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Reduced Size Microstrip Patch Antenna Design

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Presentation on theme: "Reduced Size Microstrip Patch Antenna Design"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reduced Size Microstrip Patch Antenna Design
northumbria Reduced Size Microstrip Patch Antenna Design AN OVERVIEW Presented by: Dr. Michael Elsdon Northumbria Communications Research Lab School of Computing, Engineering and Information Sciences, Northumbria University 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

2 Presentation Overview
northumbria Presentation Overview Basic Patch Antenna Operation Rationale/Background to Research Reduced Size Solutions Mathematical Analysis of Slot Loaded Structures New Patch Designs Summary 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

3 Definition of an Antenna
“A usually metallic device for radiating or receiving radio waves” “A transitional structure between free space and a guiding device” * Websters Dictionary Antenna Radiating: GUIDING DEVICE FREE SPACE ~ Zo I VG + - Antenna Structure RF Signal Source Transmission Line )))))) E (if Vertically Polarised) Propagating Wave H 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

4 Definition of an Antenna
“A usually metallic device for radiating or receiving radio waves” “A transitional structure between free space and a guiding device” *Websters Dictionary Antenna Receiving: GUIDING DEVICE FREE SPACE (((((( E (if Vertically Polarised) Propagating Wave H Zo I Antenna Structure RF Receiver Transmission Line 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

5 Standard Patch Antenna
northumbria Top View Side View Consists of a metallic strip placed above a ground plane )))) Fringing Electric Fields from the Two Edges of the Patch Add to Cause Radiation I ~/2 E 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

6 Most Important Design Consideration Resonant Frequency ?
northumbria Most Important Design Consideration Resonant Frequency ? Er fixed by substrate 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

7 Examples of Patch Antenna Structures
northumbria Examples of Patch Antenna Structures H-Plane Pattern Perpendicular to Patch E-Plane Pattern Perpendicular to Patch Top View Edge View Advantages Disadvantages Ultra Narrow Bandwidth ~ 1% for VSWR = 1.2 : 1 Substrate Cost Limited Beamwidths Possible ~ / 2 Printed Patch Very Low Profile Simplicity Good Production Repeatability Printed Patch Patch ~ / 2 Ground Plane Substrate Suspended Patch ~ / 2 Low Profile Improved Bandwidth ~ 10% - 15% for VSWR=1.2 :1 Excellent Production Repeatability Substrate Cost Limited Beamwidths Possible Suspended Patch Suspended Patch ~ / 2 Substrate Ground Plane Suspended Patches ~ / 2 Broadband: >15% Fairly Low Profile Substrate Cost Limited (Narrow) Beamwidths Possible Stacked Patches Stacked Patches ~ / 2 Printed Patch Substrate Ground Plane *Thanks to S. Foti 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

8 Examples of Patch Antenna Excitation
northumbria Examples of Patch Antenna Excitation Microstrip Feed Pros and Cons Planar Easy to fabricate and match Simple to model Spurious feed radiation Cannot Optimise Feed and Patch Substrate requirements ~ / 2 Substrate Patch Ground Plane Printed Patch Microstrip Track Probe Feed Pros and Cons Easy to fabricate Easy to impedance match Non-Planar Narrow Bandwidth ~ / 2 Substrate Patch Ground Plane Printed Patch Feed Point 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

9 Examples of Patch Antenna Excitation
northumbria Examples of Patch Antenna Excitation Slot-Coupled Microstrip Feed Pros and Cons Allows independent optimisation of feed and patch substrate Difficult to fabricate Non-planar ~ / 2 Substrate Ground Plane Suspended Patch Microstrip Track Slot Proximity Coupled Pros and Cons Independent optimisation of feed and patch substrate Difficult to fabricate Non-planar ~ / 2 Substrate Suspended Patch Ground Plane Suspended Patch(s) Microstrip Track 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon *Thanks to S. Foti for Diagrams

10 Choice of Antenna Structure Printed Patch Antenna with Microstrip Feed
northumbria Choice of Antenna Structure Printed Patch Antenna with Microstrip Feed ~ / 2 Substrate Patch Ground Plane Printed Patch Microstrip Track Why ? Planar Easy to fabricate and match Simple to model Low Profile Good production repeatability 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

11 Typical Patch Antenna Performance
Typical Example northumbria Typical Patch Antenna Performance 87.9 6 1.7 330 50 3.17 Efficiency (%) Gain (dB) FBW Antenna Input Impedance Source Resonant Frequency (GHz) Impedance Matching Network Input Antenna 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

