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Playful Curiosity and Open-mindedness in the Preschool Years: An Examination of Parenting and Gender Stereotyped Play and their Effects on Creativity Nicole.

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Presentation on theme: "Playful Curiosity and Open-mindedness in the Preschool Years: An Examination of Parenting and Gender Stereotyped Play and their Effects on Creativity Nicole."— Presentation transcript:

1 Playful Curiosity and Open-mindedness in the Preschool Years: An Examination of Parenting and Gender Stereotyped Play and their Effects on Creativity Nicole Norton

2 An overview… play is a vehicle for learning in early childhood (Garaigordobil & Berreuco, 2011) parents and parenting styles influence children’s play (e.g., Baumrind, 1966; Fearon, Copeland, & Saxon, 2013; Kane, 2006; Querido, Warner, & Eyberg, 2002) supporting gender-bias-free attitudes in play during the early years opens a child’s mind to creativity (e.g., Freeman, 2007, Kim, 2016, Wood, Desmarais, & Gugula, 2002).

3 Framed in Sun and Space Creativity is not reserved for a select few!
Rather it is… stimulated by playful experiences (Garaigordobil & Berreuco, ; Kim, 2016; Moller, 2015) and nurtured by the openness of the family (e.g., Fearon, Copeland, & Saxon, 2013; Kane, 2006; Kim, 2016)

4 Play stimulants creativity Allowing children To scaffold existing knowledge, increase instances of problem-solving, open-mindedness, and inquisitiveness (e.g., Garaigordobil & Berreuco, 2011; Moller, 2015).

5 Parental & Familial Influence
Parents play a key role in fostering a child’s creative ability (Fearon, Copeland, & Saxon, 2013; Kim, 2016; Raina, M. K., 1975) and push upon the child societal standards (Lawrence, 1999). Parental openness to creativity and nonconformity to societal gender roles has the potential to positively impact a child’s creative ability (e.g., Freeman, 2007; Kane, 2006; Lawrence, 1999, Runco, & Albert, 2005; Wood, Desmarais, & Gugula, 2002).

6 Parental & Familial Influence Continued…
Gender stereotyping of toys has been found to occur for children of all ages. Parents are the first exposure children have to such stereotypes, and present children with ideas of what is and is not appropriate for their given gender, greatly influencing a child’s stereotypical thoughts and inadvertently stifling their creativity (Campenni, 1999; Freeman, 2007).

7 Parenting Styles influence Creativity
3 main styles *Authoritarian Permissive Authoritative

8 Mixed Messages & Double Standards
Wavering between blended genders and reinforced gender stereotypes, sends children mixed messages. Mothers and fathers are more accepting and encouraging of nonconformity in their daughters. Acknowledge a son’s interest in domestic play but less accepting of the child’s behavior when dress-up, dancing, and playing with a Barbie-like doll (Kane, 2006).

9 Effects on young Children
Infants possessed the ability to classify adult male and female faces by nine months (Fagot and Leinbach, 1993) Possess an ability to gender label between 30 and 36 months Four-year-olds are aware of gender roles, and possess an implicit knowledge of masculine and feminine traits (Fagot & Leinbach, 1993) Lower instances of gender-typed play occurred in females than male (e.g., Kane, 2006; Pitcher & Schultz, 1985; Pulaski, 1973; Stagnitti, Rodger, & Clarke, 1997, Wood, Desmarais, & Gugula, 2002)

10 The Good News Boys and girls are both crossing the lines of play with traditionally gender stereotyped toys more often than in the past (Stagnitti, Rodger, & Clarke, 1997) The neutral category as it relates to the play of young children and toy selection is growing (Wood, Desmarais, & Gugula, ). An openness of children to focus on their interests rather than societal stereotypes is supported.

11 Conclusions Play is the most natural form of cognitive and social development Parenting influences play, thereby influences creativity Parenting which supports gender neutral play transforms our current playful, curious, open-minded preschoolers into individuals capable of innovating change (e.g., Freeman, 2007; Kim, 2016; Peters, 2004).

12 Why does it matter? The creativity crisis can be adverted.
Parents hold the key. Disbanding societal gender stereotypes in something as simple as play in early childhood sets the stage for the cultivation of skills and attitudes associated with creative individuals and necessary for higher level, innovative thinking (ION thinking).

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