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bMediation is 15 years Creation in 1998 under the name of BBMC

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2 bMediation is 15 years Creation in 1998 under the name of BBMC
Institute aiming at development of excellence in mediation practice management of mediation procedures promotion of mediation 1000 professionals trained over 100 certified mediators

3 Barometer of Mediation 2012
bMediation With the support of Federal Commission for mediation

4 Background Survey run in June 2012
416 answers which represent about 50% of the Belgian mediators 88,5% of the respondents are accredited by the Federal Mediation Commission 54,9% in civil and commercial matters 17,4% in labour matters 56% in family matters

5 Respondents profile - background

6 Mediation market (on the basis of 416 responses)
Courbe Lorenz 50 mediators share about 2500 mediations/year which is about 65% of the market 40% of the mediators have never mediate any case

7 Mediation - sectors

8 Commercial mediation

9 Success rate The success rate is on average over 75% in civil and commercial matters In familial matters, the success rate depends highly on the mediator Données à vérifier: est-il possible de croiser taux de réussite et expérience (Q9) est-il possible de croiser taux de réussite et nombre de médiations (Q12, 15, 18) est-il possible de croiser taux de réussite et matières (Q24)

10 The origine of mediation appointments
Over 50% of the mediators create their own market 13% of the mediations are initiated by judges Less than 15% of the mediations are administered by mediation centers Conclusion The majority of mediations take place outside the judicial or associative framework

11 Time frame for starting a mediation
Observation The majority of mediations started within 15 days after the initial contact with the mediator

12 Average duration of a mediation
Croiser résultats en fonction des secteurs (Q26 et Q24) Observations Mediation in family matters require on average 5 sessions of 1h30 to 2h00 Mediation in civil and commercial require about 2 or 3 sessions of 4 hours

13 Cost of mediation A large number of mediations are subsidised (family, labour, B2C, neighborhood) In commercial matters, the average cost of mediation is in between 500€ and 1.500€

14 Perception of the mediation profession
57,7% of the mediators claim that there are barriers to their profession Mediation is unknown Resistance from lawyers Resistance from parties Resistance from public services Weak demand Misunderstanding about what mediation is Access to the profession Difficulty to start Cette partie doit être étayé par un « manifesto pour la médiation » de +/-2 pages


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