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A 200 Frames per Second, 1-Megapixel, Frame Store CCD camera for X-ray imaging Dionisio Doering (a), Nord Andresen (a), Devis Contarato (a), Peter Denes.

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Presentation on theme: "A 200 Frames per Second, 1-Megapixel, Frame Store CCD camera for X-ray imaging Dionisio Doering (a), Nord Andresen (a), Devis Contarato (a), Peter Denes."— Presentation transcript:

1 A 200 Frames per Second, 1-Megapixel, Frame Store CCD camera for X-ray imaging Dionisio Doering (a), Nord Andresen (a), Devis Contarato (a), Peter Denes (a), John Joseph (a), Patrick McVittie (a), Jean-Pierre Walder (a), John Weizeorick (b) (a)Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA (USA) (b) Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL (USA) International Workshop on Semiconductor Pixel Detectors for Particles and Imaging September 3 – 7, 2012 in Inawashiro, Japan

2 Outline Sensor Buffer chip Readout IC X-ray camera Readout system Initial Results Conclusions 2Pixel2012, Inawashiro - Japan

3 Thick fully depleted detector 3Pixel2012, Inawashiro - Japan S. Holland SNAP- Super Nova Acceleration Probe Produced at DALSA/Teledyne MSL@LBNL processed At V SUB = 115 V, σ D = 3.7 ± 0.2 μm

4 Fully depleted charge cloud moves by drift full charge collection good point spread function Fully depleted vs. partially depleted 4Pixel2012, Inawashiro - Japan depleted undepleted Partially depleted charge cloud diffuses in 4  partial charge collection poor point spread function + + + +

5 X-ray sensor efficiency Pixel2012, Inawashiro - Japan5

6 X-ray sensor efficiency Pixel2012, Inawashiro - Japan6

7 X-ray sensor efficiency Pixel2012, Inawashiro - Japan7

8 X-ray sensor efficiency Pixel2012, Inawashiro - Japan8

9 X-ray sensor efficiency Pixel2012, Inawashiro - Japan9 Low temperature process High temperature process MBE (in R&D)

10 Constant area taper Mini-shift reg. Output stage ~300 µm pitch bond pads (wire-bondable) Metal strapping ParameterValue Thick 50-300  m Direct detectionYes Fully depletedYes Pixel size 30  m Pixel matrix1920 x 960 Frame storeYes # of outputs192 Pixel rate184Mpix/s Pixel2012, Inawashiro - Japan 1kFSCCD

11 Speed issues, for the output stage 11Pixel2012, Inawashiro - Japan Parasitic capacitance leads to a long CCD output rise time Buffer chip –0.35  m high voltage CMOS –Provide bias for the detector –Recover gain Input: 2.1ns Output: 3.7ns CCD output rise time : 400 ns V reset V out V sclk V sw

12 FCRIC (1/2) 12Pixel2012, Inawashiro - Japan 16 channels Gain 8, 2, 1 12 + 1 bit ADC Covers 15-bit dynamic range Quantization error always < photostatistics CDS – correlated double sampling ± ± Preamp Multi-gain integrator CDSPipelined ADC Voltage integrator Output = Optimal noise filtering Switched cap preserves charge ADU Input signal (V)

13 FCRIC (2/2) 13Pixel2012, Inawashiro - Japan

14 Camera head 14Pixel2012, Inawashiro - Japan Top board Bias board Digitizer board Frame store mask Temperature sensors Vacuum chamber

15 Readout system (1/2) 15Pixel2012, Inawashiro - Japan RAID Array Node User Client User Client Camera Head Shelf Manager Shelf Manager 10 GbE Network 1 GbE Network Custom Interface Custom Timing Module Timing Module Data Capture Module Data Capture Module Fabric Switch Hub Fabric Switch Hub Sys. Config. GUI Interface Processor Node Camera Interface Node Digital PSU Digital PSU ATCA Chassis Network Connections

16 Readout system (2/2) 16Pixel2012, Inawashiro - Japan Image processing Dark image subtraction, Gain correction Zero suppression, Digital integration, Binning Camera head communication – Copper cables – Being replaced by fiber optics module Fiber optics module Camera Interface Node (CIN) ATCA crate

17 Calibration & X-ray imaging R&D 17Pixel2012, Inawashiro - Japan ALS at beam line 5.3.1 ALS at beam line 8.3.2 new systems are in production and will be delivered to ALS (8x), APS (2x) and (1x) EXFEL A few more will be produced to other places, contracts under negotiation. Power supply ATCA system 1kFS CCD chiller

18 1kFSCCD X-ray performance 18Pixel2012, Inawashiro - Japan

19 Future developments for high(er) speed detectors 19Pixel2012, Inawashiro - Japan Diffraction CCD 120  m laser drilled hole 5 x 50  m pixel CCD (spectrographic applications) Column parallel CCD 65 nm CMOS Pre-process + ADC For more info, please see Peter Denes talk 9/4 4:20pm Maurice Garcia-Sciveres talk 9/5 8:30am

20 Conclusions 20Pixel2012, Inawashiro - Japan

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