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2018 Summer Federal Work-Study Program

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1 2018 Summer Federal Work-Study Program
Vinny Versagli & Heidi Baguer February 21, 2018

2 What is Federal Work-Study?
The Federal Work-Study (FWS) program provides $4,000 in funding for unpaid internships with non-profit, governmental, and community-based agencies. FWS funding is not a loan and does not need to be repaid, but it does count as part of your financial aid package. FWS funding is taxed as income. There are 130 FWS positions available to law students, and positions are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.

3 What positions are eligible for FWS funding?
Non-profit, government, and community-based agencies in the United States Services must be open to and used by the public Work must be in the public interest and benefit the community, particularly low-income individuals Work cannot involve political activity or be specific to one political party Work cannot be purely religious in nature

4 Examples of eligible agencies
Legal aid societies Public defender’s offices Prosecutor’s offices Attorney general’s offices Government agencies Judges

5 Examples of ineligible agencies
Democratic/Republican National Committee College/university general counsel’s offices Agencies outside of the United States Senators/congresspersons offices

6 How do I apply for FWS funding?
Step 1: Find a summer internship (We are happy to help!) Step 2: Send your summer employer the Agency Agreement to be completed and signed. We have a cover letter you may include with it explaining the FWS program to them. Step 3: Review and sign the Student Agreement (there are different agreements for rising 2Ls and rising 3Ls). Step 4: Submit your completed and signed Agency Agreement (including Exhibit A) and Student Agreement to Applications are processed on first-come, first-served basis -- a wait-list will be started once we receive 130 applications. The final deadline to submit an application is April 12.

7 What else do I need to do? Complete and file your 2018/2019 FAFSA by no later than March 31. When completing your FAFSA, use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool to import your federal tax return. The Office of Financial Aid strongly recommends this as it streamlines completion of federal verification requirements. You will use your 2016 federal tax return for your 2018/2019 FAFSA. You must have a demonstrated financial need based on your FAFSA to be eligible for FWS funding.

8 What happens after I submit my application?
There are two steps to approving a student to receive FWS funding, both of which are completed by the Office of Financial Aid. Step 1: Position Eligibility We will send your Agency Agreement to the Office of Financial Aid for review and approval of your position. These reviews will be conducted on a rolling basis beginning immediately. Step 2: Financial Eligibility The Office of Financial Aid will begin making determinations regarding financial eligibility in April and plans to conclude by April 12. You must have filed your FAFSA by March 31.

9 How will I know if I have been approved?
We will send you notice by when: We receive your application and confirm that it has been completed correctly. We receive confirmation from the Office of Financial Aid that your position is eligible for FWS. We receive confirmation from the Office of Financial Aid that they have determined you are financially eligible to receive FWS. If you have any questions throughout the process, please contact Heidi Baguer ). Please do not contact the Office of Financial Aid directly.

10 Employment Paperwork If you are approved to receive FWS funding, you will receive an from HR prompting you to complete employment paperwork: Form I-9 and supporting documents (first-time ND employees) Must submit I-9 and show supporting documents to HR in person (200 Grace Hall) Supporting documents include: Passport; or Driver’s license and social security card or birth certificate W-4, WH-4, and direct deposit form (first-time ND employees)

11 What happens if I am not eligible for FWS funding?
You can still apply to receive $1,000 in law school funding. No new agency agreement is required, but you will need to complete a new student agreement. Positions must be with non-profit, government, and community based agencies and comport with the Catholic mission of Notre Dame. If you know you or your position will not be eligible for FWS, you may apply for law school funding initially. (Note: we can only fund 130 students total between FWS and law school funding.)

12 How does FWS impact my loan eligibility?
FWS will reduce your maximum loan eligibility for the upcoming academic year: Background: Assumed Cost of Attendance: $60,000 Estimated Family Contribution: $0 Federal Need-based Eligibility: Aid (Before FWS): Law Fellowship $10,000 Unsubsidized Direct Loan: $20,500 Direct Graduate PLUS Loan: $29,500 TOTAL AID: Aid (with $4,000 FWS): Unsubsidized Direct Loan Direct Graduate PLUS Loan $25,500 Federal Work-Study $4,000 What happened? Addition of FWS decreases PLUS Loan eligibility by $4,000. Reason: No student aid, need-based or otherwise, can surpass the Cost of Attendance. Note: Assistant rector compensation counts toward student aid. If you are currently borrowing the maximum amount for which you are eligible, FWS may not work for you.

13 Hours Requirements FWS requires that a student complete 320 hours of work for his or her agency. You must complete midpoint and final hours verification forms and submit them to Midpoint hours verification forms are due on July 6. Final hours verification forms are due on August 10. You cannot work for the University in any other capacity (e.g., research assistant) while you are participating in FWS. Law school funding requires that a student complete 160 hours of work for his or her agency. No hours verification forms are required No prohibition on concurrently working as a research assistant

14 FWS Payments Payments will be made on or about June 15, June 29, July 13, and July 31. Payments are subject to FICA and applicable federal and state tax withholdings (i.e., you will receive less than $4,000). Please direct any questions regarding your payments to Heidi Baguer ). Law school funding payments will be made on the same schedule and are also subject to FICA and applicable federal and state tax withholdings.

15 Common FWS Conflicts You must complete 320 hours of work – no more, no less. You cannot work as a research assistant or in any another University position while participating. You cannot receive both FWS funding and academic credit for your work. With the exception of up to $1,000 in awards from law school student organizations (e.g., WLF), you cannot receive additional funding from University sources (e.g., CCHR or Church, State and Society Fellowship).

16 Where can I find the FWS paperwork?
Heidi will the entire 1L and 2L classes the Agency Agreement and Student Agreements. The Agency Agreement, Students Agreements, and Verification Forms will be posted on the CDO website at If you receive FWS funding and need to complete employment paperwork, you will receive an from HR with instructions on what to complete and where to find it. Employment paperwork must be completed before you leave campus. If you do not complete your employment paperwork you will not get paid.

17 Questions?

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