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Stress, Health & Adjustment

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Presentation on theme: "Stress, Health & Adjustment"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stress, Health & Adjustment
Examine the relationship between psychological factors and physical illness. Health Psychology Stress Health Problems Coping with Stress

2 Stress, Health & Adjustment
“If you haven’t got your health, you haven’t got anything.” Can you name the Movie? Internet Listening & Viewing: Radio Lab ( Season One: “Stress” (excellent!) Learning Objectives: General information about stress Role of Irrational Beliefs Effects of Stress on the body

3 Types of Stress Health Psychology: What Health Psychologists study.
Stress, Eustress Sources of Stress: Daily Hassles (negative) Uplifts (pleasant) Life Changes (Holmes & Rahe) Stress & Diversity: Acculturative Stress

4 Stress & Health Conflict: feelings produced by being in conflict.
Being torn in different directions by opposing motives. Four Types Of Conflict Approach - Approach resolved by making a decision Avoidance - Avoidance more stressful Approach - Avoidance a matter of perspective Multiple Approach - Avoidance

5 Irrational Beliefs: Albert Ellis
Thinking about the event, and the event itself. “Doorway to distress” (perfectionism) The “A-B-C” Model A: Activating event (losing a job) B: Beliefs (job as self-identity) “Catastrophize” C: Consequence (misery)

6 Stress & Health Type “A” Personality!!!! Type B Personality
Behaviors: time urgency, competitiveness, and hostility. Characteristics Type B Personality Behaviors: focus on quality of life, less ambitious, less impatient, tend to pace themselves.

7 The Type A Personality!!!! Characteristics:
Highly driven, impatient, aggressive!!! Always under pressure. Demand continual self improvement!!!! Irrational Beliefs-always perfectly competent!!!!

8 Psychological Moderators
Self-efficacy expectations. Psychological hardiness. Sense of humor. Predictability / control. Social support.

9 General Adaptation Syndrome (Hans Selye)
Stress & the Body General Adaptation Syndrome (Hans Selye) Stage 1: Alarm Reaction (Sympathetic Nervous System) Stage 2: Resistance (adaptation) Stage 3: Exhaustion (weakened resistance)

10 Stress & Immune System Stress suppresses immune system.
Leukocytes & inflammation Stress stimulates steroids, Steroids suppress immune system, Suppression interferes with antibodies, Increases vulnerability to illness.

11 Stress & Health Mutlifactorial approach to health. Ethnicity & health
There’s no single, simple answer. Ethnicity & health Gender & health Health & Socioeconomic status

12 Health Problems Headaches Coronary heart disease Cancer
Tension, Migraines Coronary heart disease The #1 killer Risk factors Cancer

13 Coping With Stress Controlling Irrational Thoughts 4 Steps:
Develop Awareness of thoughts Evaluate accuracy of thoughts Prepare incompatible thoughts Reward yourself.

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