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Result Oriented Tactics to Succeed in Crowd-funding Marketplace!

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Presentation on theme: "Result Oriented Tactics to Succeed in Crowd-funding Marketplace!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Result Oriented Tactics to Succeed in Crowd-funding Marketplace!

2 Introduction Crowd-funding is a budding trend which spinnings around small investments from potential investors. This turns a opens up avenues for investors to reach out to the best of business ventures. The small amounts raised through a pool of investors consequently amount to a huge sum that can be invested on potential and rewarding business projects.

3 Contd... As the concept of crowd funding is booming and making way ahead for greater opportunities, it has equally become competitive. To keep your head out of the crowd and receive your funding, you have to implement proven and effective strategies. By that you can head your way to success. Here we enumerate some of the creative tactics to make your crowd funding business work wonders.

4 Connect To Successful Investors It can be helpful to have strong link ups to support you in your venture. This may not be possible immediately. It will require your patience and time to research on the investors who have made names and who you would appreciate including in your crowd funding enterprise. Try to build up communication with them and specify your reason for appreciating his presence. There are chances of you building up an established rapport with advanced investors and such build-up will help you to establish your presence in the market.

5 Plan Your Strategies in Advance Having well defined strategies and plans can help you to be well-armed before the launch of your campaign. It is imperative to plan, contemplate and devise your moves accordingly. A consistent engagement and follow up with supporters can go a long way in fetching you the much needed finance along with customers & advocates to drive your success.

6 Video Invitations Video Invitations have attracted far more attention than the others. It goes a great way to draw attention and create the much needed marketing alongside the invitation.

7 Keeping up Spectacular Updates Another impressive way to attract audience is to post regular updates on newspaper articles and pictures and share them with potential investors and donors. This will help you to gain the much desired attention and popularity.

8 Starting with Small Ventures If possible, lay your foot on small ventures in the beginning. Such ventures require low funding and involve lesser risk. Include yourself for short enterprises for succeeding later.

9 Concluding Lines There is often a lot to organize & settle before the onset of any business venture. Technology on one hand helps to automate many of the business processes. Agriya’s crowdfunding platformAgriya’s crowdfunding platform is a well-known solution for designing crowd-funding business website at a minimum initial costing. It is embedded with multiple features to ease out the system’s processes.

10 Contd... However, crowd-funding needs a lot of preparation such as origination, credit risk analysis, recovery and enforcement, legal and compliance. With a good initial planning and a well-organized website, the challenges on the way of fund raising can be meted out. Reference: ●Roadmap to launch a complete crowdfunding business modelRoadmap to launch a complete crowdfunding business model ●Future business opportunities of crowdfunding marketplaceFuture business opportunities of crowdfunding marketplace

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