12 Patch Antenna Summary Future Challenges Advantages Disadvantages
northumbria Patch Antenna Summary Advantages Low Cost using PCB Lightweight and thin profile Easy integration with MIC Disadvantages Restricted Bandwidth Several losses may reduce efficiency Low Gain dictated by size / substrate Future Challenges Bandwidth Extension Techniques Control of Radiation Patterns Reducing Losses / increasing efficiency Improving feed networks Size Reduction techniques 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

13 northumbria Rationale for PhD Patch Antenna now established and used in wide range of communication systems, e.g. radar, satellites, GPS. Future requirement for SMALLER Communication Systems Circuitry associated with comm. systems has reduced considerably in size This is NOT TRUE of Antennas Cost largely based on Size – Thus any size reduction greatly welcome 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

14 northumbria Project Aims 1. Investigate Present Techniques for Reducing Patch Antenna Size and Identify “most appropriate” technique 2. Develop Analytical Model to determine the performance of the chosen patch structure Analyse the effect of design parameters on patch performance and identify associated trade-offs Propose new designs for reduced size patch antennas that overcome some of the trade-offs associated with present designs 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

15 BACKGROUND: Voltage and Current Distribution
northumbria BACKGROUND: Voltage and Current Distribution Fields within patch are described by 2D wave equation Magnetic Wall Boundary Associated eigenfunctions are given by: 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

16 BACKGROUND: Voltage and Current Distribution
northumbria BACKGROUND: Voltage and Current Distribution TM01 mode Current Maxima Voltage Minima TM02 mode TM03 mode 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon Current Voltage

17 BACKGROUND: Voltage and Current Distribution
northumbria BACKGROUND: Voltage and Current Distribution TM01 mode TM02 mode Current Minima Voltage Maxima TM03 mode 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon Current Voltage

18 Methods of Reducing Patch Size
northumbria Methods of Reducing Patch Size High Permittivity Substrate Folded Patch Shorting Pin Slot Loaded Ground Plane Slot Loaded Patch Miscellaneous Techniques 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

19 1. Use of High Permittivity Substrate
northumbria 1. Use of High Permittivity Substrate Principle of Operation Resonant Frequency of Conventional Patch: Obvious way to reduce patch size is to increase εr Side View 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon Top View

20 northumbria fo = 3GHz Problems Such substrates are often ceramic based and thus more expensive Q Factor increases with permittivity, thus reducing BW Higher permittivity often equivalent to high dielectric losses (1) 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

21 Principle of Operation
northumbria 2. Folded Patch Principle of Operation Method involves use of an inverted U-shape structure Excited current path of the TMmn mode is lengthened Reduced resonant frequency for a fixed projection area Allows incorporation of air substrate for increased bandwidth 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

22 2. Folded Patch Problems Non Planar Structure
northumbria 2. Folded Patch Problems Non Planar Structure Size Reduction at expense of increased volume Complex Manufacturing Process 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

23 Principle of Operation
northumbria 3. Shorted Patch (a) (b) (c) Principle of Operation Use of an edge shorted patch (a) makes the patch operate as a λ/4 structure Antenna’s Physical length is reduced by ½ for a fixed operating frequency Greater size reduction can be achieved using a partial shorting wall (b) or a single shorting pin (c) 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

24 Principle of Operation
northumbria Voltage Distribution Principle of Operation Null-voltage point for TM01 mode exists at centre of patch Size reduction achieved by shifting the null voltage point Shifting shorting pin towards radiating patch edge shifts null-voltage point, thus reducing resonant frequency Maximum size reduction achieved when shorting pin placed at centre of radiating patch edge 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

25 northumbria 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

26 northumbria Problems Strict manufacturing tolerances (feed must be close to shorting pin) May be difficult to excite using a planar feed Presence of shorting pin / plane produces a dip in the E-plane radiation Large levels of cross-polarisation in the H-plane 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

27 4. Slot Loaded Ground Plane
northumbria 4. Slot Loaded Ground Plane Principle of Operation Insertion of slots in the ground plane meanders the current path of TM modes Results in reduced resonant frequency and hence size reduction Meandering effect of the ground plane effectively lowers the Q factor, thus suggesting increased BW 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

