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Starter: September 20, 2016 Nicolaus Copernicus

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1 Starter: September 20, 2016 Nicolaus Copernicus
“I am aware that a philosopher's ideas are not subject to the judgment of ordinary persons, because it is his endeavor to seek the truth in all things, to the extent permitted to human reason by God.” Nicolaus Copernicus Starter: Please read and analyze the quote and then write about what you think Copernicus was trying to convey.

2 September 20, 2016 Today I can identify the key figures of the Scientific Revolution and explain the importance of their inventions. Copernicus Galileo

3 September 20, 2016 List at least five inventions that you absolutely could not live without. Be sure you are writing them in your Social Studies Notebook! . Copernicus Galileo

4 Today’s Agenda Today I can statement Warm-up
Modern Inventors Activity Stations Overview Exit Ticket

5 Modern Inventions

6 Overview

7 Notes Main Idea: marked the beginning of modern science: mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology, and chemistry characterized by inquiry and innovation mid 1500s-late 1600s

8 Scientific Method Developed by Sir Francis Bacon Method:
State the Problem Hypothesis Experiment Measure and observe data Conclusion

9 Inventions

10 List of Inventions Microscope Caravel Pencil Astrolabe
Thermometer Printing Press Globe Telescope Barometer

11 Activity Performance task: You are a scientist who has come up with a new invention. However, before you can officially obtain a patent, you must complete the following task.

12 Directions 1. Design a ten step manual on how the given invention works. The manual must include pictures as well as a written explanation on each page. 2. Create an advertisement for the invention including a large design for a billboard, catchy slogan, as well as a well written two paragraph summary of how the invention benefitted mankind and made a task easier. (could include a step by step guide)



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