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Unit 7 Vocab E.

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1 Unit 7 Vocab E

2 Abhor (Verb) to regard with horror or loathing; to hate deeply
The young boy abhorred the brussel sprouts. Syn.abominate, despise, loath Ant.admire, cherish

3 Amend (Verb) to change in a formal way; to change for the better
The friends amended their friendship after the fight. Syn. Improve, alter, modify Ant. Lower, worsen

4 Buffet (Verb/Noun) (v) to slap or cuff; to strike repeatedly; to drive or force with blows; to force one's way with difficulty (n) a slap, blow The buffet of the old woman’s purse shocked the young man. Syn. Thump, bash, beat Ant. Praise, tap

5 Chaos (Noun) great confusion, disorder
The chaos of the school highway caused great stress on the freshman new to the school. Syn. Turmoil, disarray Ant. Order, calm

6 Commodious (Adj.) roomy, spacious
The commodious cabin was a great choice for the holiday weekend. Syn. Comfortable, convenient Ant. Claustrophobic, cramped

7 Corrosive (Adj.) eating away gradually, acidlike; bitterly sarcastic
The corrosive liquid destroyed the battery of the car. Syn. Caustic, destructive Ant. Bland, nice

8 Discern (Verb) to see clearly, recognize
After the break up, the boy was able to discern the relationship. Syn. Distinguish, figure out Ant. Overlook, doubt

9 Extant (Adj.) still existing; not exterminated, destroyed, or lost
Hostess products are extant in the grocery stores even though some items have disappeared. Syn. Existence, actual Ant. Vanished, extinct

10 Implicate (Verb) to involve in; to connect with or be related to
The man was implicated to the crime because he admitted to being the driver of the getaway car. Syn. Entangle, associate Ant. Exclude, disconnect

11 Inter (Verb) to bury, commit to the earth; to consign to oblivion
The family pet was interred after his sudden death. Syn. Cover up, put away Ant. Exhume, dig up

12 Martinet (Noun) a strict disciplinarian; a stickler for the rules
The martinet was feared by all in the military for his disciplinary actions. Syn. slave drive, bully

13 Obviate (Verb) to anticipate and prevent; to remove, dispose of
They replaced the tires so that they could obviate the nervousness of the driver. Syn. Preclude, restrain Ant. Support, Aid

14 Renegade (Noun/Adj.) (n) one who leaves a group; a deserter, outlaw
(adj) traitorous, unconventional, unorthodox The renegade told the enemy all of their secrets. Syn. Turncoat, rebel Ant. Loyalist, obedient

15 Reprehensible (Adj.) deserving blame or punishment
The reprehensible daughter wanted only to restore her friendship with her family after her mistakes. Syn. Blameworthy, disgraceful Ant. Commendable, creditable

16 Somber (Adj.) dark, gloomy; depressed or melancholy in spirit
The somber atmosphere created the perfect aura for the character’s bad news. Syn. Mournful, bleak Ant. Bright, cheerful

17 Squalid (Adj.) filthy, wretched, debased
After the squalid mud fight, the children needed to take a shower. Syn. Dingy, filthy Ant. Neat, clean

18 Turbulent (Adj.) disorderly, riotous, violent; stormy
The turbulent weather caused the passengers to get sick. Syn. Bumpy, fierce Ant. Calm, gentle

19 Vociferous (Adj.) loud and noisy; compelling attention
The child was known as vociferous because of his loud nature. Syn. Uproarious, distracting Ant. Quiet, low

20 Voluminous (Adj.) of great size; numerous; writing or speaking at great length The girl’s voluminous hair was what she considered her best asset. Syn. massive, plentiful Ant. Scant, lacking

21 Waive (Verb) to do without, give up voluntarily; to put off temporarily, defer Directly after Thanksgiving, some family members decided to waive their dessert. Syn. Decline, abandon Ant. Accept, approve

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