28 Problems E-Plane Pattern Significant back radiation
northumbria E-Plane Pattern Problems Significant back radiation Less power available to transmit 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

29 5. Slot Loaded Patch Principle of Operation Standard Patch Antenna
northumbria 5. Slot Loaded Patch Standard Patch Antenna Slot Loaded Patch Antenna Principle of Operation Insertion of slots in patch lengthens current path Reduced Resonant frequency and size reduction With correct selection of slot dimension, can produce reduced size, dual frequency and wideband patch antennas 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

30 Basic Slot Loaded Patch Example
northumbria Basic Slot Loaded Patch Example Resonant Frequency v Slot Size 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 2.9 3.1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 Ls = Ws, mm Resonant Frequency, GHz 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

31 ‘Best’ Solution – Slot Loaded Patch ?
northumbria ‘Best’ Solution – Slot Loaded Patch ? High Permittivity Substrate: reduced BW, increased dielectric losses, increased cost 2. Folded Patch: increased volume, complex manufacturing process 3. Shorting Pin: problems with radiation pattern, feeding and manufacturing tolerances 4. Slot Loaded Ground Plane: problems with back radiation, less transmission power 5. Slot Loaded Patch: can produce wide range of designs: Reduced Size Single Frequency, Dual Frequency, Wideband 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

32 Still Problems with Slot Loaded Patch Antennas !
Lack of theoretical investigation to support design of reduced size slot loaded structures Lack of Research into the trade-offs from such designs Little work exists on the use of planar fed reduced size patch antennas 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

33 Mathematical Analysis of Slot Loaded Structures
northumbria Mathematical Analysis of Slot Loaded Structures Several possible modelling approaches for analysing patch performance Transmission Line, Cavity, Co-planar multi-port network, full-wave modelling Need to ascertain the most suitable approach for slot loaded structures 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

34 Possible Modelling Approaches:
northumbria Possible Modelling Approaches: Full-wave Modelling: Involves the solution of Maxwell’s equations for the electric current distributions on the patch Requires considerable computer resources and yields little physical insight Transmission Line Model: Based upon the assumption that the patch is a wide microstrip transmission line Presence of slot loading changes the structure of the patch suggesting this assumption is no longer valid Cavity Model: Treats patch as a thin cavity TMz mode cavity with magnetic walls Only applicable for geometries for which the wave equation can be solved by separation of variables (e.g. square, rectangular, circular) Coplanar Multiport Network Model with Segmentation: Generalisation of Cavity Model Suitable for Irregular Geometries 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

35 Example: Segmentation Analysis of Slot Loaded Patch
northumbria Example: Segmentation Analysis of Slot Loaded Patch Modelling Steps Decompose patch into regular elemental segments Develop Multi-port Network Models of each segment Synthesise each segment to reconstruct original patch structure 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

36 Step 1: Patch Decomposed into 4 Segments
northumbria Step 1: Patch Decomposed into 4 Segments 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

37 Step 2: Alpha and Beta Sections Recombined to form gamma segment
northumbria Step 2: Alpha and Beta Sections Recombined to form gamma segment + = 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

38 Interaction between ports
northumbria Interaction between ports 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

39 Step 2: Alpha and Beta Sections Recombined to form gamma segment
northumbria Step 2: Alpha and Beta Sections Recombined to form gamma segment + = 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

40 Step 3: Gamma Segments Recombined to form original patch structure
northumbria Step 3: Gamma Segments Recombined to form original patch structure + = 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

41 Simulated and Practical Results
northumbria Simulated and Practical Results Zin VSWR BW = 1.32% BW = 1.25% *Z0=50 Res. Freq Imag(Zin)=0 Simulated Measured 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

42 Simulated and Practical Results
northumbria Simulated and Practical Results Modelling Technique Resonant Frequency (GHz) Input Impedance (Ω) VSWR BW % (2:1) Segmentation 2.836 650 1.25 Practical 2.856 625 1.32 Reasons for Differences Manufacturing Tolerances Approximation of fringing field extension Dielectric properties of PCB not accurately defined 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

43 Effect of Slot Dimensions on Antenna Design
northumbria Important Performance Characteristics: (from circuit viewpoint) Operating Frequency Input Impedance Bandwidth FOCUS OF THIS INVESTIGATION Important Performance Characteristics: (from far-field viewpoint) Radiation Pattern Polarisation Gain Beamwidth 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

