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LEQ: How will America develop an unique culture during the 1800s?

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Presentation on theme: "LEQ: How will America develop an unique culture during the 1800s?"— Presentation transcript:

1 LEQ: How will America develop an unique culture during the 1800s?

2 Natives vs Settlers Tecumseh: Organizes Confederations
British encouragement Lost to William Henry Harrison

3 War Hawks: Westerners & southerners who called for war
Fed up with British interference

4 War of 1812 Madison elected as president
US attempted 3 prong attack: land, lakes and sea

5 War of 1812 After the war with France, the British could commit all efforts to war against America

6 Treaty of Ghent British and US agreed to stop fighting in 1814

7 Battle of New Orleans Andrew Jackson defeats British in New Orleans

8 (6 min)

9 America Grows Developing distinct culture
Nationalism influences art and literature

10 New American Culture Alexis de Tocqueville Democracy in America

11 New American Culture Thomas Cole, Hudson River painting

12 New American Culture

13 John Marshall SC Chief Justice Strengthened courts & government

14 John Marshall (continued)
Gibbons v. Ogden: Federal government can regulate interstate trade

15 Now Let’s See It

16 John Marshall (continued)
McCulloch v. Maryland: State cannot tax the National Bank Sided with Federal Government

17 Bell Ringer: How did the Federal government gain strength during the 1800s?

18 LEQ: How will nationalism influence America’s foreign policy?

19 American System Called for transportation, tariff, 2nd national bank and selling of public lands

20 Era of Good Feelings James Monroe as president
National goals come first

21 Now Let’s See It!

22 Onis Treaty Secretary of State John Quincy Adams US acquires Florida

23 Monroe Doctrine James Monroe
Stated that the western hemisphere was not open to European colonization

24 Now Let’s See It (1:11 min)

25 Missouri Compromise 1818: Illinois- free state
1819: Missouri applied for admission; Alabama- slave state.

26 Missouri Compromise 1820, Henry Clay compromises that Missouri enter as slave state; Maine free Establishes 36th parallel as slave line across US

27 Now Let’s See It (2 min)

28 Students: Please take a seat in a desk. For our stations you will need a pencil/pen. I will provide the remaining materials to you. Since you all will be rotating throughout the classroom (clockwise 1-7), please place your belongings along the front of the classroom (under the white board). Thank you!

29 Jackson’s Path to Presidency
Election of 1824 Jackson won popular election but not electoral college

30 The Corrupt Bargain Table

31 Election of 1828 Most states eliminated property requirements for voting Jackson won Utilized the Spoils System

32 Indian Removal Act Jackson disagreed with assimilation

33 Indian Removal Act Remove Native Americans from all eastern lands

34 Indian Removal Act Worchester v. Georgia
Justice Marshall sided with Cherokee Jackson refused to enforce Trail of Tears

35 National Bank Jackson vetoed bill to renew charter Why?
Hurt farmers, poor and limited states banks

36 National Bank Jackson placed the money from the National Bank into selective state banks Pet Banks

37 States Rights & Tariffs
Tariff of tariff on British goods. Opposed by South Supported by North

38 Nullification John Calhoun said states could nullify laws or secede union Jackson created Force Act Clay creates compromise tariff


40 The Industrial North

41 Industrial Revolution
Northeast: switched from trade to industry Aiding factors: Water power Trade capital Labor supply

42 Lowell Mills Textile mills
Brought girls to work in factories for a few years at a time Low wages


44 National Road Also called Cumberland Road Privately built
Connected markets

45 Erie Canal Connected Great Lakes with Hudson River
Led to the progress of New York City


47 Fulton’s Steamboat Robert Fulton Clermont
Cheap transportation to markets

48 Railroads

49 Telegraph Electronic communication

50 TPS Think: How will the invention of new technologies lead to the progress of human slavery? Pair: With your neighbor, discuss your responses. Are your responses similar or different? Share: The class discuss their answer.

51 Industrial Revolution Review

52 Cotton Belt LEQ Why will the South proclaim cotton as king?

53 Cotton Gin Eli Whitney Helped south meet cotton demand

54 Cotton Belt Stretch of cotton farms from Virginia to Texas

55 Spread of Slavery Growth of cotton led to growth of slavery

56 Now Let’s See It!

57 Regional Characteristics
North: Textile and industry High tariffs High price of land Internal improvements

58 Regional Characteristics
South Low tariffs No internal improvements Cheap land in large portions One crop economy



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