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Chapter 5 Series Solutions of Linear Differential Equations.

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1 Chapter 5 Series Solutions of Linear Differential Equations

2 Outline 5.1 Solutions about Ordinary Points 5.1.1 Review of Power Series 5.1.2 Power Series Solutions 5.2 Solutions about Singular Points 5.3 Special Functions 5.3.1 Bessel Functions 5.3.2 Legendre Functions

3 Solutions about Ordinary Points A power series in x – a is an infinite series of the form – This power series is centered at a – The following series is centered at

4 Solutions about Ordinary Points (cont’d.) Power series characteristics – A power series is convergent if its sequence of partial sums converges (may be checked by the ratio test) – Every power series has an interval of convergence, the set of all real numbers for which the series converges

5 Solutions about Ordinary Points (cont’d.) Power series characteristics (cont’d.) – Every power series has a radius of convergence, R, the set of all real numbers for which the series converges

6 Solutions about Ordinary Points (cont’d.) Power series characteristics (cont’d.) – A function f is analytic at a point a if it can be represented by a power series in x – a with a positive radius of convergence – Power series can be combined through the operations of addition, multiplication, and division

7 Solutions about Ordinary Points (cont’d.) In order to add two series, summation indices must start with the same number and the power of x in each must be “in phase” As written, the first series starts with x 0 while the second starts with x 1 Pulling out the first term of the first series makes both terms start with x 1 Letting k = n – 2 in the first series and k = n + 1 in the second gives matching summation indices Now the series can be added term by term

8 Solutions about Ordinary Points (cont’d.) Consider the linear second-order DE – Divide by to put into standard form – Point x 0 is an ordinary point of the DE if both and are analytic at x 0 – A point that is not an ordinary point is a singular point of the equation

9 Solutions about Ordinary Points (cont’d.) If is an ordinary point of the DE, we can always find two linearly independent solutions in the form of a power series centered at x 0 A series solution converges at least on some interval defined by where R is the distance from x 0 to the closest singular point – This R is the lower bound for radius of convergence

10 Solutions about Singular Points Consider the linear second-order DE – Divide by to put into standard form – Point x 0 is a regular singular point of the DE if both and are analytic at x 0 – A singular point that is not regular is an irregular singular point of the equation

11 Solutions about Singular Points (cont’d.) To solve a DE about a regular singular point, we employ Frobenius’ Theorem – If is a regular singular point of the standard DE, there exists at least one nonzero solution of the form where r is a constant, and the series converges at least on some interval

12 Solutions about Singular Points (cont’d.) After substituting into a DE and simplifying, the indicial equation is a quadratic equation in r that results from equating the total coefficient of the lowest power of x to zero The indicial roots are the solutions to the quadratic equation The roots are then substituted into a recurrence relation

13 Solutions about Singular Points (cont’d.) Suppose that is a regular singular point of a DE and indicial roots are r 1 and r 2 – Case 1: r 1 and r 2 are distinct and do not differ by an integer, then there are two linearly independent solutions

14 Solutions about Singular Points (cont’d.) Suppose that is a regular singular point of a DE and indicial roots are r 1 and r 2 – Case 2: r 1 – r 2 = N where N is a positive integer, then there are two linearly independent solutions – Case 3: r 1 = r 2, then there are two linearly independent solutions

15 Special Functions The following DEs occur frequently in advanced mathematics, physics, and engineering – Bessel’s equation of order v, solutions are Bessel functions – Legendre’s equation of order n, solutions are Legendre functions

16 Special Functions (cont’d.) There are various formulations of the solutions to Bessel’s equation – Bessel’s functions of the first kind – Bessel’s functions of the second kind – Bessel’s functions of half-integral order – Spherical Bessel functions of the first and second kind

17 Special Functions (cont’d.) Legendre polynomials,, are specific nth- degree polynomial solutions The first few Legendre polynomials are

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