44 Definition of Slot Parameters
northumbria Definition of Slot Parameters Slot Length (Ls), Slot Width (Ws), Slot Position (Xs), Slot Position (Ys) 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

45 Effect of Increasing Slot Length
northumbria Effect of Increasing Slot Length 510Ω 602Ω 683Ω KEY FEATURES SMALL frequency reduction of 0.1GHz Increased Input Impedance 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

46 SMALL bandwidth reduction
northumbria BW = 0.962% BW = 0.845% BW = 0.712% KEY FEATURE SMALL bandwidth reduction 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

47 Effect of Increasing Slot Width
northumbria Effect of Increasing Slot Width 345Ω 406Ω 527Ω KEY FEATURES SIGNIFICANT Frequency reduction of 0.3GHz SIGNIFICANTLY increased input Impedance 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

48 SIGNIFICANT bandwidth reduction
northumbria BW = 1.5% BW = 1.318% BW = 0.968% KEY FEATURE SIGNIFICANT bandwidth reduction 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

49 Effect of Increasing Slot Position (Xs)
northumbria Effect of Increasing Slot Position (Xs) 427Ω 505Ω 521Ω 470Ω KEY FEATURES SIGNIFICANT frequency reduction of 0.24GHz MARGINAL effect on input Impedance 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

50 SIGNIFICANT bandwidth reduction
northumbria BW = 1.65% BW = 1.299% BW = 1.202% BW = 1.083% KEY FEATURE SIGNIFICANT bandwidth reduction 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

51 Effect of Increasing Slot Position (Ys)
northumbria Effect of Increasing Slot Position (Ys) 390Ω 470Ω 500Ω KEY FEATURES SMALL frequency reduction of 0.1GHz SIGNIFICANTLY increased input Impedance 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

52 SMALL bandwidth reduction
northumbria BW = 1.311% BW = 1.083% BW = 0.978% KEY FEATURE SMALL bandwidth reduction 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

53 Effect of Slot Parameters on Performance of TM01 Mode
northumbria SUMMARY Effect of Slot Parameters on Performance of TM01 Mode Variable Frequency Zin Bandwidth Ws  f01↓ Zin01 BW01 ↓ Ls (Ls < L/2) (L/2 < Ls < 3L/4) (Ls > 3L/4) f01 ↔ Zin01↓ BW01  xs (xs < L/4) (L/4 < xs < L/2) (L/2 < xs < 3L/4) (xs > 3L/4) f01 ys (ys < L/2) (ys < L/2) BW01↔ 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

54 Most Significant Trade-Offs
northumbria Major Outcomes Operation Placement of Slot effects different TMmn modes Slot width largely effects characteristics of TM0n modes Slot length has most effect on TMm0 modes Most Significant Trade-Offs Increased Input Impedance – difficulty in feeding Reduced Bandwidth 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

55 Design of Reduced Size Patch Antennas
northumbria Design of Reduced Size Patch Antennas Design Goals Maximum Frequency reduction for a given patch size Maintain Input Impedance of practical value Maximise Impedance Bandwidth Challenges Significant trade-offs between these performance parameters Not possible to simultaneously optimise each one Designer must therefore achieve ‘BEST’ patch structure for given application 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

56 Design based on modification of TM01 mode
northumbria Design based on modification of TM01 mode BASIC PATCH ANTENNA: Current Distribution of TM01 mode 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

57 northumbria 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

58 northumbria Final Design 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

59 Practical Results Performance Summary 55% Size Reduction
northumbria Practical Results Proposed Design Reference Antenna* Resonant Frequency, GHz 2.45 Size Reduction, % 55 Return Loss, dB -23 -29 VSWR Bandwidth, % 1.22 1.904 Input Impedance, Ω 50 330 Measured Gain, dB 5.8 6.1 Patch Length L mm 30 39.4 Performance Summary 55% Size Reduction Input Impedance of 50Ω Reduced VSWR Bandwidth 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon *Reference Antenna: Conventional Rectangular Patch

60 Design based on Creation of TM0δ mode
northumbria Design based on Creation of TM0δ mode Previous design Operates by modification of TM01 mode Limitation: Impedance matching network is required New Structure: Operates by creating an additional TM0δ mode Advantages: Has input impedance of 50Ω Can use direct feed No impedance matching required 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

61 Two New Antenna Designs
northumbria Two New Antenna Designs DESIGN A Creates new TM0δ mode by insertion of two slots close to non-radiating edge Slot dimensions and position control frequency and input impedance Design A 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

