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Lesson 4 incipio = “to begin” nihil= “nothing” nego = “to deny”

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 4 incipio = “to begin” nihil= “nothing” nego = “to deny”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 4 incipio = “to begin” nihil= “nothing” nego = “to deny” vacuus = “empty” aperio = “to open”

2 1. inception – the beginning of
something Example: Since the inception of the Smart Phone, the digital market has exploded with apps for everything! 2. incipient - in its early stages; beginning Example: A sore throat and runny nose are the symptoms of an incipient cold. 3. annihilate – to destroy completely. Example: Our basketball team was about to annihilate the opponent when our star player was injured during the game!

3 5. negate – to disprove / nullify
4. nihilism – the total rejection of religious or moral beliefs Example: Her complete lack of respect and nihilism was apparent when she chose to vandalize the school property. 5. negate – to disprove / nullify Example: Scientists are trying to negate the notion that immunizations can cause autism. 6. renegade – One who deserts a group, cause, or faith / an outlaw Example: Disgusted by the lack of focus of her cheerleading squad, Sandy turned renegade and joined poms instead!

4 7. vacuous – empty, especially of meaning or purpose.
Example: Shows like, “Honey Boo Boo”, are completely vacuous and a waste of time to watch. 8. vanity – conceit, especially about one’s appearance / a dressing table Example: Everybody laughed at her vanity as she would not stop fixing her make-up! 9. vaunt– to boast or brag about Example: Coach said we should show good sportsmanship and never vaunt a win.

5 10. aperture – an opening especially one that admits light
Example: I woke up only when the light began to filter in through the aperture of the window. 11. overt – done or shown openly Example: Their overt hostility gave us little hope of a reconciliation.

6 Accelerated Challenge Words:
1. incipit– the first few words of its opening line. In music, it can also refer to the opening notes of a musical composition. Example: The famous incipit, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times”, begins the story A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. 2. abnegate– reject something desirable or valuable. Example: I’ll abnegate television until I finish my homework! 3. devoid – completely lacking Example: Her monologue was completely devoid of enthusiasm.

7 4. renege– to back out of an agreement
Example: The administration reneged on its promises. 5. overture – a musical movement that begins a piece Example: A somber overture set the tone for the opera.

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