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Can weight loss treat Erectile Dysfunction?Erectile Dysfunction.

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1 Can weight loss treat Erectile Dysfunction?Erectile Dysfunction

2 About Erectile Dysfunction  A consistent incompetence to acquire or retain an erection stable enough for sexual intercourse.  Also referred to as male impotence What is normal what is not?  Incapability to get an erection occasionally is quite usual.  This may be due to stress.  Recurrent and repeated ED can indicate several health problems which need to be treated.  Emotional disturbances or relationship difficulties can also lead to ED and needs a doctor’s attention.

3 Premature ejaculation Delayed or absent ejaculation Lack of libido Symptoms of ED Difficulty getting an erection Failure in maintaining an erection during sexual activities Decreased interest in sex Other male sexual dysfunction disorders

4 Other sexual disorders related to ED Premature ejaculation Delayed ejaculation Anorgasmia (inability to achieve orgasm after ample stimulation) Risk factors for ED Some common causes are: Heart disease including high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels Diabetes Damage from cancer or surgery Injuries Obesity or being overweight Advancing age Stress, anxiety and / or relationship problems Drug use Alcohol consumption and smoking

5 As per a recently published study in the American Journal of Medicine, about 18 million American men suffer from ED. Over 53% men aged 40-70 have erectile dysfunction to some extent. There are some papers which demonstrate that obesity alone is a risk factor Moreover, diabetes is a significant and grave consequence of obesity and overweight, and is associated with ED. Obesity and ED

6 Drink more water before meals  Drinking water increases the metabolism by 24-30% over a period of 1-1.5 hours and help to burn more calories  Research shows that drinking a half liter (17 oz.) of water a half an hour prior to meals helped in decreasing the calorie intake and lose 44% more weight. Cut down the carbs  Refined carbohydrates like sugar, or grains from which fibrous, nutritious parts have been removed should be banned (includes white bread and pasta).  These rapidly increases blood sugar and causing severe upsurge of insulin in the body; thus, increasing hunger, cravings and food intake.  Eating refined carbs is strongly linked to obesity  Replace refined carbs with fibrous carbs.  Decrease the carb intake and increase protein intake. 5 things to follow for weight loss

7 Eat Spicy!  Capsaicin present in the chilies is known to boost the metabolism and acts as a mild appetite suppressor Eat More Vegetables and Fruits  Vegetables and fruits have several properties that are right for weight loss.  They contain few calories, but a lot of fiber.  They are also rich in water, which gives them a low energy density. They also take a while to chew, and are very filling.  Studies show that people who eat vegetables and fruits are light in weight. Aerobic Exercise  Doing aerobic exercise (cardio) is the best to burn calories and is effective reducing the belly fat, the unhealthy fat that accumulates around the organs and cause metabolic disease

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