charlotte Danielson

37 Framework for Teaching
Domain 4 Professional Responsibilities Reflecting on Teaching Maintaining Accurate Records Communicating with Families Participating in a Professional Community Growing and Developing Professionally Showing Professionalism Domain 1 Planning and Preparation Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy Demonstrating Knowledge of Students Setting Instructional Outcomes Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources Designing Coherent Instruction Designing Student Assessments Domain 2 The Classroom Environment Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport Establishing a Culture for Learning Managing Classroom Procedures Managing Student Behavior Organizing Physical Space Domain 3 Instruction Communicating With Students Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques Engaging Students in Learning Using Assessment in Instruction Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness Ask participants “Which components do you think you could use to gage the RT’s performance? The Framework for Teaching Charlotte Danielson 37

38 Domain 1: Planning and Preparation
Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy Demonstrating Knowledge of Students Setting Instructional Outcomes Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources Designing Coherent Instruction Designing Student Assessment Introduce the text at this point. Pages 3, 4 have a “placemat” that provides Domains/Components/Elements all in one place. Domain 1 begins on pp.43 Green components are the “Essential” components on which the county has chosen to focus. We will focus on the “Essentials” The Framework for Teaching Charlotte Danielson 38

39 Domain 1: Planning and Preparation
Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy Demonstrating Knowledge of Students Setting Instructional Outcomes Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources Designing Coherent Instruction Designing Student Assessment Introduce the text at this point. Pages 3, 4 have a “placemat” that provides Domains/Components/Elements all in one place. Domain 1 begins on pp.43 Green components are the “Essential” components on which the county has chosen to focus. We will focus on the “Essentials” The Framework for Teaching Charlotte Danielson

40 Domain 2: Classroom Environment
Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport Establishing a Culture for Learning Managing Classroom Procedures Managing Student Behavior Organizing Physical Space Domain 2 begins on page 64 The Framework for Teaching Charlotte Danielson 40

41 Domain 2: Classroom Environment
Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport Establishing a Culture for Learning Managing Classroom Procedures Managing Student Behavior Organizing Physical Space Domain 2 begins on page 64 The Framework for Teaching Charlotte Danielson

42 Domain 3: Instruction Communicating with Students
Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques Engaging Students in Learning Using Assessment in Instruction Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness Domain 3 begins on page 77 The Framework for Teaching Charlotte Danielson

43 Domain 3: Instruction Communicating with Students
Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques Engaging Students in Learning Using Assessment in Instruction Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness Domain 3 begins on page 77 The Framework for Teaching Charlotte Danielson 43

44 Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities
Reflecting on Teaching Maintaining Accurate Records Communicating with Families Participating in a Professional Community Growing and Developing Professionally Showing Professionalism Domain 4 starts on page 92 The Framework for Teaching Charlotte Danielson

45 Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities
Reflecting on Teaching Maintaining Accurate Records Communicating with Families Participating in a Professional Community Growing and Developing Professionally Showing Professionalism Domain 4 starts on page 92 The Framework for Teaching Charlotte Danielson 45

46 The 8 Essential Components
Domain 1: Planning and Preparation 1c: Establishing Instructional Outcomes 1e: Designing Coherent Instruction Domain 2: Classroom Environment 2b: Establishing a Culture for Learning 2d: Managing Student Behavior Domain 4: Professional Responsibility 4a: Reflecting on Teaching 4c: Communicating with Families Domain 3: Instruction 3b: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques 3c: Engaging Student in Learning Share on stage off stage

47 The Framework for Teaching
Domain 4 Professional Responsibilities Domain 1 Planning and Preparation Domain 2 The Classroom Environment Domain 3 Instruction Ask participants “Which components do you think you could use to gage the RT’s performance? Each person should have at least six stickies. If you are doing this by yourself then they should come up with 12 likes and dislikes. 47

48 The Framework for Teaching
Domain 4 Professional Responsibilities Reflecting on Teaching Maintaining Accurate Records Communicating with Families Participating in a Professional Community Growing and Developing Professionally Showing Professionalism Domain 1 Planning and Preparation Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy Demonstrating Knowledge of Students Setting Instructional Outcomes Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources Designing Coherent Instruction Designing Student Assessments Domain 2 The Classroom Environment Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport Establishing a Culture for Learning Managing Classroom Procedures Managing Student Behavior Organizing Physical Space Domain 3 Instruction Communicating With Students Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques Engaging Students in Learning Using Assessment in Instruction Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness Ask participants “Which components do you think you could use to gage the RT’s performance? The Framework for Teaching Charlotte Danielson 48

