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Herpetology Reptiles.

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1 Herpetology Reptiles

2 Order: Testudines Family: Chelydridae Family: Kinosternidae
Genus: Chelydra Family: Kinosternidae Genus: Sternotherus Family: Emydidae Genus: Clemmys Genus: Glyptemys Genus: Graptemys Genus: Pseudemys Genus: Chrysemys Genus: Terrapene Genus: Trachemys Family: Trionychidae Genus: Apalone

3 Family: Chelydridae

4 Eastern Snapping Turtle
Chelydra s. serpentina Carapace with large tubercles Plastron with less than 8 plates Tail long Body spiny

5 Family: Kinosternidae

6 Stinkpot Sternotherus odoratus 11 plastron shields
Spines covering the body Dome shaped carapace

7 Family: Emydidae

8 Spotted Turtle Clemmys guttata Spots on each carapace scute
Head is spotted Dome shaped carapace

9 Wood Turtle Glyptemys insculpta Sculptured carapace
No longitudinal stripes on head Notched scutes

10 Northern Map Turtle Graptemys geographica Longitudinal stripes on head
Keeled carapace Somewhat flattened Triangular spots behind eyes

11 Ouachita Map Turtle Graptemys o. ouachitensis Very keeled carapace
Somewhat flattened Longitudinal stripes on head Square spots behind eyes

12 Eastern Painted Turtle
Chrysemys p. picta Boarder around outer part of shell Head with longitudinal stripes Smooth carapace First row of costals and vertebrals line up

13 Midland Painted Turtle
Chrysemys p. marginata First line of vertebrals and costals don’t line up Smooth carapace Head with longitudinal stripes

14 Eastern River Cooter Pseudemys c. concinna Cusps not prominent
Longitudinal stripes on head Longitudinal grooves on carapace

15 Northern Red-bellied Cooter
Pseudemys rubriventris Prominent cusp on upper jaw Plastron might have pink/red color

16 Eastern Box Turtle Terrapene c. carolina Dome shaped carapace
Orange and red-ish Plastron with movable hinge

17 Red-eared Turtle Trachemys scripta elegans
Spot on each scute of the plastron Longitudinal grooves on the carapace Longitudinal stripes on head

18 Family: Trionychidae

19 Eastern Spiny Softshell
Apalone s. spinifera Spines on the anterior part of the shell Shell is covered with skin Snout projected Pancake like Feet mottled

20 Midland Smooth Softshell
Apalone m. mutica No spines to the anterior of the shell Feet not mottled Nostril rounded Pancake like

21 Order: Squamata Suborder: Lacertilia

22 Order: Squamata Family: Phrynosomatidae Family: Teiidae
Genus: Sceloporus Family: Teiidae Genus: Cnemidophorus Family: Scincidae Genus: Eumeces Genus: Scincella

23 Family: Phrynosomatidae

24 Northern Fence Lizard Sceloporus undulatus hyacinthinus
Keeled and pointed scales

25 Family: Teiidae

26 Eastern Six-lined Racerunner
Cnemidophorus s. sexlineatus Scales are glossy Ventral scales are larger than dorsal 6 lines Black and white

27 Family: Scincidae

28 Northern Coal Skink Eumeces a. anthracinus Smooth and glossy scales
Ventral and dorsal scales the same size 2 lines dark on the sides Lighter in the middle

29 Broad-headed Skink Eumeces laticeps Scales smooth and glossy Big
5 labials No large postlabials

30 Common Five-lined Skink
Eumeces fasciatus Smooth glossy scales Scales same on dorsal and ventral 2 postlabials 4 labials Black or brown with five stripes

31 Little Brown Skink Scincella lateralis Smooth glossy scales
Clear window like scale in lower eyelid Brown and black stripes on dorsal

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