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Upwork Clone Script for Freelancing Business

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1 Upwork Clone Script By

2 What is need? Freelancing has been an unavoidable part of our life because nowadays people don’t want to do traditional job of a fixed number of hours at a particular place. Due to this, many business people have started a profitable business by launching their micro job website and demand for such platform has increased. ClonesCloud, a leading website clone script provider has introduced the best Upwork Clone Script for all who are thinking or planning to get started their Freelance platform.

3 About Upwork Clone Script ClonesCloud’s Upwork Clone Script offers similar features and functionality similar to Upwork for offering and accepting job offers, services of as per the choice. This Upwork Clone Script is a feature-rich freelance script, so it helps to build excellent freelance website similar to Fiverr, Freelancer, Upwork and many more. It is a ready-to-go script, but you will get endless customization where you can add or remove some functionality as per your business requirements.

4 Custom Upwork Clone for Freelance Platform We at ClonesCloud have designed Upwork Clone script in such a way that it allows ‘X’ number of customization. Through custom Upwork script, you can also get completely fresh and attractive look of your Upwork Clone.custom Upwork script To increase the ration of robustness and scalability of your Upwork Clone, you can elect customized Upwork Clone script.

5 Checkout Live Demo You can checkout the live demo of Upwork Clone by accessing the below link Demo Link: http://www.pickgeeks.com

6 Advanced Features Admin Features ●Escrow Commission Management ●Highly Managed Admin Panel ●Credit Packages management ●Payment Management ●Featured Job Fee Management Customer Features ●Financial Dashboard ●Social Media Login ●Post Unlimited Job ●Preferred Milestones Creation ●Invite Freelancers to Place a Bid Freelancer Features ●Advanced Filter Option ●Save Jobs ●Place Bids Using Purchased Credits ●Job Feeds ●Financial Dashboard More features you can checkout at

7 Reach us our office 301, Shree Gayatri Arcade, Rajnagar Circle, Pandit Dindayal Upadhyay Road, Rajkot, Gujarat 360004 +91-281-2444666

8 Follow us on Social Media ClonesCloud @ClonesCloud +ClonesCloud ClonesCloud Thank you very much for your time

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