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Energy and Water: Challenges and Opportunities John Merson Senior Manager February 17, 2011 Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-program laboratory.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy and Water: Challenges and Opportunities John Merson Senior Manager February 17, 2011 Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-program laboratory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy and Water: Challenges and Opportunities John Merson Senior Manager February 17, 2011 Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-program laboratory operated and managed by Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation, for the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000. SAND2010-6484C

2 Water Challenge – The combination of population growth and climatic variability are leading to major competition and conflict over freshwater availability, both in the United States and multiple strategic world regions. Energy Challenge – Energy and water are increasingly interdependent because electric power generation requires very large quantities of water; future power demands for supplying societys water needs will grow substantially. Science Opportunity – The Nations challenges at the nexus of energy and water require new discoveries and advances in our scientific understanding and tools. These include new membranes and separation processes, interaction of surfaces and frictionless materials, advanced simulation and prediction of regional water availability and demands, revolutionary process measurement and monitoring methods, and science-based management of integrated energy-water systems. Essence of the Energy~Water Nexus

3 Energy~Water Nexus Initiative - Meeting Challenges to Energy and Water Security Created by NETL, LANL, SNL in August 2001 Held topical workshops in Denver (June 2002)and Pittsburgh (July 2002) Expanded to include 12 National Labs LERDWG February 2003 : EWN Team formed (11 Labs) SRNL involved starting August 2005 Problem Definition, Planning 2003-Present: Team-generated strategy, white papers, presentation materials, website Outreach: DOE:2004 – Present – Issues, Challenges and Recommendations Presentation to Program and Staff Offices (EERE, EM,FE, NE, SC, PO, OETD) – Ongoing briefings re: EWN status, issues Others: 2004 - Present – Invited participation in Congressional briefings, press events supporting National Water Supply Technology Legislation – Presentations, Posters at Professional/Scientific Conferences (e.g., SSWR, ASME, NAS….) Representation from all DOE Multi-Program Laboratories Energy~Water Nexus Team The Energy-Water Nexus Team Has Helped To Highlight The Interdependency of Energy and Water

4 1.Integrated regional energy and water resource planning and decision support tools 2.Improving fresh water use efficiency in thermoelectric power generation 3.Accelerate implementation of renewable and fresh water use efficient power generation resources 4.Improve water use efficiency in biofuels/biomass energy 5.Assess use of nontraditional water for energy production and generation 6.Improve water treatment to reduce water quality concerns on oil and gas development - produced water, oil shale, etc. 7.Improve characterization/monitoring of water supplies, trends in supply variability, and changing demands 8.Infrastructure changes to improve energy/water efficiency Summary of Major National Needs and Research Directions from Roadmap Workshops

5 Many documents highlight the issues

6 What is the DOE thinking about the issues Nationally/DOE, get slides from Alan Hoffman At Sandia Partial Presentation Used with Permission from Dr. Hoffman

7 7 Water-Energy Research Needs R&D to: reduce steam power plant cooling requirements Nuclear, fossil, concentrating solar reduce energy requirements of desalination develop less energy-intensive technology for water decontamination, treatment and reuse reduce water use in agriculture

8 8 Research Needs (continued) understand the water requirements of emerging energy technologies: biofuels carbon capture and sequestration oil and gas shales tar sands hydrogen economy understand the impact of global climate change on spatial and temporal variability of water resources

9 9 DOE Water-Energy R&D Activities Several program offices are supporting water-energy R&D Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, Fossil Energy, Policy and International Affairs, Nuclear Energy, Science Many national laboratories and contractors are carrying out these R&D activities These efforts will receive increased emphasis in the future as the US and other countries undertake efforts to adapt to the impacts of climate change an initial report to the President by the interagency Climate Change Adaptation Task Force is scheduled for October

10 10 A Sampling of DOE R&D Activities minimizing the environmental impact of water used for the hydrofracturing of gas shales reducing water used by biofuels, nuclear, geothermal and concentrating solar power systems detecting, understanding and predicting climate change impacts on precipitation opportunities for hydropower upgrades at existing facilities analytical tools for managing energy-water tradeoffs in hydropower systems impacts of drought on water availability for power plant cooling in Western U.S.

11 11 DOE R&D Activities (continued) advanced, more efficient separation technologies for treating degraded water improving the quality of oil and gas produced water addition of water flows to energy planning models use of mine water and treated wastewaters in thermal power plants use of saline formations for combined thermal power plant water needs and carbon sequestration water-related issues affecting conventional oil and gas recovery and potential shale oil development in Utah

12 12 Concluding Remarks In recent years there has been a growing understanding and acknowledgment that water and energy issues are inseparable A broad range of water-energy R&D activities currently is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy and the level of support is likely to increase Thank you 202-586-8302

13 Sandia National Laboratories Water Program Objectives Treatment Technologies Modeling & Management Security Systems Energy -Water

14 Sandias Modeling Innovation System Dynamics Code Integration (e.g., MODFLOW, REMI) Agent Based Modeling Serious Gaming Collaborative Modeling GIS Web Served Models

15 Transports H 2 O fast Water channels Ion channels Bio-inspired design Theory to reveal mechanism Selects ions fast Sandias Treatment Innovations Ga-substituted alumina Keggin ion Example ceragenin, CSA-13

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