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How Sharp Is Your Axe? Teague Wright. How Sharp Is Your Axe? Teague Wright.

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2 How Sharp Is Your Axe? Teague Wright

3 Winning Combination

4 Top 10: What’s Working (or not)
Multiple selling opportunities each day Lead their support team Profile their prospects and customers Can articulate their value proposition Have crafted an effective process for doing point of sale Make effective use of HCB resources Diversify their book Are constantly learning Very selective in the FAs with whom they will work Ask for meaningful referrals Poor sales habits like male menopause, I cant stop thinking about sex but I can’t do anything about having sex Leaving out the middle layer Look at the playbook Do the preparation

5 Flea Sh*! or Pepper?

6 Focus Area Your Brand Time Management Preparation Intention Activity
Managing Expectations Execution Your Brand Time Management Preparation Intention Activity Execution

7 Jessup said… Donnelly Dooley Kampwerth Singletary Hill
Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe-- Abraham Lincoln Dooley I am my own brand under HCB: Persistency, hard work, service and reliability, relationships, gratitude and a strong support staff! Kampwerth HCB gives you the opportunity to run a franchise. Like all franchises, how you shape your individual business will determine your success. HCB gives you the tools and you shape the success. Singletary Maximize time spent selling. Do what you are best at and try and delegate the rest.  Hill I will win the tournament to be Kirk every day. Don’t try to be someone you are not.

8 Payer Glynn Mucci Ruffini Taylor
Keep developing new opportunities on a daily basis for either relationships or cases. (Fessler says “ditto Payer”.) Glynn I could quote Pat, but let’s just say he used the word “TEAM” 5 times in one short paragraph. Mucci I am not a professional visitor. Ruffini Work a full day. (And btw, make insurance process painless for my clients.) Taylor Be in front of the right people: Work with an advisor that sees me as a partner, personal connection, and has the ability to bring the size of case I want



11 Be Like Theo

12 And we’re off…

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