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Sign In and Coffee at 9:30 AM

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1 All Directors Training 2018 Doubletree Hotel, Sacramento February 28th; 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Sign In and Coffee at 9:30 AM Sponsored by Linda Vann, DSPS Specialist, CCCCO

2 Today’s Agenda – Jill Jansen
9:30 – 10:00 AM Welcome! - Check- In & Coffee 10:00 – 10:10 AM Review of Goals for the Day; Jill Jansen (DSPS Solutions) 10:15 – 10:45 AM Review of Allocation for (Prior-Prior), Impact of new formula; Gail Conrad (DSPS Solutions)DHH Formula & Reporting DHH expenditures; Linda Vann 10:45 – 11:45 AM Regional Breakouts: Allocations/New WSC/DHH scenario 11:45 – 12:00 PM Wrap-up Group Discussions; Gail 12:00 – 12:30 PM Lunch Break 12:30 – 1:15 PM Accessible Documents and Current Issues; Gaeir Dietrich, HTCTU 1:15 – 2:00 PM State Auditor Report; Lucinda Aborn, Cerritos College, Stacey Shears, De Anza College and Nisha Beckhorn, American River College 2:00 - 2:10 PM Intro to Afternoon Focus Groups; Jill Baker (DSPS Solutions) & Linda 2:10 – 2:20 PM Afternoon Break 2:20 – 3:30 PM Focus Group Activity; Jill B., Linda, Gail, Jill J., & Lucinda 3:30 – 4:00 PM Report out, Q & A, Evaluation

3 ADT Goals Understand the Allocation anomalies of 2017-2018
Compare the new WSC for allocation Understand proper reporting of DHH expenses Comprehend impact of State Auditors Report on your college; specifically Alternate Media Develop Response criteria for Biennial report at CCCCO Identify new issues in DSPS at Community Colleges

4 Allocation of 2017-2018 (Prior-Prior)
Anomaly of using same WSC two years in a row No change for those WSC that were 95% or higher using data from WSC Possible changes for those whose WSC was less than 90% than All other formula components varied based on current year College effort based on current year (effects the 95% guarantee) FTES based on current year DHH specific to requested amount at 80% of eligible amount

5 New WSC for use in 2018-2019 Allocation
Handout of Disability Category counts with data Includes categories and values for each (top bar) Far right column includes the raw count and the multiplied value (total WSC at each college) – actual count based on MIS reports Need to look at second handout to see simulation of the dollar value of the total WSC and the difference from the allocation

6 Formula (reminder) For this upcoming year we are using the NEW WSC For the allocation, the rest of the formula is unchanged Base+ WSC + College Effort + FTES +DHH (if requested) 90% of dollars (after Base and PADS expenses) goes to determine the WSC values (=$83.3M) and 10% goes to College Effort (=$9.2M) The 95% guarantee is after the addition of the BASE + WSC+ College Effort (in 2017/2018 an unknown) Due to DHH value change for WSC, your need at the college minus expenses may impact what you request

7 2019-2020 Changes using 2017/2018 MIS Data
All formula changes go into effect There is no longer a BASE for each college ($8.2M) Funds for WSC and College Effort will be split 80%/20% (approx. $100M = $80M and $20M) College Effort (CE) will be on a sliding reimbursement; the higher the percentage of CE when compared with College allocation, the higher the reimbursement of the funds in the allocation (a 10 point slide)

8 DHH Formula All reported DHH expenditures are subtracted from the value of the WSC for Deaf & Hard-of-hearing for prior-prior. A balance here indicates an unmet need. 80% of that figure is the eligible amount (4:1 match). All college-requested amounts are totaled and compared against (divided by) the total available (currently $9.6M). This provides a percentage that is then applied against each college’s eligible amount. The calculated match is based on the actual distributed amount. There were enough questions on this to warrant discussing it here. The percentage this year was

9 DHH Distribution Spreadsheet – Demo
Column 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Expenditures for Deaf and Hard-of- Hearing (DHH) Sample Colleges SUBTOTAL B.2.a. Recycled DHH Funds for FY (Max. Potential Request) DHH Funds Requested B.2.b. Recycled DHH Funds for FY Matching Funds Required B.1.a. DHH Funds for FY (Max. Potential Request) DHH Funds Requested B.1.b. DHH Funds for FY (Max. Potential Request) Matching Funds Required B.1.c. DHH Funds for FY (Max. Potential Request) Qualified FY DSPS Funds Due to FY WSC for DHH group (Value of a WSC x total WSC/DHH) All FY DHH Expenses minus WSC DHH funds (Column 1 minus 7) 80% of Column 8 $11,708 -0- 50,000 12,500 18,665 107,544 100,000 25,000 23,458 84,086 67,268 159,071 44,000 11,000 150,000 37,500 7,464 151,607 121,285

