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Presentation on theme: "GENERAL MANAGEMENT"— Presentation transcript:

1 GENERAL MANAGEMENT +91 94220-28822

2 GENERAL MANAGEMENT Q1.Describe how you think new employees Mississippi power “learn” the culture Q2.What stack holder might be important to Mississippi power ?what concern might each of these stack holders have? would these stack holder change if there was a disaster to which the company had to respond? Q3.What could other organization learn from Mississippi power about the importance of organization culture?

3 Q4.What global attitude do you think would most supp ort, promote, and encourage cultural awareness? Explain. Q5.Would legal-political and economic differences play a role as companies design appropriate cultural awareness training for employees? Explain. Q6.Pick one of the countries mentioned in the case and do some cultural research on it. What did you find out about the culture of that country? How might this information affect the way a manager in that country plans, organizes, leads, and controls? Q7.What advice might you give to a manager who has little experience globally?

4 Q8.What barriers to communication were evident at Voyant? What other communication barriers likely existed? Explain. Q9.What suggestions presented in the chapter might Voyant’s employees have used to overcome communication barriers? Q10.Why were the structural changes important to the success of the communication changes? Q11.Why do you think Ernstrom believes that the company’s customers are happier than ever before? What role do you think communication plays? Q12.What HR problems were evident at the Denver Mint?

5 Q13.Some businesses use a zero-tolerance policy—unacceptable and detrimental behavior is not tolerated under any circumstances. Is a zero-tolerance policy an appropriate response for combating sexual harassment? Why or why not? Q14.What types of training might you suggest for the employees of the Denver Mint? Explain what this training should include and how you would present it. Q15. If you were the superintendent in charge of this facility, what steps would you take now that a settlement has been reached to ensure that your workplace becomes a model workplace?

6 Q16.How might value chain management be useful in this type of organizational setting? Explain. Q17.Would Productivity measures be important to a concert tour? How might productivity be measured in this type of organizational setting?

7 +91 94220-28822


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