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“Context-specific effectiveness, coping flexibility and use of particular strategies (exercise and approach and avoidance strategies) for coping with stress.”

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Presentation on theme: "“Context-specific effectiveness, coping flexibility and use of particular strategies (exercise and approach and avoidance strategies) for coping with stress.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Context-specific effectiveness, coping flexibility and use of particular strategies (exercise and approach and avoidance strategies) for coping with stress.”

2 Coping with stress To cope with stress, a variety of strategies are employed by individuals. Coping strategy: a specific method, behavioural or psychological, that people use to manage or reduce the stress produced by a stressor.

3 Context-specific effectiveness
Context-specific effectiveness: when there is a match or ‘good fit’ between the coping strategy that is used and the stressful situation. If the coping strategy employed does not ‘fit’ the stressful situation, then stress will not be reduced.

4 Coping flexibility Coping flexibility: the ability to effectively modify or adjust one’s coping strategies according to the demands of different stressful situations.

5 To successfully cope with stress, an individual needs to be able to do the following:
Recognise whether the use of a flexible coping approach is appropriate for a specific situation Select a coping strategy that suits the situation Recognise when the coping strategy is ineffective Stop using the ineffective coping strategy Employ an alternative coping strategy

6 Exercise Exercises can alleviate stress in the following ways:
When stressed, adrenaline and cortisol are released into the bloodstream. Exercise uses up these stress hormones (adrenaline and cortisol) in the bloodstream. This returns the body to normal functioning sooner.

7 Exercises increases cardiovascular health
Exercises increases cardiovascular health. The heart and lungs are strengthened, making them work more efficiently when stress is encountered in the future. When exercising the brain releases beta-endorphins which enhance mood. These ‘feel good’ hormones also alleviate pain and create a sense of well-being and relaxation which assists in reducing the stress response.

8 Exercise provides a ‘time-out’ from stress, as it places the person’s thoughts on the exercise and distracts attention away from thoughts of the stressor. Exercise can promote positive psychological health through the associated social interactions it provides. This social interaction can be the basis for social support when faced with stressors, which will help alleviate stress.

9 Approach and avoidance coping strategies
Coping strategies are organised into two categories: approach and avoidance. Both categories have the same end goal: to reduce stress. However, the way in which they achieve this differs greatly.

10 Approach coping strategies: involve efforts to confront the stressor and deal directly with it and its effects. Approach coping strategies are active strategies because they involve the awareness of the stressor and attempt to reduce the impact of the stress.

11 Examples of approach coping strategies:
Seeking support from others Making plans to deal with the stressor Looking at the stressor and coping strategies objectively Seeking more information about the stressor Looking at alternatives in dealing with the stressor

12 Avoidance coping strategies: involve efforts that evade a stressor and deal indirectly with it and its effects. Avoidance coping strategies are used when a person feels they have little or no control over the stressor. The strategies aim to avoid or escape painful or threatening thoughts, feelings, memories or sensations associated with the stressor.

13 Examples of avoidance coping strategies:
Denial Self-destructive behaviour (alcohol/drug abuse, poor eating habits) Disengaging from thoughts and feelings about the stressor Wishful thinking Venting emotions (lashing out at others)

14 Lazarus and Folkman identified two types of coping strategies: problem-focused and emotion-focused coping. Problem –focused coping strategies are essentially approach coping strategies as they are actively seeking ways to cope with the stressor. Emotion-focused coping strategies are essentially avoidance coping strategies as they focus on feelings and ways to escape, or avoid, the stressor, without actually dealing with the stressor directly.

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