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ECML Workshop project IMPEL

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2 ECML Workshop project IMPEL
Project C5 of the ECML 2nd medium-term programme (IMPEL)

3 Using internet statistics for further development
Using resources Using internet statistics for further development





8 In my opinion the tasks (learning activities) in the eELP are okay.
I like working with the eELP and I find it interesting Working with the eELP is useful To upload documents in the dossier to use the dossier) is, nice, useful and interesting I like the idea that my teacher gives me information feedback in my eELP on what I did well or not so well I can learn a language better with an eELP than without An eELP enables me to identify what I can do in an language An eELP enables me make an own planning I can work autonomous with an eELP


10 User statistics

11 How to use this kind of information for further development?
And for the implementation process?

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