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Applying for: NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein (NRSA)

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Presentation on theme: "Applying for: NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein (NRSA)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Applying for: NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein (NRSA)
Individual Fellowship Award F Series (Parent F31) / F Series (Parent F32) Applying for: NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein (NRSA) Fellowship (F) Announcement: Predoctoral Fellows NRSA -Parent F31 (NIH Activity Code) PA (announcement number) Postdoctoral Fellows NRSA -Parent F32 (NIH Activity Code) PA (announcement number) Presented by: The Center for Learning and Memory University of Texas at Austin

2 Standard Dues Dates for Competing Applications
F Series Fellowships new, renewal, resubmission SF424 (R&R) April August December 12 NRSA Pre and Post Doc Standard Dues Dates for Competing Applications

3 Submitting Application
Required Components 1 Content and Forms 2 Page Limitation 3 Submitting Application Steps insuring all guidelines are met

4 Post-Doc F32 Grant Guidelines
1 Getting Started NIH NRSA: Pre-Doc F31 Grant Guidelines Post-Doc F32 Grant Guidelines Start the application at least 2 months before the application due date Identify a Sponsor who will: supervise the training and research experience be an active investigator in the area of the proposal research training will be available for research support for high-quality training (See slide #5 for sponsor’s instruction) Identify References and ask them to: register with eRA commons fill out PHS reference form submit the required form through the Referee Information Link at eRA Commons submit reference form before grant due date (See slide #6 for Reference’s instruction) NOTE: Submitting the Reference form is a separate process from submitting an application electronically References cannot be your identified Sponsor and any Co-sponsors

5 Sponsor Describe the research training plan (coordinated with the applicant’s research strategy) Provide an assessment of the applicant’s qualifications and potential for a research career Describe the research environment: availability and quality of needed research facilities and research resources (equipment, lab space, computer time, research support, etc.) Include items such as classes, seminars and opportunities for interaction with other groups and scientists. Training in career skill (grant writing and presentation skills are strongly encouraged).

6 References PHS 416-1 Fellowship Reference Form
Reference letters are submitted directly through the eRA Commons. To submit the letter, go to the Commons Related Resources sub-heading located on the eRA Commons website. The Referees are responsible for uploading the letters into Commons on behalf of the applicant. Neither the applicant nor the Office of Sponsored Projects can upload the Referee letters. The Referee information link does not send through Grants. Gov Sponsor and any Co-sponsor may not submit a letter of reference. NOTE: Letters of reference are due by the application receipt deadline date. Although previously NIH provided a 5 business days grace period for the receipt of letters of reference after the application receipt due date, the new policy eliminates the grace period.

7 SF242(R&R) Individual Fellowship Application Guide
The application guide provides guidelines on filling out the required forms.

8 Stipends, Tuition/Fees and Other Budgetary levels effective for Fiscal Year 2012
Budget Guideline Stipend FY 2012 Career Level Years of Experience Stipend Predoctoral All $22,032 Postdoctoral $39,264   $41,364   $44,340   $46,092   $47,820   $49,884   $51,582   7 or More $54,180 Budget Categories NRSA support is limited to 5 years for predoctoral trainees, and 3 years for postdoctoral fellows. NIH provides eight levels of postdoctoral stipends to accommodate individuals who complete other forms of health-related training prior to accepting a Kirschstein-NRSA supported position.

9 Budget Categories Tuition and fees Tuition Institutional allowance
Predoctoral Fellows: For individual fellowships (F30, F31) an amount per predoctoral trainee equal to 60% of the level requested by the applicant institution, up to $16,000 per year will be provided. If the trainee or fellow is enrolled in a program that supports formally combined dual-degree training (e.g., M.D.-Ph.D, D.D.S.-Ph.D.), the amount provided per trainee or fellow will be 60% of the level requested, up to $21,000 per year. Postdoctoral Fellows: For individual fellowships (F32, F33) an amount per postdoctoral trainee or fellow equal to 60% of the level requested by the applicant institution, up to $4,500 per year, will be provided. If the trainee or fellow is enrolled in a program that supports postdoctoral individuals in formal degree-granting training, an amount per postdoctoral trainee or fellow equal to 60% of the level requested by the applicant institution, up to $16,000 per year, will be provided. Budget Categories Note: The program only pays up to 60% of each student's annual tuition Institutional allowance Institutional Allowance for individual fellows (F30, F31, F32, F33) Sponsored by Federal and For-Profit Institutions (including health insurance): Predoctoral Fellows: $3,100 Postdoctoral Fellows: $6,750 Note: Institutional allowance covers costs of research supplies, equipment, scientific meeting travel, and health insurance.

