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Shanelle Barrett – Technical Delegate

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1 Shanelle Barrett – Technical Delegate
PTWC Athlete Briefing Shanelle Barrett – Technical Delegate Thursday 5 April 2018

2 Agenda 1 | Welcome and introductions 2 | Competition Jury
3 | Schedule and timetables 4 | Check in procedures (GFS10) 5 | The course 6 | Post race procedures 7 | Important notes 8 | Water quality 9 | Weather forecast 10 | Questions

3 Welcome and introductions
Miles Stewart, NF Representative Shanelle Barrett, ITU Technical Delegate Sarah Taylor-Hough, ITU Race Referee Deon Stoltz, ITU Medical Delegate Chris Jarvis, GC2018 Sport Manager

4 Competition Jury Shanelle Barrett (NZL), chair – ITU TD
Terry Sheldrake (NZL), representing ITU EB Miles Stewart (AUS), representing NF

5 3 | Schedule and timetables

6 Schedule and timetable Today
Race package distribution – after briefing Handler bib distribution

7 Race package distribution
Your race package includes: Sheet of athlete number stickers: 1 x bag number 1 x handcycle, racing wheelchair & daily wheelchair number 3 x helmet numbers Bib numbers for handcycle, race wheelchair and personal handler Body decals set – both arms and both legs 3 drink bottles: 1 x 750ml and 2 x 500ml

8 Schedule – course famil 6 April
Time Activity 09:00 – 10:50 Equipment Check & overnight storage 09:00 – 09:30 Bike course familiarisation 09:30 – 10:30 Swim course familiarisation 10:30 First Athlete Bus leaves venue 11:00 Final Athlete Bus leaves for CGV

9 Schedule – PTWC - 7 April Time Activity 07:12
Athlete bus leaves village 07:30 Check-in opens 08:15 Swim, bike and run course warm-up open Transition area open 09:00 Athlete check-in closes Cycle and run course warm-up closes 09:10 Swim warm-up closes

10 Schedule – PTWC - 7 April Time Activity 09:15
Transition area check-in closes 09:21 Athlete introduction (from recovery area) 09:31 PTWC1 Women’s and Men’s Competition starts 09:34 PTWC2 Men’s Competition starts 09:34:58 PTWC2 Women’s Competition starts 11:31 Men’s PTWC Medal Ceremony 11:30 First athlete bus back to CGV 11:46 Women’s PTWC Medal Ceremony 14:15 Athlete equipment truck leave SBP to CGV

11 4 | Check in procedures & venue layout

12 Venue layout - arrival Equipment collection Athlete Lounge

13 Venue layout – to SWIM warm up
Athlete Lounge

14 Venue layout – to BIKE warm up
Athlete Lounge

15 Venue layout – to RUN warm up
Athlete Lounge

16 Venue layout – to TRANSITION
Athlete Lounge Transition

17 Venue layout – introductions
Recovery/ Line up Athlete Lounge

18 Check in procedure - Athletes’ lounge
Come with your registered Handler/Guide Handcycle & racing chair check (carried out at familiarization) Helmet check Spare wheel check-in – sport will take wheels to the wheel station Handler vest and race number check Body marking check Swim cap distribution - Athletes wishing to wear a swim cap under the official cap must bring it for inspection at this check in (NOTE: only plain non-branded caps allowed) Timing chip distribution – 2 per athlete, one for handcycle, one for racing chair Leave your personal gear in the Athletes’ Lounge in numbered boxes

19 Check in procedure Athletes’ lounge
Uniform and gear check (name, country, GFS10, zippers) – photos will be taken of each uniform. Wearing a different uniform during the race = DSQ

20 Check in procedure Athletes’ lounge
GFS10 Equipment – wheelchairs, racing chairs, handcycles, helmet, wheels – exemption approved and ITU Competition Rules will apply. But manufacturer identifications cannot be deemed conspicuous or seen as ambush marketing. Uniform & Clothing – GFS10 applies

21 Equipment movements Athletes’ Lounge
Leave all items in a bag in your numbered tub – in the Athlete Lounge. These will be moved by Sport to the Recovery Lounge at the Finish Area. Transition Sport will move equipment from transition and back to storage area beside athlete lounge. Day chairs will be taken to recovery after T1

