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Accurate size calling, consistent band intensities, and low run-to-run migration variations by electrophoresis on ABI 3730xl DNA Analyzer Sizing to within.

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Presentation on theme: "Accurate size calling, consistent band intensities, and low run-to-run migration variations by electrophoresis on ABI 3730xl DNA Analyzer Sizing to within."— Presentation transcript:

1 Accurate size calling, consistent band intensities, and low run-to-run migration variations by electrophoresis on ABI 3730xl DNA Analyzer Sizing to within 1 bp resolution for fragments in the approximate size range of 50 bp to 500bp Supported dye labels: 6-FAM (blue), NED (yellow), PET (red), VIC (green) Our instrument is calibrated for use with Dye Set DS-33 (filter set G5) and will not work optimally with other dyes. Labeled primers may be ordered directly through our DNA Synthesis unit. picture of proven PCR reaction. Multiplex analysis option (up to 4 fluorescent dyes) Sizing by comparison with GeneScan 500 LIZ Size Standard Standard size marker (orange dye label) is loaded with each sample. On-site data interpretation (Microsatellite and MLPA applications only!) using GeneMapper v4.0 analysis software (add-on service option) Direct notification upon service completion Secure website access to fragment analysis results Prompt technical support and consultation Daily (Mon-Fri) processing and free sample pickup at our remote sample drop-off locations Turnaround time: 24 hours or less

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