62 Typical Current Paths TM01 mode (f=3.19GHz) TM0δ mode (f=2.86GHz)
northumbria Typical Current Paths TM01 mode (f=3.19GHz) TM0δ mode (f=2.86GHz) TM0δ mode has different current path to TM01 mode TM0δ mode has different frequency and impedance response 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

63 Two New Antenna Designs
northumbria Two New Antenna Designs DESIGN A Creates new TM0δ mode by insertion of two slots close to non-radiating edge Slot dimensions and position control frequency and input impedance Design B Design A DESIGN B Incorporates additional slot in centre Increases current path of TM0δ mode Greater Size Reduction 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

northumbria Key Design Features Primary Performance Goals: Resonant frequency Input impedance Bandwidth Controlling Parameters: Slot Length Slot Width Slot Position NO UNIQUE SOLUTION FOR PATCH DESIGN General Conclusions on patch design: Slot Separation: results more predictable when slots this is kept low Slot Width: for a given slot length, Zin increases with slot width Thus Zin Ws should be small Slot Length: Controls resonant frequency and input impedance 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

65 Final Designs northumbria Design B Design A 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

66 Practical Results Design A Design B Reference 16/09/2018
northumbria Practical Results Design A Design B Reference 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon *Reference Antenna: Conventional Rectangular Patch with impedance matching network

67 Practical Results Performance Summary
northumbria Practical Results Design A Design B Reference Antenna Resonant Frequency, GHz 2.778 2.338 3.15 Size Reduction, % 12 40 NA Return Loss, dB -16.5 -35 VSWR Bandwidth, % 1.25 1.4 1.904 Input Impedance, Ω 50 330 Measured Gain, dB 4.2 3.7 6.1 Performance Summary 12% and 40% Size Reduction respectively No Impedance matching n/w required Reduced VSWR Bandwidth Reduced Gain 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon *Reference Antenna: Conventional Rectangular Patch with impedance matching network

68 EXTENSION: Planar Fed Dual Frequency Design
northumbria EXTENSION: Planar Fed Dual Frequency Design 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

69 Practical Results f1 GHz f2 Resonant Frequency, GHz 3.18 3.51
northumbria Practical Results f1 GHz f2 Resonant Frequency, GHz 3.18 3.51 Return Loss, dB -38 -18.6 VSWR Bandwidth, % 1.57 0.41 Input Impedance, Ω 50 Gain, dB 5.9 5.1 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

70 Practical Results northumbria f2 f1 Dual Frequency Operation achieved by operating using TM01 and TM0δ modes Impedance Matching at both frequencies achieved using inset feed 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

71 Reduced Size Designs with Circular Polarisation
northumbria Reduced Size Designs with Circular Polarisation Application of Slot Loading to Nearly Square CP Patch Antenna EMANIM.lnk 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

72 Linear and Circular Polarisation
northumbria Linear and Circular Polarisation Linear Polarisation Circular Polarisation For CP E1 = E2 δ = 900 Amplitude of y fields Phase shift in z direction Phase difference between E1 and E2 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

73 Generation of Circular Polarisation Dual Feed
northumbria Generation of Circular Polarisation Dual Feed EMANIM.lnk Principle of Operation Two adjacent sides of square patch are fed to excite TM01 and TM10 modes Feed network ensures equal amplitude split and 900 phase difference between two modes 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

74 Generation of Circular Polarisation Single Feed
northumbria Generation of Circular Polarisation Single Feed Principle of Operation TM01 and TM10 modes having slightly different frequencies TM01 mode leads by +450 / TM10 mode lags by -450 dl is controls phase shift between two modes 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

75 Basic Reduced Size CP Patch Antenna Design
northumbria Basic Reduced Size CP Patch Antenna Design Design Goals Maximum Frequency Reduction Input Impedance Matching Wide Impedance Bandwidth Minimize Axial Ratio Maximise Axial Ratio Bandwidth Maximise perturbation segment Basic Slot Loaded Design Trade-offs with size reduction Reduced perturbation size (dl) Increased input impedance Reduced axial ratio bandwidth 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

76 Improved Reduced Size CP Patch Antenna Design
northumbria Improved Reduced Size CP Patch Antenna Design Design 1 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