22 Timing Chips – Where to place
Qty. of chips Where to place 2 1 on the handbike (rear axle-safety bar) 1 on the racing chair (close to the front fork)

23 Transition Area Only Athletes and their Handlers will be allowed into transition Helmet can be left on the bike Water bottles totally un-branded or use the GC2018 ones Do not leave your helmet strap fastened in the transition Athletes who do not comply with this rule will receive a 10 second time penalty in TA1

24 Allowed Equipment - Uniform
Swim Leg and arm covers are allowed Wetsuits up to 5mm thickness Vest warmers are NOT allowed Gloves are NOT permitted Any part of the body may be covered except the face, hands and feet

25 Allowed Equipment - Uniform
Bike & Run Athletes can wear long sleeved shirt under their uniform – it must be worn for the entire event & must comply with GFS10 Athletes will not be able to remove the shirt at any time during the event Arm warmers can be worn and can be removed during the event BUT only in Transition. Do not remove during the race and hand to someone else. This will lead to DSQ

26 Warm up You will be allowed to warm up on the whole swim course
Coaches can be in coaches areas during warm-up. Bike & Run warm up will be on the entire course until 15mins prior to the close of the warm up – then in section between bridge and venue

27 Pre-start procedure Athletes’ introduction
15 minutes before start - line-up in recovery tent TOs will escort you to the finish line for the athletes’ introductions Move to the swim start area when introduced Officials/handlers can take your wheelchair to pre-transition Select your position and sit on the pontoon. Please remain there until instructed to enter the water

28 5 | The course

29 The course Swim - 1 lap of 750m Cycle – 20km - 5 laps of 4km
Run – 5km - 3 laps

30 Swim course Today at 11:30am - Water temperature: 24.6 °C
- Air temperature: °C - WBGT: °C - Relative humidity: 60% Distance to the first turn buoy is 350 m 1 lap (total distance of 750m) – anti-clockwise Pass all four PINK buoys on your left shoulder and two yellow ones on the right. Swim behavior will be closely monitored and recorded Take wetsuit,swim cap and goggles to transition and place in your box

31 Start Procedure Deep water start
One hand on the rope on front of pontoon The start can be given any time after the Starter announces “On your mark” Horn blasts The race starts 09:31 PTWC1 – women and men 09:34:00 PTWC2 – men 09:34:58 PTWC2 – women Delayed start athletes Athlete will start on the call of the designated official

32 False start procedure Athletes’ introduction
False start with many athletes: Several air horn blasts Water safety in front of you Everyone goes back to his or her original start position Valid start but with early starters: If someone starts before the horn and everyone else starts with the horn, the false starter will receive a time penalty of 10 seconds in TA1. During the time penalty the athlete cannot touch any race equipment.

33 Swim Conduct Definition from the ITU CR §4.1: e.) Athletes may sportingly maintain their own space in the water: (i) Where athletes make accidental contact in the swim and then immediately afterwards move apart no penalty will be incurred; (ii) Where athletes make contact in the swim, and an athlete continues to impede the progress of the other athlete without moving apart, this action will result in a time penalty; (iii) Where athletes deliberately target another athlete to impede their progress, gain unfair advantage and potentially cause harm will result in disqualification and may be reported to ITU Arbitration Tribunal for potential suspension or expulsion.

34 Swim Conduct Definition from the ITU CR §4.1:
There will be additional boats and Technical officials deployed on the swim course to monitor athlete’s behaviour in this respect . Infringements will be recorded and appropriate action will be taken dependent on the rules definition from the previous slide . Please respect your fellow competitors and keep the race fair.

35 Swim course

36 No Personal Handlers allowed to assist at Swim Exit.
Swim Exit Handling Swim exit assistance only by the trained Triathlon swim exit assistants (red vests). No Personal Handlers allowed to assist at Swim Exit.

