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2013 Strategic Planning Process

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1 2013 Strategic Planning Process
Sunday, September 16, 2018 2013 Strategic Planning Process Professor Ian R. Haslam, Dean.

2 Vision and Mission Vision
The Bahrain Teachers College’s (BTC) mission is to support the government of the Kingdom of Bahrain in its efforts to build a first- rate educational system by improving the quality of teaching, research and service in the preparation of teachers, administrators, and other education professionals. Vision Provide the best teacher education services for Bahraini educators, empowering them to effectively contribute to building a better future for all Bahrainis.

3 BTC Core Values As an institution dedicated to the preparation of quality teachers, educational administrators and other education professionals for the Kingdom of Bahrain, the BTC strongly believes in, and promotes, the following values in its operations and conduct of affairs: Respect for all persons irrespective of their gender, religion, colour, creed, or political views; Commitment to serving the Kingdom of Bahrain specifically, and humanity in general; Humility and respect for the views of others; and Professional conduct and behaviour

4 BTC is part of the Education Reform Project and has key stakeholders
Economic Vision 2030 and National Economic Strategy 2014 Aligned with the vision section on providing quality education Aligned with the NES social section and education related strategic initiatives Other documents – QAA, NIE and other benchmarks The results found by the QAA schools and National Examinations Units indicated gaps that the BTC incorporated in their planning process NIE and other international best practice were considered Bahrain Teachers College Strategic Plan Ministry of Education Strategic plan Ministry of Education is shifting the focus to up-skill the existing teachers and school leaders Review the strategic plan of the MOE to ensure that BTC is responsive University of Bahrain strategic plan UOB’s strategic pillars were considered and the BTC aligned its strategic objectives to ensure the coordination between the university and the college BTC progress Update – June

5 As a college in a university the BTC plan must be in line with the UoB plan
Vision Drivers The University of Bahrain’s vision is to be an internationally recognized university for excellence in student learning, innovative research, and community engagement that contributes to the economic vitality, sustainability, and quality of life in the Kingdom, the region, and beyond Cultivating a culture of Quality Local Regional and International Partnerships Faculty and staff development Fostering Research and Innovation Academic Program Development Student Development Activities

6 UOB Strategic Plan Establish a foundation year to strengthen student orientation Enhance student advising and mentoring. Integrate outcome-base assessment into curriculum Improve system quality monitoring for further improvement Strengthen postgraduate programs Enhance professional development of faculty Build student entrepreneurship skills. Establish and implement accountability system for reviewing faculty performance Obtain National and International accreditation 1- Raising the quality of teaching and learning 2- Improving the quality and increasing amount of research Establish a research strategy Establish a research fund Adapt international best-practice for reviewing the quality of research outcomes Create strategic centers of excellence and university-industry innovation centers Increase international students exposure Increase alumni participation in a broader range of roles at the University 3- Fostering innovation and partnerships Review the university’s organizational structure and streamline operations for efficiency Establish in-depth staff development strategy Develop an advanced comprehensive university database system Include administrative and support units in quality assurance and assessment routines Establish clear and formal job description for all positions Establish and Implement Rules and Regulations 4- Faculty and Staff Development 5- Sustainable infrastructure and resources Efficiently utilize UOB infrastructure and resources Establish strategies to aggressively grow the endowment and increase alumni fund raising Uphold a socially responsible campus

7 Equally important is the Education Reform Agenda of the MOE

8 Which of course guided the BTC Strategic Plan 2010
Vision Strategic Drivers Provide the best teacher education services for Bahraini educators, empowering them to effectively contribute to building a better future for all Bahrainis. Build an effective BTC governance system for managing its operations and monitoring the quality of its services Provide teacher preparation programmes of international standards. Provide best in-service programmes for existing teachers and school leaders Align BTC administrative support services to enable the BTC to achieve its mission and vision. Undertake research to contribute to educational policy and practice.

9 Hosted Gulf Comp Educ. Symposium March 2012
Which has resulted in this 2012 profile for the BTC Students Services faculty Blended Courses 11-12 12-13 Fnd. 1 8 BEd 19 69 PGDE 5 11 ELP PD Scholarship 08 09-10 11-12 12-13 Books 6 10 2 Chapters 5 4 E Journals Proceed. 1 Journals Conferences 12 39 Grant Proposals 15 BD28K 3 Curriculum Books 15 12+ 13+ Hosted Gulf Comp Educ. Symposium March 2012 Students 11-12 12-13 Found 91 188 BEd 518 608 PGDE 102 PD 694 1000 ELP 53 252 At Risk 11-12 12-13 Dismissed 14 Probation 15 F’s 197 5th Yr 9 Summer school 50 Student Engagement 11-12 12-13 Field Trips 6 Guest Speakers Newsletters 8 Special Events 12 Extra Curricular 4 Partnerships Workshops 2 programs Program Development Revised New Foundation * ELP MA (CPDL) Program Review BEd PGDE Practicum 11-12 Schools 60 Coop Teachers 364 Students 436 Supervisor 35 School visits 1094 Exemplary Schools 21 Fac.ultyEvals BTC Univ BEd PGDE S1 S2 Eval # 1415 30464 1550 24208 Overall 76.9% 79.11% 75.9% 79.9% Uni Top 100 4 582 5 570 Uni Bottom 100 9 10 Library 11-12 12-13 Books 1726 EJnls 1597 E-Books 2448 Jnls 36 Titles 9587 MOE PD PGDE 102 91,800 PD 694 20,820 ELP 53 31,800 ILP 161 19,320 Total hrs 163,740