77 Larger Perturbation segment Relaxed Tolerances
northumbria l1 mm dl Frequency GHz Input Impedance CP BW % 0.81 2.95 245 1.5 4 2.94 250 1.4 8 0.71 2.826 290 1.2 12 0.51 2.643 330 1.1 16 0.41 2.409 475 Advantages Larger Perturbation segment Relaxed Tolerances Greater Axial Ratio bandwidth Lower Input Impedance Greater Practical Size reduction New Design l1 mm dl Frequency GHz Input Impedance CP BW % 0.71 2.95 310 1.2 4 2.925 330 0.92 8 0.61 2.805 400 0.7 12 0.41 2.639 750 0.59 16 0.21 2.396 1200 0.49 Reference Antenna 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

78 Contributions Rigorous Investigation of Slot Loaded Patch Antennas
northumbria Contributions Rigorous Investigation of Slot Loaded Patch Antennas Application of segmentation modelling to these structures Determined relationship between slot parameters and antenna performance Highlighted associated trade-offs Proposed, Designed and Implemented new Planar Fed Reduced Size Antenna Design Linear Polarised Antenna using TM01 mode Linear Polarised Antenna using TM0δ mode Circular Polarised Antenna using TM01 / TM10 mode Dual Frequency LP antenna using TM01 and TM0δ modes 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

79 Publications and Presentations:
northumbria Publications and Presentations: M. Elsdon, A. Sambell and S. Gao, “Inset Microstrip-line Fed Dual Frequency Microstrip Patch Antenna,12th International Conference on AP, Exeter, England, No. 491, Volume 1, pp28-30, 31st March – 3rd April 2003 2. M. Elsdon, A. Sambell and S. Gao, “Novel Compact Harmonic-Suppressed Planar-Fed Microstrip Antenna, 5th European Personal Mobile Communications Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, No. 492, pp1-4, 22nd – 25th April 2003 3. M. Elsdon, A. Sambell, S. Gao and Y. Qin, “Compact Circular Polarised Patch Antenna with Relaxed Manufacturing Tolerance and Improved Axial Ratio Bandwidth,” IEE Electronic Letters, Volume 39, No. 18, p , 4th September 2003 4. Y. Qin, S. Gao, A. Sambell, E. Korolkewicz and M. Elsdon, “Broadband Patch Antenna with Ring Slot Coupling,” IEE Electronic Letters, Volume 40, No. 1, pp5-6, 8th January 2004 5. M. Elsdon, A. Sambell, S. Gao and Y. Qin, “Planar Fed Compact Circular Polarised Microstrip Antenna with Triangular Slot Loading,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Issue 41:3, pp , 5th May 2004 6. D. Smith, M. Leach, M. Elsdon and S. J. Foti, ‘Using Invisible Region Wave Vectors For Determining The Properties Of Microwave Antennas And Imaging Fields’, 4th Int. Symp. On Communication Systems, Networks And Digital Signal Processing, CSNDSP-04, Newcastle UK, pp , July 2004. 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

80 Publications and Presentations:
northumbria Publications and Presentations: 7. D. Smith, M. Leach, M. Elsdon and S. J. Foti, ‘Imaging Of Concealed Objects From Scalar Microwave Holograms’, RF and Microwaves Conf., RFM-04 Malaysia, pp , Oct 8. D. Smith, M. Leach, M. Elsdon and S. J. Foti, ‘Holographic Reconstruction of Dish Antenna Measurements’, Int. Symp. On Antennas, JINA-04, Nice France, pp , Nov 9. L.S.K. Dampanaboina, D. Smith, M. Leach, M. Elsdon, S.J. Foti, “Microwave Antenna Imaging for Medical Diagnostics”, Britains Top Young Engineers Competition, House of Commons, LONDON, 14th Dec 10. Y. Qin, S. Gao, M. Elsdon and A. Sambell, “Broadband high efficiency active antenna for RF Front-End application,” IEEE Asia Pacific Microwave Conference 11. D. Smith, M. Leach, M. Elsdon and S. J. Foti, ‘Imaging Dielectric Objects from Scalar Intensity Patterns by means of Indirect Holography’, IEEE AP-S International Symposium and USNC / URSI National Radio Science Meeting, pp?-?, July 2005 M. Elsdon, A. Sambell, and Y. Qin, “Reduced Size Direct Planar Fed Patch Antenna,” IEE Electronic Letters, Volume 41, No. 16, p , 4th Aug. 2005 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

