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Owl Pellet Day 1 4-14-14.

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Presentation on theme: "Owl Pellet Day 1 4-14-14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Owl Pellet Day 1

2 What is an Owl Pellet?

3 Let’s go Over the Vocabulary
OWL Draw a Picture Definition: a nocturnal bird of prey with large forward-facing eyes surrounded by facial disks, a hooked beak, and typically a loud call Personal Application: Name a movie with an Owl

4 Movies with Owls Owls can be seen in several Disney movies such as Winnie the Pooh, Sword and Stone, legends of the guardians, and Bambi

5 Owl Pellet Definition:
the mass of undigested parts of a bird's food that some bird species occasionally regurgitate Personal Application: Although owls cough feathers, hair, and bones of their prey, they still go through the process of digestion and poop similar to other animals.

6 Rodent Personal Association or Characteristic
Definition Rodent: a gnawing mammal of an order that includes rats, mice, squirrels, hamsters, porcupines, and their relatives, distinguished by strong constantly growing incisors and no canine teeth Personal Association or Characteristic Rodents constitute the largest order of mammals

7 Proventriculous: This device stores the pellet before it is disgorged
Word  proventriculus Definition Proventriculous: This device stores the pellet before it is disgorged Personal Association or Characteristic  Sometimes the owl will hole the pellet in the proventriculous  20 hours before disgorging it Since the pellet in this device partially blocks the digestive system the pellet must be expelled before eating again

8 Word Gizzard Definition
 Gizzard Definition    Gizzard: an organ that uses digestive fluids and bits of sand and gravel to grind and dissolve all of the usable tissue from the prey Personal Association or Characteristic Humans have a stomach and small intestine that does a similar function, but does not regurgitate food. Rather food passes through the rest of the digestive tract.

9 Activity With the given creature describe the following factors in your learning journals Predator or Prey Defense Mechanisms Adaptations Draw a picture as a model with labels

10 For Example: Owl: predator (kills mice, birds, moles, rabbits, skunks, frogs, insects…) Defense mechanisms: Claws, Sharp, Beak Adaptions: Neck rotatability, excellent eyesight

11 Creatures Ant Tarantula Red Robin Skunk Deer Wolf Snake Butterfly Fish
Leopard Choose a creature describe the following factors in your learning journals Predator or Prey Defense Mechanisms Adaptations Draw a picture as a model with labels

12 Owl Pellet Activity What’s going to happen tomorrow?

13 Carnivore

14 Herbivore

15 Omnivore

16 This is what happens between prey and predators (or producers and consumers)

17 Create a graph with two organisms showing carrying capacity

18 Questions for thought:
What happens to the prey when the predators increase?/ decrease? What happens to the predators when the prey increases?/ decreases? What is the relationship between predator and prey? Do they need each other to survive?

19 Read pg 64-65 in ecology text

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