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Exam 1 Terminology Review

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1 Exam 1 Terminology Review
MIS 2003

2 Question 1 Information that describes a specific operational aspect of an organization: External Internal Objective Subjective

3 Question 2 Collective information about customers, competitors, business partners, and the competitive environment: Business intelligence Data Information Knowledge

4 Question 3 Information that flows between functional units and work teams: Downward Horizontal Outward Upward

5 Question 4 A hardware device used to capture: CPU Input Output Storage

6 Question 5 An example is Microsoft Word: Application software
Operating system software System software Utility software

7 Question 6 Processing that is used to manipulate information to support decision making: OLAP OLTP TPS CIS

8 Question 7 An MIS report that shows two or more sets of similar information to illustrate a relationship: Ad hoc Comparative Exception Summarized

9 Question 8 Combines DSS and AI to help managers with problems: CIS EIS

10 Question 9 Tags on products that can be used in SCM systems: CRM ERP

11 Question 10 Uses information about customers to gain insights into their needs, wants, and behaviors in order to serve them better: CRM ERP RFID TPS

12 Question 11 Used to integrate software for all functions of business:

13 Question 12 The principles and standards that guide our behavior toward other people: Ethics Privacy Protection Threats

14 Question 13 Concerned with what information a person or organization has the right to obtain about others: Privacy Accuracy Property Access

15 Question 14 Concerned with what information an individual should have to reveal to others: Privacy Accuracy Property Access

16 Question 15 Legal protection afforded an expression of an idea:
Copyright Fair use doctrine Intellectual property Pirated software

17 Question 16 Targeting senior business executives, government leaders, and other high-profile individuals for purposes of identity theft: Brand spoofing Carding Spear phishing Whaling

18 Question 17 Malicious software hidden in free downloads that can mine information stored on your computer: Adware Cookie Spyware Trojan horse software

19 Question 18 Floods a Web site with so many requests for service that it slows down or crashes: Denial-of-service Hacking Virus Worm

20 Question 19 Use of a physiological characteristic for identification purposes: Biometrics Encryption Firewall Worm

21 Question 20 A computer can solve this type of problem: Nonstructured
Semi-structured Structured Unstructured

22 Question 21 Applies reasoning capabilities to reach a conclusion through a series of IF-THEN rules: Expert system Genetic algorithm Intelligent agent Neural network

23 Question 22 Can learn through training: Expert system
Genetic algorithm Intelligent agent Neural network

24 Question 23 Builds the expert system: Domain expert Knowledge engineer
Knowledge worker Problem worker

25 Question 24 Where the rules are stored in an expert system:
Explanation module Inference engine Knowledge base User interface

26 Question 25 Uses “survival of the fittest” to find the best solution:
Expert system Genetic algorithm Intelligent agent Neural network

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