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Florida Standards Assessments

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1 Florida Standards Assessments

2 FSA ELA Writing Students in Grades 4–7 will take the Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) English Language Arts (ELA) Writing test on paper. Students in Grades 8–10/Retake will take the Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) English Language Arts (ELA) Writing test on the computer. There is one 120-minute session of FSA ELA Writing; you will complete the session in one school day.

3 Planning Sheets Before you begin, your test administrator will give you a planning sheet that you may use to take notes and plan your writing. Your test administrator will collect your planning sheet at the end of the test session. While testing, make sure that your planning sheet is not easily visible to other students.

4 Grades 4–7 You will receive an FSA ELA Writing test and answer book that contains reading passages, a writing prompt, and lined pages where you will write your response.

5 Tips for Taking the FSA ELA Reading Assessment
For Grade 3 ELA Reading Paper-Based Tests

6 Paper-based FSA ELA Reading
Students in Grade 3 will take the paper-based Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) English Language Arts (ELA) Reading. There are two sessions for the ELA Reading test given over two days. You will have 80 minutes to complete each session. There will be test questions total for the two sessions.

7 Marking Your Answers You are allowed to circle or underline words in the reading passages, make notes, or work mathematics problems in the blank space in your test and answer book.

8 Marking Your Answers The most important thing is to read instructions for each question carefully! For multiple choice and multiselect questions, read carefully to know if you should mark one answer or multiple answers for each question.

9 Marking Your Answers Correct
For questions that ask you to fill in a bubble or bubbles, be sure to fill in the bubble for your answer choice or choices completely with your number 2 pencil. A B C D E Correct

10 Marking Your Answers If you change an answer, be sure to erase completely. If you use your eraser, do so gently to avoid ripping or tearing your test.

11 Item Types: Editing Task
For editing task items in the ELA Reading tests, remember that you are supposed to fill in the bubble before the correct answer. If you write your answer in the blank but do not fill in the bubble, your answer will not be scored. Incorrect look

12 Tips for Taking the Computer-Based FSA Mathematics and ELA Reading Assessments
For Grades 3–8

13 FSA ELA Reading Students in Grades 4–10 will take the Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) English Language Arts (ELA) Reading test on the computer. There are two sessions for FSA ELA Reading; you will complete the sessions over two days. Grades 4–5 students will have 80 minutes for each session. There will be test questions total for the two sessions.

14 FSA Mathematics Students in Grades 3–8 will take the Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) Mathematics test on the computer. You will complete the FSA Mathematics test over two days. Grades 3-5 students will have two sessions. Each session will last 80 minutes. The test will have questions total over the two sessions.

15 Taking the Test Let’s talk about the materials you will use to take the test and the process you will follow when taking the test.

16 Work Folders Before you begin, your test administrator will give you a Computer-Based Testing Work Folder. The work folder is four pages of paper that you may use to work the mathematics problems on your test. The last page is graph paper. When you complete a test session, the test administrator will collect your work folder. While testing, make sure that your work folder is not easily visible to other students.

17 Computer-Based Tools You may use any of the tools on the screen to help you with your test.

18 Computer-Based Tools Back and Next The Back and Next tools can be used to move to the previous question or the next question.

19 Computer-Based Tools Formula
The Formula tool opens a pop-up window displaying the reference sheet for your test. Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the reference sheet and use the horizontal scroll bar to see all of the information available.

20 Computer-Based Tools Line Reader The Line Reader tool allows you to highlight a specific line in the question.

21 Computer-Based Tools Zoom Out and Zoom In Use the Zoom Out and Zoom In buttons to decrease and increase the size of text within the test page. Four levels of magnification are available.

22 Computer-Based Tools Help Tool
The Help tool opens a pop-up window with the Help Guide, which includes an Overview of the Test Site, Test Rules, and Accessing Context Menu Tools. These instructions, which you will also see before logging into the test, remind you how to navigate from one item to the next and how to use the tools and features in the testing platform.

23 Computer-Based Tools Context Menu: Tutorial The Tutorial tool opens a pop-up window that will display a video tutorial of how to respond to that particular item type. Note that there is no sound for the tutorial.

24 Computer-Based Tools Context Menu: Notepad
The Notepad opens a pop-up window in which you can type notes for later reference. There is a new notepad for each item. The notes you type will remain each time you open the tool unless you delete them. Remember, you can also make notes on your CBT Work Folder.