10 In the mean time the QAAET reveals the stage of reforms to the Bahrain education system
(93) (60) (41) (7) 400 teachers 3432 teachers 5320 teachers 2300 teachers QAAET (2012) Accessed at:

11 Equally important for the BTC is the data on system wide human capital
Bahrain MoE (2012): Accessed at:

12 Soooo do we still need to ‘cultivate the soil before we plant the seed’?
Intake 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Programme/ Gender M F Total PD 4,803 3000 462 288 694 359 90,000hrs 13,860hrs 8,640hrs 20,820hrs 10,770hrs 144,090hrs ELP (Adv.Dip) 17 43 16 38 27 22 15 268 60 54 49 53 52 18,000hrs 16,200hrs 14,700hrs 15,900hrs 15,600hrs 80,400 hrs ELP (Dip.) 73 10,950hrs 10,950 Hrs ELP (Cert.) 161 212 12,720 12,720 Hrs TOTAL MOE PD hrs 108,000 hrs 30,060 hrs 23,340 hrs 36,720 hrs 50,040 hrs 248,160 hrs* These are total class contact hrs and does not include private study at the ratio of 1:1 which means the actual PD hrs undertaken by Bahrain teachers and school leaders could be as high as 496,320 hours

13 The question is do we need to revise our vision and mission and if so how?
Provide the best teacher education services for Bahraini educators, empowering them to effectively contribute to building a better future for all Bahrainis. To be a graduate institute of education with distinction in Bahrain and the Middle East To be a comprehensive college of education serving the needs of teachers and school leaders in Bahrain To be a college of education for initial teacher education and career long professional development

14 Will our mission change because our vision changes? If so…how?
Existing Mission The Bahrain Teachers College’s (BTC) mission is to support the government of the Kingdom of Bahrain in its efforts to build a first-rate educational system by improving the quality of teaching, research and service in the preparation of teachers, administrators, and other education professionals.

15 Where do we go from here? The process from now to June 30th 2013
BTC wide steering committee Dean, Associate Dean, Director QA and Strategic Planning, 2 faculty members and 1 student Vision Initiatives Initial Teacher Education Chair plus three faculty, one other Continuous Professional development Chair plus three faculty, one other Graduate Programs and Research Chair plus three faculty, one other Corporate Governance and Quality Chair plus three, one other Learning and Information Management Chair Chair plus two faculty and 1 staff Student Academic and Extended Services Chair plus two faculty, 1 staff, 1 student Local, Regional and International Partnerships Chair plus one faculty , one admin, one staff Core Values Accountability Diversity Respect Social Responsibility Mission Leadership Development? Lifelong learning? Student Achievement?

16 Organization Structure – 2013-16
Academic Program Management Academic Groups Management Support Academic Services Support Administrative Services University of Bahrain جامعة البحرين Ministry of Education وزارة التربية والتعليم BTC Governing Council مجلس إدارة كلية البحرين للمعلمين Dean العميد Director of QA and Strategic Planning رئيس ضمان الجودة والتخطيط الاستراتيجي Associate Dean Academic Affairs العميد المشارك للشؤون الأكاديمية Associate Dean Programs العميد المشارك للبرامج Director Corporate & Finance مدير الشؤون الإدارية والمالية Program Management إدارة البرامج Head of Initial Teacher Education رئيس قسم برامج إعداد المعلمين Head of Professional Development رئيس قسم التطوير المهني والقيادة التربوية Head of Postgraduate studies & Research رئيس قسم الدراسات العليا والبحوث Human Resources Head رئيس شعبة الموارد البشرية Finance Head رئيس شعبة المالية Director Student & Academic Services مدير الخدمات الأكاديمية والطلابية Director Learning & Info Mngmt. مدير مصادر التعلم وتقنية المعلومات Director Teaching Practice مديرالتربية العملية Program coordinator Professional Development منسق برامج التطوير المهني Coordinator Postgraduate Studies Programmes منسق برامج الدراسات العليا Marketing and PR Head رئيس شعبة التسويق والعلاقات العامة Foundation Program Coordinator منسق البرنامج التمهيدي Program coordinator Educational Leadership منسق برامج القيادة التربوية Coordinator of Research & Partnerships منسق البحوث والتعاون الخارجي Student Info. Section Head رئيس شعبة المعلومات والسجلات الطلابية Library Section Head رئيس شعبة المكتبة Assets & General Admin Head رئيس شعبة الموجودات والخدمات العامة B.Ed. Programs Coordinator منسق برامج بكالوريوس التربية Extended Services Section Head رئيس شعبة الخدمات الطلابية E-Learning Learning Section Head رئيس شعبة التعلم الالكتروني Information Technology Head رئيس شعبة تقنية المعلومات PGDE Program Coordinator منسق برامج الدبلوم العالي في التربية Academic Advising & Counseling Section Head رئيس شعبة الإرشاد Curriculum Resources Section Head رئيس شعبة مصادر التعلم Academic Groups الأقسام الأكاديمية Centre for Scholarship of Teaching & Learning مركز دراسات التعليم والتعلم Academic Head Arabic & Islamic Studies رئيس قسم اللغة العربية والدراسات الإسلامية Academic Head English Language رئيس قسم اللغة الإنجليزية Academic Head Education Studies رئيس قسم الدراسات التربوية Academic Head Mathematics & Science رئيس قسم الرياضيات والعلوم Corporate Services الخدمات الإدارية Academic Head Curriculum Studies