81 Publications and Presentations:
northumbria Publications and Presentations: D. Smith, M. Leach, M. Elsdon, M.J. Fernando and S. J. Foti, ‘Imaging Of Dielectric Objects Reconstructed Using Indirect Holographic Intensity Patterns’, 9th International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA 05), pp , Sept , 2005, Torino, Italy 14. M. Elsdon, ‘Microwave Imaging using Indirect Synthetic Reference Beam Holography’, Invited Lecture, Calgary University, December 15. M. J. FDO, M. Elsdon, M. Leach, D. Smith, S.J. Foti, “Breast Cancer Detection using Microwave Holographic Imaging”, Britains Top Young Engineers Competition, House of Commons, LONDON, Dec 16. Y. Qin, S. Gao, A. Sambell, M. Elsdon, and E. Korelkiewicz, “Design of a Broadband Square Ring Slot Coupled Patch Antenna,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Issue 47:5,2005 17. M. Elsdon, D. Smith, M. Leach. S. Foti, ‘Microwave Imaging of Concealed Metal Objects using a Novel Indirect Holographic Method’, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Issue 47:6, December 2005 18. M. Elsdon, M. Leach, D. Smith, S. Foti, “Microwave Imaging at Northumbria University”, MIAS-IRC Spring School, Oxford University, 19 – 24th March 2006. 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

82 Publications and Presentations:
northumbria Publications and Presentations: M. Elsdon, D. Smith, M. Leach. S. Foti, ‘Experimental Investigation of Breast Tumor Imaging Using Indirect Microwave Holography’, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Issue 48:3, March 2006 20. D. Smith and M. Elsdon, ‘Breast Cancer detection using Microwave Holography’, Invited Lecture, Newcastle University Medical School, May 15th 2006. 21. M. Elsdon, and Y. Qin, “Dual Frequency Planar Fed Microstrip Patch Antenna,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Issue 48:6, pp , June 2006 22. D. Smith, M. Leach, M. Elsdon, S.J. Foti, “Indirect Holographic Techniques for Determining Antenna Radiation Characteristics and Imaging Aperture Fields”, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, accepted, 2006 23. M. Leach, M. Elsdon, S.J. Foti and D.Smith, “Imaging Dielectric Objects Using a Novel Synthetic Off-Axis Holographic Technique”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, accepted 2006 24. M. Elsdon, M. Leach, M.J. FDO, S.J. Foti, D. Smith, “Early Stage Breast Cancer Detection using Indirect Microwave Holography”, European Microwave Conference, Manchester, pp?-?, September 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

83 Publications and Presentations:
northumbria Publications and Presentations: D. Smith, M. Elsdon, M. Leach, M.J. Fdo, S. J. Foti, “ 3D Microwave Imaging for Medical and Security Applications”, International RF and Microwave Conference, pp?-?, Malaysia, Sept D. Smith, M. Elsdon, M. Leach, M.J. Fdo, S. J. Foti, “Medical Imaging using a Microwave Indirect Holographic Technique”, Mediterranean Microwave Symposium, Genoa, pp?-?, September 27. M.J. Fdo, M. Elsdon, M. Leach, D. Smith, S.J. Foti, “A Holographic Solution for Concealed Object Detection”, The Mediterranean Journal of Computers and Networks, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp , October 2006. D. Smith, M. Elsdon, M. Leach, M.J. Fdo, S. J. Foti, “A Method for 3D Breast Cancer Imaging Using Microwave Holography”, International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Singapore, pp?-?, November 29. D. Smith, M. Elsdon, M. Leach, M.J. Fdo, S. J. Foti, “A Microwave Indirect Holographic System for Security and Medical Imaging Applications”, European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, France, pp?-?, November 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

84 Acknowledgements Prof. A Sambell: Director of Studies
northumbria Acknowledgements Prof. A Sambell: Director of Studies Prof. B. Cryan: 2nd Supervisor Dr. D. Smith: 2nd Supervisor Prof. S. Foti: for advice and fruitful discussions 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

85 Thank You for Your Attention
northumbria Thank You for Your Attention 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

86 Important Design Considerations
northumbria Important Design Considerations Resonant Frequency Input Impedance at Resonance Fractional Bandwidth 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

87 Important Design Considerations
northumbria Important Design Considerations Q Factor (antenna loss factors) Efficiency Gain Directivity 16/09/2018 Michael Elsdon

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