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National Policy on Solid Waste (Brazil)

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Presentation on theme: "National Policy on Solid Waste (Brazil)"— Presentation transcript:

1 National Policy on Solid Waste (Brazil)
International Dialogue on Environmentally Sound Management of E-waste 7-8 May/ San Salvador National Policy on Solid Waste (Brazil)

2 Center for Information Technology Renato Archer
Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation – MCTI Center for Information Technology Renato Archer – CTI Campinas – SP - Brazil

3 National Policy on Solid Waste
Policy objective It´s a set of principles, objectives, instruments, guidelines, goals and actions To facilitate the integrated and environmentally sound management of solid waste Federal Law n° /August (NPSW) Federal Decree n° 7.404/December 2010 (Logistics Reverse System)

4 National Policy on Solid Waste
Policy timeline State plan for solid waste Municipality plan for solid waste Sectoral logistics reverse agreement Eliminate the dumps Reverse Logistic Beginning of the law discussions August/2012 Approval of the solid waste law August/2014 1st Quarter 2013 1991 2010 2012 2013 2014

5 National Policy on Solid Waste
Policy pillars Shared responsibility Reverse logistics Sectoral agreements Inclusion of collectors

6 National Policy on Solid Waste Appropriate final disposal in landfill
Policy priorities Treatment No generation Reuse Appropriate final disposal in landfill Reduction Recycling Higher priority Lower priority

7 National Policy on Solid Waste electrical and electronic
Dangerous products tires batteries agrochemicals electrical and electronic equipments lamps lubricating oils

8 Shared Responsibility
Main objective It’s a set of individualized and interconnected assignments of manufacturers, importers, distributors and traders, consumers and holders of urban cleaning public services on solid waste management (municipalities) to minimize the volume of solid waste, as well as, to reduce the impacts resulting from the product life cycle to the human health and environmental quality

9 It´s a instrument of economic and social development
Reverse Logistic Systems (decree n° 7404/2010) Main objective It´s a instrument of economic and social development characterized by a set of actions, procedures and means to facilitate the collection and recovery of solid waste to the manufactures, for reuse in your cycle or other production cycles, or other environmentally sound disposal.

10 Reverse Logistic Systems (decree n° 7404/2010)
Legal instruments Art. 15.   The reverse logistics systems will be implemented and operationalized by one of the following legal instruments: Sectoral Agreements Executive Decrees Terms of commitment

11 It´s a formal contract to be signed by
Sectoral Agreement (decree n° 7404/2010) Main objective It´s a formal contract to be signed by Government and sectoral of manufacturers, importers, distributors or traders to implement the shared responsibility for the products life cycle Riquirements: I - products definition, II- life cycle and logistics, III- operational steps, IV- participation of collectors, V- participation of municipalities, VI- participation of consumerss, VII- comunication strategiy VIII- quantitative and regional goals, IX- financial... etc.

12 Sectoral Agreement (decree n° 7404/2010)
Agreement strategy GTT-REEE (Thematic Work Group of Waste of Electron Electronic Equipment Sector representative of government, manufactures, importers, distributors, traders and others sectors (waste collectors, managers and recyclers, carries, scrap companies, selective waste collector, 3th sector, etc.) Steps: I) agreement meetings (2011/2012), II) feasibility study (July2012), III) government agreement call (August2012), IV) agreement signature (September2012); V) policy implementation (March2013), VI) policy management

13 Inclusion of collectors
Social policy Inclusion of recyclable materials collectors in actions that involve shared responsibility for the products life cycle Priority to access federal government resources Municipalities have to implement waste selective collection programs with the participation of the collectors cooperatives

14 Green Electronic Product and Process Objective
Brazilian Program MCTI/MDIC/MMA Ambientronic Program Green Electronic Product and Process Objective Support manufacturers to be compliant with RoHS/REACH and WEEE directives; Promote “Design for Environment” and “Life Cycle Analysis” actions; Support recycling companies to be compliant with international directives.

15 Reverse Logistics Framework
Remanufact. Recycling Story and sorting Collection Materiai Product Society Reuse Industries Environmetally sound disposal ANIMAÇAO

16 Cadeia de produção desconhecida
Product Life Cycle Transporte Cadeia de produção desconhecida Transporte Coleta

17 Sustainability Technology
Gestão Integrada EcoDesign Consideração dos impactos ambientais associados ao ciclo de vida do produto no processo de desenvolvimento sem comprometer os critérios fundamentais Green Manufacturing (RoHS) Restrição do uso de substâncias perigosas WEEE Management (WEEE / PNRS) Logística reversa, reciclagem e reuso

18 Brazil challenges Area 8 514 876 km² 26 states + Federal district
5,565 municipalities 192 million of habitants 16 municipalities > 1 million of inhabitants 286 municipalities > 100 thousand inhabitants Production of 14 million computer (2010) Production of 61 million cell phone (2010) WEEE ton/year (2007 study)

19 Thank you Marcos Pimentel
Center for Information Technology Renato Archer Thank you Marcos Pimentel

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