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Do You Manage Your Time Wisely?

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Presentation on theme: "Do You Manage Your Time Wisely?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do You Manage Your Time Wisely?

2 Drop and Hop Drops One task And hops To another
Start a project, get bored, hop on to something else. That’s the motto of Drop & Hop.The trill and excitement of doing something new, is what gets the Drop and Hop through the day. Do you start your HIPPY paperwork or MIS work and stop and do other things? On staff meeting day you don’t your paperwork done.

3 Perfectionist Wants everything to be perfect
Perfectionist always gives attention to everything they do. This kind of dedication is quite honorable. The one thing, though, that many perfectionist fail to do is to determine what really deserves that much attention: financial freedom vs. crossword puzzle. Put so much time into trivial matters they tend to work endless hours and still miss deadlines. Do you spend too much time on your paperwork being so perfect that that you miss seeing your families in a timely manner?

4 Detail Dodger Can’t be Bothered With Details
This is not a detail person. Thank goodness for the detail people, otherwise we wouldn’t have a stock market, a Disneyworld, or indoor plumbing system! This person forgets –appointments missed,meetings forgotten, deadlines ignored. Other people are often forced to pick up the pieces that have fallen through the cracks. Are your parents reminded in a timely fashion about special events in HIPPY? Do you turn in all paper work on time?

5 Procrastinator Doesn’t Like To make Decisions
This person hopes and prays that they won’t have to choose. They fear making decisions, so they settle on avoiding it, at all costs. They wait so long, that favorable opportunities are often missed. The put off things while the world passes them by. They depend on other people to make decisions. They fail to control their destinies. I will do my HIPPY work later, my parents won’t mind if I’m late or have to change my date.

6 Last Minute Racer Always Waits For the Last Minute
You’re watching a movie and all of a sudden you’ve reached it. That final burst of energy that happens, just before the plot is finalized. Seer excitement? Only in the movies. This person waits until the very last minute to start something. They wait for pressure to get moving. They think they’re getting everyone exhilarated with this last burst. But in reality, they’re driving everyone crazy.

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