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1 Advertising +91 95030-94040

2 Advertising Case (20 Marks) Unethical judgements lead to misleading and false advertising. Let us understand what is unethical and what is a lapse in the application of ethics. Ethical dilemma is the outcome of an unresolved interpretation of an ethical issue. We must appreciate the difference between “having a right” and the “right thing to do “.For example should advertisers strive to persuade not so well-to-do youth in urban and semi-urban areas to buy expensive sports shoes or branded jeans? there is no law against such advertising but the socially and morally responsible behavior may be to refrain, and so we have an ethical dilemma. It seems advertising professionals find largely synonymous with legality and many consider advertising expensive jeans or sports shoes to all markets, including those who should not buy them is “acceptable” ethical behavior.

3 We must appreciate that one can be ethical only when there is the option of being ethical. One cannot choose to be ethical when one cannot choose at all. Thus, ethics begins only where the law ends. Ethical dilemmas can occur because advertisers typically sell brands, not just products. Even though functionally the products from different manufacturers may be the same, advertisers present their brands as being different from other brands. In this process advertisers are tempted to create false differences. Another situation creates dilemma when advertisers highlight only the good things about their brand and omit any shortcomings.

4 Whatever is said is not false, yet the ad dose not tell the whole truth. In contrast ethical lapse is typically a clear of illegal behavior, not permitted by the law of the land. Plenty of laws govern what is legal in advertising but laws ultimately reflect ethical judgements. As for the self-regulation, advertising and media associations, councils, and societies focus on legalities rather than philosophies. The eternal question of when how by whom are these laws to be enforced in resolving ethical dilemmas and lapses still remains.

5 Answer the following question. Q1. Give an overview of the above case. Q2. What is ethical lpase in ads?

6 +91 95030-94040

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