49 The Framework for Teaching
Domain 4 Professional Responsibilities Reflecting on Teaching Maintaining Accurate Records Communicating with Families Participating in a Professional Community Growing and Developing Professionally Showing Professionalism Domain 1 Planning and Preparation Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy Demonstrating Knowledge of Students Setting Instructional Outcomes Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources Designing Coherent Instruction Designing Student Assessments Domain 2 The Classroom Environment Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport Establishing a Culture for Learning Managing Classroom Procedures Managing Student Behavior Organizing Physical Space Off Stage On Stage Domain 3 Instruction Communicating With Students Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques Engaging Students in Learning Using Assessment in Instruction Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness Ask participants “Which components do you think you could use to gage the RT’s performance? The Framework for Teaching Charlotte Danielson 49

50 Domain 3: Instruction Component 3b: Questioning & Discussion Techniques Elements: Quality of Questions, Discussion Techniques, Student Participation Element Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished Quality of Questions Teacher’s questions are virtually all of poor quality, with low cognitive challenge and single correct responses, and they are asked in rapid succession Teacher’s questions are a combination of low and high quality, posed in rapid succession. Only some invite a thoughtful response. Most of the teacher’s questions are of high quality. Adequate time is provided for students to respond. Teacher’s questions are of uniformly high quality, with adequate time for students to respond. Students formulate many questions. Discussion techniques Interaction between teacher and students is predominantly recitation style, with the teacher mediating all questions and answers. Teacher makes some attempt to engage students in genuine discussion rather than recitation, with \uneven results. Teacher creates a genuine discussion among students, stepping aside when appropriate. Students assume considerable responsibility for the success of the discussion, initiating topics and making unsolicited contributions. Student participation A few students dominate the discussion. Teacher attempts to engage all students in the discussion, but with only limited success. Teacher successfully engages all students in the discussion. Students themselves ensure that all voices are heard in the discussion 1 2 Have participants examine 3b. The element define even further each component of a Domain. The levels of performance describe what each element “looks like” in practice Note: each component section of the text has a narrative section that provides a “rationale” for each component and its elements, and a” demonstration” of what that component might look like in the classroom. These narrative sections are extremely helpful in clarifying any questions participants might have about a component or element and should be read. 3

51 Gallery Walk After the gallery walk, two will share out how they will present this investigation to their students. Emphasize problem-based learning Permit student choice and initiative Encourage depth rather than breadth Require student thinking Designed to be relevant and authentic

52 PTEM Results How are you presently supporting your teachers in the setting instructional outcomes and questioning discussion techniques. UnSat Basic Prof Dist 1C 17 203 200 12 1E 146 266 2B 1 67 354 25 2D 3 117 313 13 3B 244 184 14 3C 182 245

53 Instruction

54 Priorities of the FFT Brain Sweat The FFT has two priorities
Cognitive engagement “minds-on” Constructivist learning “learning is done by the learner” Teaching cannot be considered Proficient or Distinguished if students are not thinking and doing the learning themselves. Pages 15 [The nature of Learning and how to Promote it] through page 17 in the FFT explain what is meant by constructivist learning. Suggest that participants read this when they have a couple of minutes. We have to make sure that ALL STUDENTS are doing the work – thinking, asking questions of each other, wrestling with challenging information. Students should go home mentally exhausted [instead of the teachers]! The Framework for Teaching Charlotte Danielson 54

55 Signers of the Declaration of Independence
When you look at the list of the signers of the declaration of independence, what questions come to mind? Develop a question that can be answered by reviewing the information on the paper, and another question that will extend the learning and engage students more cognitively. With your group create a method to present this investigation / learning to the students. DOMAIN 3 – How long is this activity. Table groups: Read the list of the signers of the declaration; develop some questions that come to mind when looking at the list. [allow 3-4 minutes] Chart some of the questions that were developed. Can the questions be answered by using just the information on the list, or is more information needed? Typically, people develop questions that are of interest to them and that require finding out additional information [typical questions: How come there are no women on the list? What was the criteria for being a Signer? I wonder why there were so many farmers on the list… etc.] These types of question extend learning by engaging students cognitively. Bullet three: what resources could you use to help support your students investigation? Why is this important? As participants are working you will circulate in order to find two groups to share how they plan to present their investigation to students. The Framework for Teaching Charlotte Danielson

