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1 Healthcare Services for Prisoners– Transfer of Responsibility in Finland
MULTILATERAL MEETING ORGANISATION AND MANAGEMENT OF PRISON HEALTH CARE Strasbourg, October 2017 Jaana Leipälä, MD, PhD, Adjunct Professor Deputy Director, Health Care Services for Prisoners National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL)

2 Presentation outline Government Institutions involved in the transfer of Prison Health Services in Finland Transfer Project Current State

3 Relevant government institutions before and after the transfer
2016 onwards: Previously: PHS PHS

4 National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL)
research&development institute operating under the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health official functions based in law focusing social care and public health


6 Transfer project

7 PHS Transfer Project Timeline
Preparation project for transfer Ministerial WG #1 New PHS director appointed Transfer project TEAM Parliament financing decision PHS transfer finalized PHS Board Transfer discussions Initial preparations 2006 2010 2013 June 2014 Feb 2015 May June Dec Feb 2016 Apr 2016 Individual Prison health units grouped under CSA CSA re- arrangements Ministerial WG #2 General PHS staff info New PHS law approved by Parliament Development work Report on prison health care

8 Report on prison health care
/ Report on prison health care (commissioned by the Ministry of Socials Affairs and Health) (available only in Finnish, sorry…) Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön raportteja ja muistioita 2014:12 Matti Suistomaa Selvitys VANKITERVEYDENHUOLLOSTA SOSIAALI- JA TERVEYSMINISTERIÖ Helsinki 2014

9 Key Principles of the Transfer
Health services for prisoners provided by the existing staff in the existing locations. No changes made for the terms of labour of the staff. Prison health services (PHS) organised as an independent legal entity performance managed by the National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), the Department for Government Services. Administrative services for PHS provided by THL. Esityksen nimi / Tekijä

10 Legal Framework Legal work led and managed by the Min. of Social Affairs and Health The law of organising prison health services approved by the Parliament Dec 31, 2015 Act on the Unit for Prison Health Services approved by the Parliament Dec 31, 2015 Act on Prison Health Services’ charges, approved by the Parliament Dec 31, 2015

11 Coordination of the transfer
Coordination and Cooperation Group led by the Min. of S&H Operational Group led by the National Institute for Health and Welfare The THL Coordination Group The THL Transfer Team 6/2015 ─3/2016 Over THL 30 staff members took part in the transfer The transfer had its own budget The transfer project had its extranet & ”intranet” pages

12 Organisation of Prison Health Services
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health Ministry of Justice National Institute for Health and Welfare Criminal Sanctions Agency Performance management Admin. services Academia & Research Prison Health Services Unit Board Prison Health Services Social Services Public Hospitals PHS Staff NGO sector

13 Co-operation agreement
Criminal Sanctions Agency (CSA) & National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) signed a formal contract on partnership in May 2016 The contract contains: Principles of collaboration Annual meetings between Director Generals Regular operational and formal meetings between CSA & THL & The Unit for Prisoners’ Health Services Appointed members from all organisations Detailed responsibilities listed –some modifications still in progress Mutual development activities on-going and plans in process

14 Lessons learned from the Transfer Project
Final report (available only in Finnish, sorry…) ”The devil lies in the details”: budget figures were not detailed enough > difficulties for budgeting 2016 & 2017 ICT operational environment in the prisons > difficulties to separate and thus provide the health staff proper ICT environment > special arrangements needed some operational hick-ups in the previous administration brought into daylight > tender & contracting procedures re-established E-health possibilites unused > catching up work started

15 Overview/Jaana Leipälä
Current state Overview/Jaana Leipälä

16 Prisoners in Finland in 2016
Type of prisoner Average daily number Sentenced prisoners 2478 Fine default prisoners 57 Remand prisoners 585 Total 3120 Female 229 Foreign 537

17 Health Care Services for Prisoners in a nutshell
Annual budget ca 17 million € (real estate & security costs not included) Staff: ca 200 person-years (py) National executive functions unit 3 py 27 prison outpatient clinics: ca annual patient visits Oral health care at 12 locations: 6000─7000 annual visits Somatic inpatient care : 40 beds (specialized inpatient care purchased from public hospital districts) Two units for psychiatric care: 55 beds in total National medicine center serving all functional units Goal: To provide high quality health services for all prisoners in all prisons in timely manner Treatment follows national guidelines

18 Prisoners’ health in figures
Health much worse than that of average population; female prisoners even in worse shape Average life expectancy only 47 years (average for Finnish men 78 years, women 84 years) Most common diagnoses are alcohol and substance abuse, mental health problems, hepatitis 90% lifetime substance abuse disorder 70% mental health problem 50% chronic somatic disorder 50% positive Hepatitis C antibodies Psychotic disorders among prisoners have increased 10-fold in (Jüriloo ym. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry 2017) Jaana Leipälä

19 Up-coming future developments
WATTU IV: Comprehensive Prisoner´s Health Study Previous studies in 1985 ,1992, 2006 WATTU IV kick off meeting October 18, 2017 Strategic Development Programme Jaana Leipälä

20 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Merja Mikkola Antti-Jussi Ämmälä, MD
Development Manager National Institute for Health and Welfare Antti-Jussi Ämmälä, MD Director Health Care Services for Prisoners National Institute for Health and Welfare

21 Prisoners’ Health Care in Finland - Study Tour Programme
Programme consisting of two consecutive days: Day 1: Finnish Health Care System, Transfer of the Prisoners’ Health Care from the Ministry of Justice to the Ministry of Social and Health Care, Infectious Diseases, Mental Health, Treatment for drug addiction (programme can also be custom-made, tailored) Day 2: Prison visit, Presentations of the Criminal Sanctions Agency Contact persons:

22 Thank You! Jaana Leipälä


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