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Applying CIQ in your classroom. Assignment 5 Digital Project Marcelo Cabral.

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Presentation on theme: "Applying CIQ in your classroom. Assignment 5 Digital Project Marcelo Cabral."— Presentation transcript:

1 Applying CIQ in your classroom

2 Assignment 5 Digital Project Marcelo Cabral

3  Definition: CIQ is a strategy to gather students’ feedback through a five questions survey that is given to learners weekly to evaluate how they are finding your class.

4  Benefits of using a CIQ: ◦ Find out students’ perspectives on the learning content and teaching methodology ◦ Open instructor’s eye for a problem not yet anticipated ◦ Improve trust between students and instructor ◦ Improve delivery of the course materials

5  Risks of using a CIQ: ◦ Risk of becoming a zero value tool if the instructor doesn’t address the most relevant comments received in the following week ◦ Risk of overload instructor capacity especially in larger groups

6 1. At what moment this week did you feel most engaged? 2. At what moment this week were you most distanced? 3. What action taken this week by anyone in the class did you find most useful? 4. What action taken this week by anyone in the class did you find most confusing? 5. What surprised you most about the class this week? (Brookfield & Preskill, 2005)


8  Input: handle it 5 minutes at the end of the class or share web link to complete the questionnaire online.  Output: review inputs received, evaluate results, reflect critically and bring up outcomes in the next class, ideally at the beginning of the session.

9  Prioritize feedback received by the level of importance and percentage of the class impacted  Use of pivot table to identify trends

10  Write a goal to deal with the issue and action items needed to address it  Research and brainstorm out of the box ideas to deal with the issues

11  Instructor and students on the same page  Students achieve a better understanding of the content  Instructors are less stressed about the techniques and approaches used

12  As many times as possible, but ideally, in all courses you are teaching for the first time or at a new institution.

13 Brookfield, S. D. and Preskill, S. (2005). Discussion as a Way of Teaching: Tools and Techniques for a Democratic Classroom (2nd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Brookfield, S. D. (1995). Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Senate Committee on Teaching and Learning (2002). The Teaching Assessment and Evaluation Guide. Toronto, ON: York University.

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