56 Gallery Walk After the gallery walk, two will share out how they will present this investigation to their students.

57 Summary of The Framework for Teaching
A research-based definition of good teaching A roadmap to, and navigation of, the territory A framework for novice-level practitioners, through accomplished teachers Summary of The Framework for Teaching Summarize – very brief The research comes from the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards, PRAXIS III, cognitive science, etc. 57

58 PGCPS Pilot Evaluation
Collaboratively created by a team of teachers and administrators in Implemented by administrators and teachers in the 12 FIRST Pilot schools in Refined for use in the pilot program to be phased in at all Prince George’s County Public Schools in , 25% of teachers were observed using The Framework for Teaching (FFT) criteria to assess teacher quality Let me briefly share with you - How and why was the model developed? Last year 3 teachers in each non-FIRST schoosl volunteered to be a part of the pilot model. This year the participation of the teachers has increased. Each year more teachers will be involved in the process.

59 Prince George’s County Observation Process 2012-2013
It would be helpful to have your PTEM manual available so that you can tab or highlight the documents or information you find pertinent during this process.

60 Tenured Teachers FFT Observation Procedures 2012-2013
Self-Assessment Beginning-of-the-Year (By September 30th) Step 1 Goal-Setting Conference Step 2 First Formal Observation Pre-Observation Conference Classroom Observation Post-Observation Conference Step 3 Mid-Year Review (By the end of 1st Semester) Step 4 Second Formal Observation (Completed during 2nd Semester) Pre-Observation Conference Classroom Observation Post-Observation Conference Step 5 Second Self-Assessment Step 6 Summative Evaluation Conference (After May 15th) Step 7

61 Non-Tenured Teachers and Tenured Teachers with Performance Issues FFT Observation Procedures Self-Assessment Beginning-of-the-Year (By September 15th) Step 1 Goal-Setting Conference Step 2 First Formal Observation Pre-Observation Conference Classroom Observation Post-Observation Conference Step 3 Second Formal Observation (Completed during 2nd Semester) Pre-Observation Conference Classroom Observation Post-Observation Conference Step 4 Mid-Year Review (By the end of 1st Semester) Step 5

62 Non-Tenured Teachers FFT and Tenured Teachers with Performance Issues Observation Procedures Third Formal Observation (Completed in January or February) Pre-Observation Conference Classroom Observation Post-Observation Conference Step 6 Fourth Formal Observation (Completed in March, April or May. Must be completed by May 21st) Pre-Observation Conference Classroom Observation Post-Observation Conference Step 7 End of Year Self-Assessment (Completed in May or June) Step 8 Summative Evaluation Conference (After May 15th) Step 9

63 Formal Observations Observation lasts at least 30 minutes
Focus will be on the 8 essential components Teacher completes the lesson reflection form within two work days of the observation and submits it to the administrator. Administrator provides the teacher with a rough draft of the Formal Observation Form with the marked Descriptors of Practice, with cited evidence, at the element level for the 8 essential components within 5 work days of the observation. The administrator will gather evidence during the observation at the element level for Components 2b, 2d and Components 3b and 3c.

64 Post Observation Conference
The conference will be held within 5 work days of receiving the teacher’s reflection. Teacher may provide additional artifacts as follows: May present supporting evidence for [domains] 2 and 3 May demonstrate competency for the components not observed for domain 1 Should demonstrate competency in the components not observed for domain 4. Administrator provides the teacher with a final copy of the Descriptors of Practice, with cited evidence, within 5 work days of the post-observation conference. A conference with the teacher and administration after each formal observation for the purpose of providing feedback to the teacher and gathering additional information as necessary

65 Mid Year Review Summative Evaluation Conference
Mid year reviews will be conducted using the Standards of Excellence evaluation tool. Summative Evaluation Conference The following topics will be reviewed: The goals developed by the teacher and any evidence collected which demonstrates growth and attainment of the goals. A review of the marked Descriptors of Practice from the 4 formal observations to determine growth and practice. A review of the informal classroom observations and other evaluation inputs (such as student achievement data).

66 Summative Evaluation Conference
Discussion and debrief: Review the teachers’ goals and growth in the identified components of practice. Were the goals achieved and to what extent? What opportunities are needed for further growth in these components? What additional supports does the teacher perceive are needed to support growth?

67 Complete the evaluation
EXIT TICKET Complete the evaluation Complete the Scale For webinar -participants at home will type responses in chat feature on screen. Webinar host will share some of the comments,

68 Scale of Familiarity The Framework for Teaching Charlotte Danielson

69 “The mediocre teacher tells The good teacher explains
The superior teacher demonstrates The great teacher inspires” William Arthur Ward


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