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Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) Muhammad Munir Senior phlebotomist The Indus Hospital (Multan Institute of Kidney Disease)

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2 Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) Muhammad Munir Senior phlebotomist The Indus Hospital (Multan Institute of Kidney Disease)

3 ESR It is the rate of downward descent of RBCs in a vertical column of blood.

4 Principle of ESR If anti-coagulated blood is allowed to stand vertically in a narrow tube, the red cells will settle progressively to the bottom leaving clear plasma above. The cells settle due to : 1-Density of RBCs is greater than that of plasma. 2-RBCs tend to aggregate to form Rouleaux. (Rouleaux differs from agglutination that agglutinated cells are irreversibly bound together and can not be separated )

5 Stages of ESR  There are 3 stages in erythrocyte sedimentation Process. Stage 1 : Rouleaux formation - First 10 minutes Stage 2 : Sedimentation or settling stage – 40 minutes Stage 3 : Packing stage - 10 minutes (sedimentation slows and cells start to pack at the bottom of the tube)

6 Collection of ESR Specimen Specimen type: Whole blood Preferred collection container: ESR Vacuum Tube (3.8 % Sodium Citrate), lavender-top ( EDTA) tube Specimen required: Whole Blood Specimen volume:4ml Do not centrifuge. Specimen must be sent as whole blood.

7 Methods of ESR 1. Westergren Method 2. Wintrobe Method 3. Modified Westergren Method 4. Automated Method

8 Comparison of Wintrobe & Westergren Method

9 Clinical Significance of ESR

10 Reference range  Adults: Men under 50 years old <15mm/hr Men over 50 years old <20mm/hr Women under 50 years old <20mm/hr Women over 50 years old <30mm/hr  Children: New born 0-2 mm/hr New born to Puberty 3-13 mm/hr

11 Factors affecting ESR

12 Clinical Application of ESR Nonspecific test. Prognostic not diagnostic. Monitor disease activity and response to therapy. ESR is a nonspecific marker of inflammation and is affected by other factors, ESR results must be used along with other clinical findings.



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