10 2 Page Limitation All Fellowship (F) Applications
Application Page Limits * (if different from FOA, FOA supersedes) Introduction to Resubmission or Revision Application (when applicable) 1 Specific Aims Research Strategy 6 Respective Contributions 1 Selection of Sponsor and Institution 1 Responsible Conduct of Research 1 Applications for Concurrent Support (when applicable) 1 Goals for Fellowship Training and Career 1 Activities Planned Under This Award 1 Doctoral Dissertation and Other Research Experience 2 Sponsor(s) and Co-Sponsor(s) 6 Biographical Sketch 4

11 Guidelines for Reviewers
Fellowship (f)Guidelines for reviewers Definitions of Criteria and Considerations for F Critiques

12 Common Terms Glossary & Acronyms

13 NRSA Payback Obligations
Frequently Asked Questions

14 Submitting Application
3 Submitting Application Specific Questions Inquiries See Questions and Answers Related to NRSA Tuition, Fees, and Health Insurance Policies: Specific questions concerning this notice or other policies relating to training grants or fellowships should be directed to the grants management office in the appropriate NIH Institute or Center, AHRQ, or HRSA. General inquiries concerning NRSA stipend and tuition policies should be directed to:

Rodney Ulane, Ph.D.
NIH Research Training Officer 
National Institutes of Health 
6705 Rockledge Drive, Room 3516 
Bethesda, Maryland 
Phone: (301) 
FAX: (301) 
 ____________________________________________ Center for Learning and Memory and Neurobiology Vickie Amidon Norman Hackerman Bldg. Room 2.156

15 Questions and Answers Do I submit the application on my own?
No. Your Grants and Contracts personnel will Office of Sponsored Projects that the application is ready to submit in Cayuse. The University of Texas at Austin, OSP, will submit the prepared application you on your behalf. Do I need to register with to submit my application? No. Your affiliation with The University of Texas at Austin allows OSP to submit your application on your behalf. The guidelines say I need a Commons account. How do I obtain one? Ask your Grants and Contracts Personnel to send an request to In the subject line, write: “Commons User ID and Password Request” In the body of the , include the following: your name your EID your contact information if you have ever had a Commons account at another institution, provide the User ID and the associated with that ID Provided by the Office of Sponsored Projects

16 How do I prepare the forms?
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has converted the NRSA application from paper submission to electronic submission. The University of Texas at Austin’s policy requires that submissions be prepared in Cayuse, the university’s system-to-system submission solution. See policy at: Your Grants and Contracts personnel will set up the application in Cayuse and give you access to it. You will log into Cayuse to review and upload documents. How do I obtain a Cayuse account? Ask your Grants and Contracts Personnel to send an request to In the subject line, write: “Cayuse User ID and Password Request” In the body of the , include the following: your name your EID your contact information I have reference letters that need to be associated with my application. Who submits them and how? Applicants and their referees must follow the instructions in the application guide, Section 5.4. NOTE from NIH: “Letters of reference are due by the application receipt deadline date. Although previously NIH provided a 5 business days grace period for the receipt of letters of reference after the application receipt due date, the new policy eliminates the grace period. More information can be found in NIH Guide Notice NOT-OD , In essence, the Referees are responsible for uploading the letters into Commons on behalf of the applicant. Neither the applicant nor the Office of Sponsored Projects can upload the Referee letters. Provided by the Office of Sponsored Projects

17 OSP website:
How do I get my application to OSP? Your faculty sponsor must log into OSP’s Research Management System (RMS) and complete and route forward a Proposal Review Form (PRF) that informs OSP of your intent to submit an NRSA application and that places your application in the submission queue. In addition, your application will be assigned to a Proposal Specialist who will review your application for compliance and completeness. If my application is listed under my faculty sponsor in RMS, how can I serve as the Principal Investigator (PI), per the guidelines? While your faculty sponsor is named in UT-Austin’s internal system (RMS), the NIH will consider you the PI and will list the application in their proprietary system as yours. When does OSP need my application? OSP needs your application no later than four (4) business days before the deadline. For the December 8, 2012 application cycle, you must have your application completed and available for OSP review no later than the morning of December 5, 2012. How do I send OSP my Cayuse application? Cayuse does not have a routing feature. Therefore, it is imperative that your grants and contracts specialist create and route forward a PRF so OSP knows to log into Cayuse and look for your application. You should also send an to your proposal specialist to indicate you have completed the application. HELPFUL LINKS OSP website: Cayuse link: Research Management System: NRSA Application Guide: F Kiosk – Information about Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Individual Fellowship Funding Opportunities: Stipends and Institutional Allowance Information: (dated 4/25/2011) Before submitting always check for updates that may affect the application. Provided by the Office of Sponsored Projects

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