10 Coding DHH in the SSARCC Report
Funding source Total DSPS Program DHH Activities (may be paid w/ DHH funds) DHH Activities (cannot be paid w/ DHH funds) Sample 1 - DSPS Allocation (P2) DHH 30,150 Sample 2 Sample 3

11 SSARCC Summary Report (Sample 1)
EXPENDITURES Totals DSPS 2,082,192 DHH 164,630 ACCESS TO PRINT AND ELECTRONIC INFO 12,473 SPECIAL CLASS (EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE) 891,578 DEAF/HARD OF HEARING (DHH) DSPS allocation used for DHH-Allowable Expenses -0- DHH allocation used for DHH-Allowable Expenses Required DHH college match 41,158 DHH college match 648,986 DHH expenditures that are nonallowable with DHH funds 71,098 Total expenditures for the hearing impaired (DHH category) 884,714

12 SSARCC Summary Report (Sample 2)
EXPENDITURES Totals DSPS 809,971 DHH 197,083 ACCESS TO PRINT AND ELECTRONIC INFO 11,153 SPECIAL CLASS (EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE) 8,615 DEAF/HARD OF HEARING (DHH) DSPS allocation used for DHH-Allowable Expenses 401,046 DHH allocation used for DHH-Allowable Expenses Required DHH college match 49,271 DHH college match 178,530 DHH expenditures that are nonallowable with DHH funds -0- Total expenditures for the hearing impaired (DHH category) 776,659

13 SSARCC Summary Report (Sample 3)
EXPENDITURES Totals DSPS 1,283,021 DHH 113,947 ACCESS TO PRINT AND ELECTRONIC INFO 11,319 SPECIAL CLASS (EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE) -0- DEAF/HARD OF HEARING (DHH) DSPS allocation used for DHH-Allowable Expenses DHH allocation used for DHH-Allowable Expenses Required DHH college match 28,487 DHH college match DHH expenditures that are nonallowable with DHH funds Total expenditures for the hearing impaired (DHH category) 142,434

14 California State Auditors Report: Access and Timeliness
Cerritos College Foothill-DeAnza District Los Rios District Chancellor’s Office

15 Focus Group Activity DSPS Program Evaluation
DSPS Biennial Report to the Governor, Legislature, and Postsecondary Commission Jill Baker, DSPS Solutions Linda Vann, Chancellor’ Office

16 Introduction State Auditor’s Report Recommendations to the Chancellor’s Office, per California Education Code Section 67312: Resume evaluation of CCC DSPS programs throughout the state Create a plan to evaluate per legislative directive Prepare and submit a complete Biennial Report to the Governor, Legislature, and Postsecondary Commission Provide reports per legislative directive

17 History: Evaluation Until the Chancellor’s Office evaluated college DSPS programs using the CCCCO DSPS Program Plan and an associated on-site visit every five years This process was suspended indefinitely due to severe funding reductions at both the Chancellor’s Office and college levels as a result of the Great Recession of 2008 The process has not been reinstated to date, although Section states that districts will submit college DSPS program or unit plans, to the Chancellor’s Office upon request

18 History: Impact Upon Biennial Report
The findings of the evaluation had been used to inform three of the four criteria required for the Biennial Report to the Governor, Legislature, and Postsecondary Commission, including: Evaluation of state-funded programs and services for disabled students on each campus at least every five years Staff and student perceptions of program effectiveness Data on the implementation of the program and physical accessibility requirements of Section 794 of Title 29 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Access Requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance with Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Data on the implementation of the program as outlined in Section 84850 Per Title 5 Section and EDC (a) (4)

19 Plan for Addressing Both Recommendations
Develop a new plan for evaluating the state’s 114 colleges: Based upon data collected from each college every five years (as was done with the previous plan) Using local program review findings Other data sources, some preexisting, as determined to meet evaluation criteria not covered within program review Integrate the findings of the evaluation into future Biennial Reports

20 First Steps, Beginning Today
Establish a “state of the field” in terms of the strengths and challenges with effectively serving students with disabilities Explore the data that colleges are currently collecting in their college program reviews

21 Focus Groups and Survey
A focus group will be conducted today to get an overview of practitioner perspectives A follow-up survey will be administered to all directors and coordinators to establish a baseline of data available through their campus program review and other documents

22 Logistics for Focus Groups
Following the break, we will convene four focus groups Will have approximately one hour for the activity Will cover three areas Strengths Challenges Program Review –Types of Content in Campus Program Review Will make every effort to hear as many people possible for each of the three areas

23 Q & A and Current Issues in DSPS
Self- Report and invisible disabilities: not enough Math Substitutions: check Classes in the Prison: who provides the support & who helps to identify the appropriate need Absences as an accommodation and licensure requirements

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