17 Vision Provide the best teacher education services for Bahraini educators, empowering them to effectively contribute to building a better future for all Bahrainis. To be an internationally recognised teachers college serving the needs of teachers and school leaders and contributing to the generation of knowledge and the improvement of the quality of education.

18 Mission The Bahrain Teachers College’s (BTC) mission is to support the government of the Kingdom of Bahrain in its efforts to build a first-rate educational system by improving the quality of teaching, research and service in the preparation of teachers, administrators, and other education professionals. To help build a first rate educational systems for the Kingdom of Bahrain by improving the quality of school leadership and teacher education in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

19 We at the BTC value…. Existing Proposed
Respect for all persons irrespective of their gender, religion, colour, creed, or political views; Commitment to serving the Kingdom of Bahrain specifically, and humanity in general; Humility and respect for the views of others; and Professional conduct and behaviour Diversity. Including people of all races, creeds, ethnicity, gender, physical ability and socioeconomic groups Quality instruction for our students and the integrity of our academic programs The pursuit of knowledge, the respectful exchange of ideas, academic freedom and integrity. Engagement with our local community and embrace intercultural and global views. We value and expect high standards of ethical and professional behaviour among our students, faculty and staff A college culture respectful and appreciative of all members of our community

20 BTC Strategic drivers The Proposed ( revised) Five Drivers of the Revised BTC Strategic Plan – Existing Five Drivers of the BTC Strategic Plan Governance and administration Build an effective BTC governance system for managing its operations and monitoring the quality of its services ITE Provide teacher preparation programmes of international standards. CPD Provide best in-service programmes for existing teachers and school leaders Corporate Align BTC administrative support services to enable the BTC to achieve its mission and vision. R and D Undertake research to contribute to educational policy and practice Strategic Objective 1: Governance and administration Build an effective governance system to determine and oversee the strategy and policy implementation  at BTC; and align the administrative support services to facilitate the realisation and the quality assurance of  its mission and vision. Strategic Objective 2: Initial Teacher Education Provide appropriate, high-quality teacher preparation programmes, at both undergraduate and postgraduate, levels to  meet the needs of the Kingdom of Bahrain and ensure that these programmes are aligned with international standards. Strategic objective 3 Professional Development Implement a coherent programme of continuous professional\ development  for existing teachers and school leaders that meets the needs of individuals’career progression goals and the Ministry of Education’s needs. Strategic Objective 4: ICT Develop and disseminate expertise in the integration of information technology systems within pedagogy, administration, planning and policy-making both at BTC and in the wider education community in Bahrain. Strategic Objective 5: R and D Undertake research projects that are prioritised in line with the objectives and aspirations of  the relevant government and non- government department and agencies eg. Ministry of Education, Economic Development Board, Tamkeen, National Authority for Qualifications and Quality Assurance in Education and Training.

21 Suggestion…? Build an effective governance system to determine and oversee the strategy and policy implementation  at BTC; and align the administrative support services to facilitate the realisation and the quality assurance of  its mission and vision. Provide appropriate, high-quality teacher preparation programmes, at both undergraduate and postgraduate, levels to  meet the needs of the Kingdom of Bahrain and ensure that these programmes are aligned with international standards. Implement a coherent programme of continuous professional\ development  for existing teachers and school leaders that meets the needs of individuals’ career progression goals and the Ministry of Education’s needs. Develop and disseminate expertise in the integration of information technology systems within pedagogy, administration, planning and policy-making both at BTC and in the wider education community in Bahrain. Undertake research projects that are prioritised in line with the objectives and aspirations of  the relevant government and non- government department and agencies eg. Ministry of Education, Economic Development Board, Tamkeen, National Authority for Qualifications and Quality Assurance in Education and Training. Recruit and develop high quality undergraduate students to ensure sustainable student achievement in Bahrains schools Recruit and educate high quality post graduate teachers and school leaders to advanced post graduate education courses and programs to ensure sustainable education reforms Strengthen our capacity and productivity in research, scholarship and creative activity in line with MOE Bahrain’s education reform needs Promote local, regional and global partnerships that will enhance our ability to meet the needs of education in Bahrain Attract recruit and retain high quality diverse faculty and staff to meet the needs of the BTC and fulfill the mission of the college. Improve the BTC resource base to achieve college mission and vision to support the education reforms and student achievement in Bahrain

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