25 Computer-Based Tools Notes Tool
You can move the notepad around the screen by clicking or tapping the top of the window and dragging it to another part of the screen. You can also click and drag the Help screen.

26 Computer-Based Tools Strikethrough
You can use the strikethrough tool on multiple- choice and multiselect items to cross out options you think are incorrect. Right-click or tap the option and choose “Strikethrough.” Then choose the correct response to the item.

27 Computer-Based Tools Highlighter
You can highlight sections of the items. First, click or tap at the beginning of the section you would like to highlight. Then, drag to the end of the section you want to highlight. Right-click or tap the selected section and choose “Highlight Selection.”

28 Computer-Based Tools Expand Passage The Expand Passage tool allows you to expand the reading passage panel so that it takes up most of the screen. Selecting Expand Passage a second time collapses the expanded reading passage panel.

29 Computer-Based Tools Context Menu: Mark for Review The Mark for Review tool allows you to mark an item to review later. The Review screen at the end of the test will alert you to any items that you have marked for review so that you can go back and check your work for those items.

30 Item Review Screen Items that you did not provide a response to will have an orange triangle with an exclamation point next to the item number. Click the number to return to that item. Items marked for review will have a flag with a checkmark next to that item number. Click the item number to return to that item to review it.

31 Headphones/Earbuds You will need to have a pair of headphones or earbuds for listening items on the FSA ELA Reading test. When you log in to take your test, you will listen to a sound check to ensure that your headphones and earbuds are working prior to beginning the test.

32 Paper-Based FCAT Science Test
For Grade 5

33 Paper-based FCAT Science
Students in Grade 5 will take the paper-based FCAT Science Test. There are two sessions for the FCAT Science test given over two days. You will have 80 minutes to complete each session.

34 Test Invalidation If your test is invalidated, it means that your test will not be scored, and you will not be able to retake the same test.

35 To make sure your test is scored…
Remove all electronic devices. If you have an electronic device at your desk, in your pocket, or ANYWHERE you can reach it during testing or while on a break, your test will not be scored.

36 To make sure your test is scored…
Do your own work. If you are caught looking at another student’s answers, allowing another student to look at your answers, or using any kind of unauthorized aid during the test, your test will not be scored.

37 To make sure your test is scored…
Don’t be disruptive. If you are disruptive during a test, you may be dismissed from the room and your test may not be scored. It is very important for you to remain quiet, respect other students, and pay attention to and follow the instructions.

38 To make sure your test is scored…
Don’t leave school during a session. If you leave the school’s campus for lunch or an appointment before you complete a test session, you will not be allowed to finish taking the test when you return.

39 Testing Rules During the test, you must not:
Talk to other students or make any disturbance Look at another student’s computer or device screen or worksheet Allow another student to look at your computer or device screen or worksheet Ask for help answering any test questions Give help to another student in answering test questions Have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device on which you are testing, in your possession at any time, including breaks, even if you do not use them Fail to follow any other instructions given

40 Testing Rules Before the test, your test administrator will read the testing rules aloud and ask you to read the Testing Rules Acknowledgment. You will be asked to sign your name below the Testing Rules Acknowledgment on your worksheet to show that you understand the rules.

41 Most importantly: Get a good night’s sleep and eat a good breakfast before the test. Relax and do your best!

42 Scores FSA Scores will come back in Achievement Levels from Level 1 to Level 5 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Inadequate: Highly likely to need substantial support for the next grade Below Satisfactory: Likely to need substantial support for the next grade Satisfactory: May need additional support for the next grade Proficient: Likely to excel in the next grade Mastery: Highly likely to excel in the next grade

43 3rd Grade Florida law states that third graders who score at a Level 1 in reading on the statewide Florida Standards Assessment – English Language Arts (FSA-ELA) must be retained. However, children who demonstrate the required reading level through a state approved alternative standardized reading test or through a student portfolio can be granted a good cause promotion and be promoted to 4th grade. Good Cause Exemptions 3rd Diagnostic on I-Ready (535 or higher on reading) Portfolio – Wonders Assessments Summer Reading Camp

44 Practice Test Before taking the “live” test, you will take a practice test. The practice test will allow you to practice using the Test Delivery System and help you learn how to respond to the different types of questions and use the tools. You can take a practice test any time at and-families/practice-tests/.

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