37 Pre-transition Day chairs Only PTWC Handlers are allowed in this area
Athletes must transfer in a daily wheelchair from pre-transition to transition No wetsuit removal by TOs or volunteers

38 Swim exit to transition

39 Transition Area Individual areas, marked
Name, number, country code and flag on stand All used equipment goes into your box – swim cap, googles, wetsuit Failure to do so = 10 second penalty on run Mount line at the end of the TA (GREEN LINE) Dismount line at the beginning of TA (RED LINE) Athletes must stop completely at the lines, an official will advise when you can continue

40 Transition Area

41 PTWC Handcycle Mount Mount & Dismount

42 Bike Course 5 Laps of 4km Flat and technical Draft illegal race
Bike penalty box located prior to entering the venue Always ride on the left, pass on the right Warn the athlete you want to pass Littering zone = (Marine Parade on return) Time penalties for littering on bike course will be served at bike penalty box: 10 sec

43 Bike Course – wheel stations
Team + Neutral – within venue just outside of transition Hand cycle front wheels – “Alex MD23” rim with Shimano hub and 10 speed cassette

44 Wheel Station Littering zone Coach Box Penalty Box Coach Box

45 Turn in venue

46 Final Lap Dismount Line

47 Caution signal: three sharp whistles and red flags

48 Bike Draft Zones Legal distance: 10m between bikes (from front wheel to their front wheel) Maximum 20 seconds allowed to pass Blue Card for drafting offence In case of penalty, stop at the Bike Penalty Box – 1 minute Not stopping or second drafting offence – DSQ It is the athletes responsibility to stop at the Penalty Box – numbers not posted on board

49 Bike littering Yellow Card for littering offence
In case of penalty, stop at the bike Penalty Box – 10 sec It is the athletes responsibility to stop at the Penalty Box – numbers not posted on board

50 Transition 2 All used equipment goes into your area
Failure to do so = 10 second penalty on run Dismount line at the beginning of transition (RED LINE) PTWC shall stop completely at dismount line and an official will advise when the athlete can continue PTWC athletes must put the bib at the back of the racing wheelchair

51 Transition Area

52 Run course 3 laps – total 5km Aid stations and littering zones:
1 per lap (available in both directions) Sealed water Littering zones are marked with green tape/ start, red tape/finish and signs Discard plastic bottles and litter in the Litter zone

53 Run course Wheel station for race wheelchair is just beyond dismount line on right side Racing wheel chair rear wheel – “Alex MD23” rim with 15” push rim and ½”x20tpi axle hub Racing wheel chair front wheel – 20” alloy tubular rim 19mm tyre.

54 Aid Station & Littering zone
Penalty Box Run Course Coach Box Aid Station & Littering zone

55 Turn in venue Penalty Box

56 Last Lap Penalty Box

57 Run penalty box Penalty box is for infringements in: Swim, TA1, TA2 and Run Location: At the turn near transition – box will be taped on ground in front of white tent Information: Board to show race numbers Procedure: 10 second time penalty served on any lap of the run If you do not stop, it will result in a DSQ NOTE: It is your responsibility to check the board

58 6 | Post race procedures

59 Post race procedures Photo-finish
No congestion in the finish area: go to mixed zone/ recovery area For Top 3: TV/Flash Interviews Will change into podium uniform in athlete change area or recovery then wait in recovery till called for ceremonies All athlete gear will be transferred to recovery by Sport No flags or ambush marketing on the podium

60 Anti-doping control area Showers & Ice baths
Finish Mixed zone Recovery & Medal ceremony preparation area

61 Post race procedures - 3 Anti-Doping Control
Accreditation is needed for every athlete going for testing Team Medical Access Team medical will be allowed to enter the medical tent after permission from the ITU Medical Delegate

62 7 | Important notes

63 Important notes All DNF athletes during the bike leg or run leg should go to the next Wheel Station, Aid Station or Medical Station and remain there until the end of the competition All DNF athletes have to report back to the athletes’ recovery & go through mixed zone Any athlete replacements must be made after this briefing.

64 Important notes Athletes and coaches must wear accreditation around venue Inform Medical Delegate of any Athlete medical conditions/allergies

65 Water Quality

66 Weather forecast

67 Access to briefing

68 Questions

69 Thank you

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