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Tapping into Intelligence in a Digital World

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1 Tapping into Intelligence in a Digital World
Welcome participants to the next phase of the District’s Digital Transformation where all 7th grade Civics classes will be receiving classroom device carts and all 9th grade World History students will be receiving individual devices. Digital Transformation Mobile Device Training #1

2 Welcome Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Alberto M. Carvalho
Chief Academic Officer, Ms. Marie Izquierdo Social Sciences Executive Director, Mr. Bob Brazofsky Inform participants that they will be watching 4 short video presentations. The first presentation is about the largest deployment of technology ever seen in a public school system. The second are welcoming comments from Superintendent Carvalho, the third from Chief Academic Officer Marie Izquierdo, and the 4th from Social Sciences Executive Director, Bob Brazofsky

3 Reimagine Teaching and Learning with Windows 8.1
Today’s Goals Inform participants that today’s training is mainly about learning about using their devices through the Windows 8.1 format and for them to Reimagine Teaching and Learning using their devices. Reimagine Teaching and Learning with Windows 8.1

4 7th Grade Civics: Road Rules
Project Options Explain to participants that to assist them with the transformation of teaching and learning to a digital format, the Department of Social Sciences in cooperation with Microsoft, has developed 2 project options per course, Civics and World History. The 7th grade Civics project concentrates on end of the year personal finance objectives where students plan an imaginary trip through the U.S. and learn not only about sites of interest they may want to visit someday but how to budget and plan with a fixed amount of funds. This project is called “Road Rules.” We will show you were to find this project online later. This project may or may not be used this school year as you may not have time once devices are delivered. This project is a minimum of one week of in class time for students to research and prepare a presentation. 7th Grade Civics: Road Rules

5 9th Grade World History: Presidents and Policies
Project Options Explain to participants that to assist them with the transformation of teaching and learning to a digital format, the Department of Social Sciences in cooperation with Microsoft, has developed 2 project options per course, Civics and World History. The 9th grade World History project concentrates on end of the year modern history objectives and asks students to investiage and prepare a multi-media presentation about the foreign and domestic policies of one of our last 12 U.S. Presidents. This project is designed to assist in the scaffolding of knowledge regarding skills and content required for success on the 11th grade U.S. History End of Course Assessment. This project is called “Presidents and Policies.” We will show you were to find this project online later. This project may or may not be used this school year as you may not have time once devices are delivered. This project is a minimum of one week of in class time for students to research and prepare a presentation. 9th Grade World History: Presidents and Policies

6 Project Options Both Courses: A Year in Review
The final project option is called “A Year in Review” and can be used in both 7th grade Civics and 9th grade World History. Students are asked to reflect on what they have learned in class, identify areas they might want to further study or learn about by thinking back over the past year and all the topics and skills they have mastered. They will crate a visual presentation to share in class accordingly. This project should take about 2 to 3 instructional class periods to prepare a presentation using devices and a few more days for student presentations. Each project contains a student direction sheet.

7 Where can I find these projects?
Click on the Device Icon: Explain to participants that they can access the projects through the District’s Social Sciences website- by clicking on the device icon, they will be directed to a page with the project descriptions.

8 Click on the Desired File
This takes you to a separate page where all mobile device projects are posted: Click on the Desired File See example here of the 7th grade projects.

9 Device Icon: Also embedded in Pacing Guides
Click on the Icon: This will take you directly to the project page. Explain to participants that the device icon has also been embedded in the 4th nine weeks’ pacing guide for both courses. If they click on the icon in the guide, they are directed to the “Tapping into Intelligence in a Digital World” project page.

10 Two Major Research Projects per 9 Weeks for each course
Future Projects Two Major Research Projects per 9 Weeks for each course Besides using your new mobile device during daily instruction, two major research projects per 9 weeks will be available for your use to enhance student content knowledge and skills associated with the course that you teach. These projects will be embedded in the pacing guides as aforementioned and posted on the page already discussed.

11 For Today We ask the following:
Imagine the classroom you always wanted to have- it’s soon to be in the palm of your hands. Be attentive and active! Logistics Be sure to sign in for both a.m. and p.m. sessions. Be sure to return ON TIME from lunch. Be sure to turn in follow up assignment prior to leaving today. Explain to participants that for today we ask them to imagine ways in which they will be transforming teaching and learning by using their new and exciting learning resource and also read the logistics for the day.

12 Office of Academics and Transformation Department of Social Sciences
We thank the following departments and partners: Office of Academics and Transformation Department of Social Sciences Department Instructional Technology Microsoft Intel United Data Technologies (UDT) Thanks the departments and partners mentioned on this slide accordingly.

13 Most Importantly….. We thank you, the teacher, for your dedication to this initiative and look forward to learning how you are using this awesome resource to transform teaching and learning in your classroom. Thank the participants as indicated on this slide.

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