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Announcements THE OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED on Thursday for Thanksgiving. If you have any information for the bulletin, please have it into the office by Wednesday.

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2 Announcements THE OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED on Thursday for Thanksgiving. If you have any information for the bulletin, please have it into the office by Wednesday morning.

3 Announcements OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHEER – A Chapel initiative to help make Christmas special for a few single moms and their families in our community is taking place again this year. See your bulletin for how you can participate!

4 Announcements CHRISTMAS CARD AND CHRISTMAS CAROL SIGN-UP – On December 4 all interested persons will divide into groups to visit and sing carols for those in our congregation who are not able to attend our weekly services. We will organize and leave immediately after our worship service. It would be great to have as many as possible participate. Sign-up sheet and cards are on a table in the Fellowship Hall.

5 Announcements MARIETTA CANDLELIGHT TOUR – The Marietta Restoration Associates are proud to host one of the oldest, continuous holiday walking tours in Pennsylvania on Sunday, December 4 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Funds generated by the tour are used for the maintenance and preservation of various Marietta buildings. See your bulletin for ticket information!

6 Announcements SAVE THE DATE – Our annual congregational meeting will take place on Sunday, December 11 after a fellowship meal. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend.

LANCASTER MEDA CHAPTER BREAKFAST – Featuring Charlie Crystle of Lancaster Food Company and ASSETS Lancaster. Tuesday, November 22 from 7:30-8:45 a.m. at Southern Market Center, 100 S Queen St, Lancaster. RSVP to or

REGISTRATION for the Mennonite Sports Organization's basketball program for grades 2-6 is now open until November 21. The Mennonite Sports Organization (MSO) –a program of Lancaster Mennonite School – serves congregations, children and families by providing athletic activities within the Christian community, keeping Christ and the Church at the center of life.

CHRISTMAS CANDLELIGHT TOURS – Experience the holiday season at the 1719 Hans Herr House & Museum this fall. Candlelight Tours runs from 6 to 8 p.m. on December 1 and 2 (Thursday and Friday), and from 5 to 8:30 on December 3 (Saturday). This year the tour explores the role of corn in early communities, both Native and immigrant.

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