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Expansion and Improvements

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1 Expansion and Improvements

2 I. Missouri Compromise

3 Missouri wanted to enter the Union as a slave state
Free Free Free Slave Slave Free Slave Free Free Slave Slave Free Slave Free Slave Free Slave Free Slave Slave Free This would disrupt the balance between free and slave states

4 Missouri Compromise Missouri would enter as a slave state
Maine would join as a free state Slavery would not be permitted in any new states/territories north of the 36o 30’

5 Designed by Henry Clay At the time of Missouri there 11 free states and 11 slave states Without the compromise the union may have split up


7 II. Internal Improvements

8 The American System Designed by Henry Clay A tax on imports (tariff)
Money collected would be used for internal improvements

9 The American System

10 III. New Roads and Canals

11 Cumberland Road 1st road built by the federal government
Construction began in 1820 It started in Cumberland Maryland By 1850 it stretched to Illinois


13 Erie Canal Ran from Albany to Buffalo Completed in 1825
Water transportation was quicker, easier, and cheaper

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